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Tiggy B

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Everything posted by Tiggy B

  1. This guy Deserves to be Head Admin <3

    Image result for man licking a lollipop

    1. Talindor


      Gary is head admin tho.

  2. Happy Birthday Grandma Gary Love you and will see you soon :D

  3. play on 55 fov with very small interface or like rusty said buy hacks
  4. Had fun as well
  5. this guy is one of the best support members around  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tiggy B

      Tiggy B

      he's always in the support helping people makes me want to stop breaking rules and turn to good :P

    3. Rusty


      2 hours ago, 64BiT said:

      he's always in the support helping people makes me want to stop breaking rules and turn to good :P

      Thats what u gotta do to get mod

    4. Tiggy B

      Tiggy B

      If I get Mod and chief of police I will cut this bullshit that's been Going on Starting with


  6. 76561198203109908
  7. I understand my punishment and I will have no choice but to wait is that only thing that I have left and even if it's 14 days I'll never forget Olympus this will always be my favorite server. Down to the people I fight in cartel to the people I do drugs run with. I may have made a stupid mistake that jeopardize my gang by losing another player but this a just a wake up call telling me to change my ways around but goodbyes are not forever goodbyes are not the end they simply mean I'll miss you until we meet again remember. I hope I left a footprint in your hearts because I'm going to miss you all dearly while I'm gone. 8/14/15 Long Live Spartan...
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