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Everything posted by Ham

  1. If one more person runs in the road and kills me because I "hit him on purpose" I'm gonna cut myself.

    1. JoeL


      Paper cuts on the tongue or? 

    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      I just saw an orca chasing a tempest device, i pulled over on the right side of the road, the tempest rams me and kills me...

  2. #YouDidn'tGetMentioned <3 #Didn'tReadPost No, I'm the real Ham <3
  3. Yeah, they have to wait til my next birthday @Fat Clemenza
  4. A video would've been better, but this is fine. It was really fun watching that kill feed roll. Seems like you guys no balls me though by turning on the sirens.
  5. Already found out it was the GPU after I told him to plug in his video cable to the mobo and not the GPU. Learn to do easier things.
  6. Okay But, it seems like things on this site are overpriced. I'm not sure if newegg ships to Hungary andI can't check rn. So if can find it that might be better.
  7. Shush, I don't understand any of the page tbh
  8. I don't understand any of this but it's a company in Hungary that sells and ships PC parts. Here is the graphics card section http://www.argep.hu/kat2-310.html
  9. Let me check.
  10. Well, prices might drop for some cards here soon because of the release of the new 1000 series from Nvidia, so if you want to wait til the 10th or a few days after that you might be able to get a better card IF the prices drop, but if you want to be safe and just get a card and continue playing faster, then I would get this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=14-487-088&cm_sp=CraveWorthyTech-_-0531-0606-_-14-487-088-_-NA But, it is like $30 over your price range, but it's better than getting a card that is the nearest to under it which is the 960.
  11. If you want to test the graphics card, take the graphics card out and hook the video cable from your monitor to your mobo and turn the PC on and see what the screen looks like.
  12. Ham

    To GaFSki

    Hey Ashton
  13. Banned by twitch, Rest in Pepperonis

  14. This is great <3
  15. Well, maybe you should just land.
  16. Don't hover over Poseidon's name, you may get some kind of AIDS.

    1. Brennan


      What the fuck is that wiggly shit?? o.0

  17. Happy Birthday Kevin <3 Now you're old enough for baderator. *Radio Sounds*

  18. Ham


  19. Ham

    New PC

    If you can, try upgrading the RAM. While 8 GB is good now for most games, ArmA can actually take quite a bit of memory anmd I've heard people say that when they upgraded their RAM, it gave them a boost in FPS.
  20. Status Updates are broken, but #FedotIsInnocent

    1. Fedot



    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Fed00t is too busy crashing his quadcopters to fix his broken shit.

    3. Ham
  21. Rest in pepperonis* Looks like he discovered super jumping.
  22. -2 +3
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