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  1. Seems this flame war is dying down what other post can I enjoy for my entertainment?
  2. So what was the ban for? I just read 4 pages of flame war and I'm lost.
  3. Returning after 3+ years servers have better performance than the old days. Crazy to see no familiar gangs, figured DB would last forever. I'm coming back to bring good rp I'm not interested in massive gang wars we did that for the better half of a decade. I want to give olympus the entertaining role play I remember from the hay days. Had a good run with 10k and my buddies we role played with then and they did us well glad to see they rp. Same with some of the APD we were able to role play our charges I remember when that was impossible. I'm grateful things have matured well and look forward to being entertaining and providing content.
  4. you where a good staff member I'm sorry to see you go. I salute you o7
  5. don't worry i'll be here next week to cause enough havoc on the forums that you have to say something to your community . this is like parents who cannot talk to their kids about shit. your community wants to know that you guys are still alive this is not a fucking nuclear launch code you are making give the community something cause only the die hard supporters are going to stay you are going to loose the rest if you think everyone will wait a 6 months to a year in the dark. sadly it takes a lunatic like me to get you guys to talk to them I hardly even play Olympus any more at this point . I may have been wrong about the monetary issue , but from what everyone else has seen this new update did not happened till this tonic/bohemia revision. so talk to you community cause you don't know what you got till its gone , every rose has its thorns and every night has its dawn .
  6. What is also true is that you allegiance lied with bourbon during my anti bourbon campaign . Also true is that you lied to me and what else is true is that I destroyed your gang because of that and poached all of m's members back. Real niggas say true
  7. @ bubaloo you are a very level headed person and very unbiased , there is a reason for all this the community needs to wake up and push back a little to keep the community Alive . I know I'm a very aggressive person but it's how I am. Ok class let's open our history books to page 267 the chapter tonic ( aka the creator of altis life ) so he contacted bohemia ( the makers of arma ) about servers charging for his mod all of his scripts have his signature and supposedly he has rights to the mod. Nowall servers running altis life only have to give a cut to tonic to continue charging for ( house storage and other Shit ) instead of doing that like most servers did he neglected all bugs, content , suggestions and many things to make his own version of altis life. Now that being said he only decided to make this " New version " once bohemia put the brakes on donations. As a result of this he has neglected his community for months and basicly disappeared like the dayz SA devs. If he has changed the mod enough to gain rights or at least dodge tonics wrath he will charge for storage again . ( I hope he proves me wrong but I doubt it) . In the end he only started this New version due to tonic and bohemia.
  8. Lol yea better not challenge the server you might loose you rank. Why would you worry about any of this all you do is play cop. Free loadouts all day you are basically playing Koth while the rest of the server is playing dayz. Also your ignorance is immaculate for if you understood code you would know that only negligence is to blame for a he Zero fucks given by Poseidon on these easy and quick fixes. If donator storage ==1; all he has to do is storage ==1 . He is hangrey for donations otherwise storage would have been public.
  9. It seems you took a metaphor too serious instead of the 3 or 4 issues I'm talking about . what is your solution to these problems and they are 1 . house storage ( Poseidon does not want to make it public . Why you ask well where is the incentive to throw money at the server. My opinion a man is only as good as his word and he backed out on his word.) 2. Bugs aka wongs and a few others ( again any simpleton that can read can fix an sql file ) 3. Zero community involvement and zero involvement of Poseidon him self with his community aka status updates ,events , more staff and revisions to rules and the server. How about you work on these issues instead of sucking dick to rank up on cop. @ Brody
  10. ehh olmypus only has 2 servers you can thank Hades for that.
  11. Asylum did this already it was called 6. 0 and veteran players where not happy at all with the new version. Not getting community input on this update is a bad idea either people will like it and things will be ok , or Olympus will loose it population faster then Ethiopia. Also house storage is as simple as ( this is an example I'll get the sql and literal show you how later today) if donator storage == 1 you just cut out donator storage == 1. As for wongs aka turtle dealer I will post that script later with a fix . This Shit is not hard but I guess caring is.
  12. hence why you are playing on asylum with 3 rip at least till he got permed for hacking there @‌ babooshka . @‌ alabaster hopefully Poseidon's new update is as good as he says it will be even so no matter what it does not make up for the lack of development on the server and lack of fucks he seems to give on simple bugs that anyone including my self could fix in 30 minutes. but hey since donations stopped pouring in fuck the server right.
  13. honey is the most arrogant person I have ever met on the interwebs he needs to jerk off or smoke some weed or something.
  14. yes i do but I do not care to fight with you and mc about hades that ship has sailed and is done with. there are some serious issue at hand and if you want to have high school drama I'm going to ignore you like a chick who loves drama. now you could be a part of the solution not the problem and work with the community and not instigate a flame war on this kids thread.
  15. No not really I'm just not wasting my time on you and you is madd kekekekek I yea how does it feel to not have a chance to defend your self it's what Hades did to hundreds of people
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