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  1. Theak

    Taxi Lic.

    Wow thank you for the information @Marty, I will look at that now. I didnt see the option to buy let alone change the skin color. @Tron The way i look at it isn't to make money, but to help the community. While yes your accurate and funny depiction is a high risk look at a taxi's job, none the less is another risk in the game. Weather your drug running, dimmond mining or just simply fishing there is always that lingering risk of... what if that @$$ hat(#Gang) is going to fly over and ruin my day. Terrorisom is real and fear controls the weak. Its a natural law that just ... is. You learn who to help and who to avoid. My goal is to help out when someone is having a rough go at it. Maybe arma decides it needs more steal in its diet and bam your brand new uninsured suv full of hopes and dreams is now on fire -.-. Frustration is a game killer and Arma can be frustrating on a good day. Like you said it yourself, you never played Taxi again ruining an entire part of the game for you. A part of the game that helps to assist others further isolating players. Sure you have the stardard scat players who prey on the weak and steal from the poor, im mean... we have all done it but what we dont have much of are players that go out of their way to accually help the Olympous server grow and prosper. You can fish in a barrel and eat like a king, or feed the fish and build an empire. The more you rob and piss everyone off the less they will want to play, lend a hand and make it an enjoyable game for all. OutLaw Transportation will be an indepently contracted service for the moment. Personally i like my little purple bird, Lucy I better. Arma Karma is real! Mr.Theak Over and Out
  2. Just curious, When you get a taxi lic is all you get a new garage spawn location? Or do you load in like you would a medic. I didnt know if there was a mecanic for feature or not. It would be cool like a medic to see where to pick people up. Naturally I like to help people out flying my Orcha or my purple hummingbird "Lucy I". Until I get my ol' job back as a medic you can find me in the skys acting like a Heathen. Its been awhile and i can't wait to get back into it. OutLaw Transportation can get the job done. Taxi Ride: 10k Cargo Transportation Air/Land: Ask for Pricing/Percentage. Repair/First Aid: 5k Mis.(food,water, ((ammo lockpicks etc...)): Pricing May Vary Corddinated Runs, Strike Team, Evac, Tac Insert, Air Insert... etc: Price Available Upon Request Now if your in a pinch and im messing around, ill prob help you out for free. In the name of Olympus, I wish you the best of luck. Mr. Theak Over and Out
  3. Some of you know me, Some of you know of me, well I'm back again. Man I missed it. Apart from some, roughly roleplayed deaths I didn't agree with I had a blast. Arma is as Arma does. Arma Karma is real! Looking forward to seeing how MC has evolved or devolved. I remember what this beautiful world was, last employed as a part medic, full time heli-heathen ;), lets see what it has become and how it can be made better. See you guys around, look up Mr. Theak [ MC ] Theak Over and Out
  4. Theak


    Hey its been a weird year. Healing for a back injury so i haven't gotten on in awhile. I plan on playing alot getting back on the r&r and maybe try out for the apd. Might tinker with a side server project but i really like these servers and most of the people in them. Sometimes the game can get heated, but remember its all for fun. Well i will see you guys out there.
  5. Hello, I will be playing more often now. I see alot has changed since i took off. Well as a general update my crohns disease is better but currently my back is broken. Long story short got plowed by a 16 yr old girl lol pervs. She (16yr) hit me in the drivers door going around 100mph trying to cross a 4 lane highway... So, Here i am. I plan on applying for medic again since i liked doing that before and helping people when i could. I might also go for apd, because i never did try it out, got close though. Well done for tonight i am getting the hang of it again quite nicely. See you guys around. Theak
  6. I just tried again, same issues. many witnesses to the arma bugs i was experiencing. Group of guys tried robing me, couldn't take my gear. i couldn't flip a vehicle that spawned upside down, and now a new bug for me... when i die or respawn or even log out reload the game and log back in i can pick the location to spawn, sometimes with the gear i had on previously. odd. will be messaging the admins to make them fully aware so i dont get a weird ban.
  7. I figured I'd ask the people if they were experancing any similar issues like me. When i loaded in i had 0 gear, no map, gps, nothing... ok no biggie what ever ill just buy new gear. Go to my garage, windows key doesnt work. After 5 mins of me trying to figure it out i start walking and boom my garage inventory pops up. so i spawn a vehical and walk back to find my car upside down. takes another 2 minutes to get it to go back and store. Finally get to a place to buy gear and what do you know its bugged too. I buy gear and it doesnt appear right away so i figure maybe its just delayed so i wait. open inventory and i knotice some of it has spawned. ok cool maybe it will just take a min. pull out gun and wait. then a guy walks though the door at rebel so i pull the trigger and ... nothing happens... i have 1 of the 5 clips i bought and its reloaded but nothing. after he strolls in he looks at me finally and then kills me... great. there goes 100k load out and a chopper (guy odviously would chop it) (side note tells me 300k and i can have it back... um dude it cost less than that to insure it and your lucky the game was glitched or ya woulda been dead). ... anyway then i respawn and i have 2 bacon on me wtf?! ok try to buy gear at athira and it buggs out.... switching my cloths i just bought back and forworth from civ to the clothes i bought.... The point of this rant is to see if anyone else is having any issues. As i dont record i dought i will be getting comped for any of it and as i have learned screen shots dont count (understanably). Sucks that im out around 400k, which isnt that big of a deal but its the point. Any ETA on how long this will take to get fixed. I finally have time to play and now i can't go fig. Hopefully this wont effect the speratic population. I will reattempt to play agian in an hour or 2. Thanks for the positive community input. Theak
  8. Anyone else having issues since the 1.4 update. The game is unplayable now mp. I've tried alot of things to try fixing this but im stuck at 5-10 fps instaid of 30-50 before the update

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Abuelo


      Clemenza, that sounds like you may have a cooling issue. What are your temps hitting?

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      GPUs never go over 68C and CPU never goes over 72C. I've never had this problem before. There isn't any dust in any of the heatsinks or any of my case fans. I am using an Intel Core i5 4670K and two EVGA SC GTX 760s w/ACX Cooling. This problem manifested after the update. I don't experience this problem in any other game either.

    4. dannyfrog87


      ok so you could try this right click arma 3 in steam open launcher click parameters and add this -malloc=system also this helped me http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/22209-for-anyone-who-experiences-arma-3-crashes-the-solutions-are-here/ then verify integrity of cache after my game rarely in fact hasnt crashed only after exiting once in a while lol. take a look and good luck

  9. i hope i can get on today. they have been full solid. is there a way to tell then they do there regular restart.
  10. What up, Played with you the other day when kavala was under attack. you seem like a good player with a good attitude. Maybe ill see you on. Later, Theak
  11. Theak

    Theak here

    Whats up Names Theak and Ive been learning alot. Im a noob by far but getting the hang of things. I usually play on server 2 but get on 1 from time to time. Ima friendly player and help out when i can. I like passing along info that i have learned. Im a an ok piolt and usualy can be found near athina or the airfield. Need a lift send me a text. Any advice or tips would be great. If i see a newbee like myself and have some extra cash or vehical i tend to lend a hand. well see you guys on. Theak
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