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About Theak

  • Birthday 01/31/1989

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  1. so for this team speak no special character business, i was gonna try getting on but it wont let me .. i changed my damn name to conform the stupid restriction and i still can't get in.
    why should i have to change something to be able to join, i wonder how many new players cant even get in because of that. i have to reset 4 other teamspeak channels for this one... might just say feck it this time i dont really need it but its just one more frustrating thing that is unnecessary. why isolate the teamspeak like this...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Theak


      it was mr. theak

      i changed it to theak and it says im still permed for special character.... why would you blame the symbols... is the ban button broken thats like coping-out blaming the gun.... thats sad and lazy work guys.... idk... i had 2 friends from a group DT i play with try to join and they couldnt and immidately responded with what a junk system. you just put that distast in 2 players gaming experiance and they didnt even manage to get on the server..... that should say volumes for some kid trying to join after playing and in need of help. 

      I took the . out for mr theak i changed it to just theak
      it says theak in the other ts servers.  

      maybe someone just permed me and left it that way.. i did change it before and i got on. but i had to change it back for other stuff i was doing. as would anyone else that does mutil server stuff. 

      i had to change it in different channels because of permiossions and other stuff for other places i play and now that shits messed up... why would anyone want to change their shit around just to get on ts.    

      i never understood why the trolls were allowed to run the server and dictate what is allow and what isnt. 

      get some balls guys.

      otherwise you guys do great. 

      any other advice beside changing my name would be appreciated.

      its still set to theak so ill try again later

      but if it doesnt work im just done with the ts for olympus ... 

    3. -dante-


      PM nexttime youre trying

    4. Theak


      will do thanks, and this ... shitty attiude toword the server isnt on purpous guys i promise, it just seems like its been building up and things are more frustrating than they need to be. ive been around to see alot change. alot of good but its really its emberrising when i go to show a group of 20 to 30 people the game and they cant even see the teamspeak the innital intro to the life mod making them say feck it and not even give it a chance.


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