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Senior SWAT
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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. HELL NAH this is like a 3mil minimum.
  2. ahahahahah I feel you dude , Outlast 2 coming out soon
  3. King himself The Savage!!! give him Chief of Police already
  4. 76561198024574970
  5. Hes legit. Dont see why
  6. add me on steam , im in ts with him , he said its good
  7. Bigpat Ill buy it for 8 mill with garage
  8. Hey , Im going on vacation , so it would be cool to still have my apd rank. Have fun killing boys
  9. ask badaim or Ninja they might be interested
  10. msg me on steam
  11. Yo dude long time no see , Haven't seen you on since I came back , What  you up to?


    1. badaim


      Didn't really play until a couple days ago but have just been chilling wbu ?

    2. HyperGoat


      Yeah took a break , Joined a Csgo team ,  we lost our playoffs and now I came back :D 

  12. Its Just In : Gucci Mane espaped jail !!!

    1. D3V1L


      just rumors

  13. Hey come see my stream : twitch.tv/Hyp3rGo4t Come see me play mostly arma 3 Altis Life , CSGO and League of Legends all thought when I get bored of those games I will mostly play random games ! Friendly and Chatty Streamer !!
  14. You can't just stop robbing people , Its Altis Life and if they leave its there fault cause they don't realise how its RP
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