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Everything posted by jbox88

  1. Congrats Gidgit! Try to not fall out of the hele when you're flying drunk!
  2. I've been trying this, and it has been working out fairly well thus far. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Sir - are you aware that you're double parked? Yeah, we're going to have to ask you to move your vehicle meow....*sips coffee*
  4. If I understand correctly, you setup a 15min recording interval and it converts every 15 min? Thats an interesting one, what solutIon? Or are you using a buffer?
  5. I'm curious to hear how often other players are recording in game given the 5 minute prerequisite for player reporting. I'm assuming most just constantly keep fraps/shadow play going during any active time on the server.
  6. As a new deputy, I have to admit, its really difficult to keep everything in line. But I assure you, we're watched over quite closely and have very strict guidelines we must follow. One of those are to not simply walk or run over, shouting a player's name. However, sometimes it slips, everyone makes mistakes, The best thing you can do is continue RPing, even go as far to say "who? I'm Jose Martinez", they should hopefully catch on quickly of their mistake and move forward with the encounter properly. And again, if someone is really outline, try catching it on film, report it in a player report. Heck, even if you don't catch it on film, maybe a screenshot and report them anyways. If someone is reported enough times, even without solid evidence, I'm sure admins will speak with them or watch them closely. Just my opinion
  7. What!?!?! You have any idea how often I'm approached and sexually assaulted? Worst part, I'm 26 years of age, and the people most often doing it are likely on average somewhere between 13 and 16 year of age..... These are dark times
  8. I was thinking the same thing!
  9. Thanks again for all your help Skeeter! I made Deputy and in no small part due to your help with the practice interviews. If anyone is taking this serious, or as nervous as I was, I highly recommend reaching out to Travis or Skeeter! I've also been patrolling with Skeeter recently, definitely good as providing training!
  10. Anyone available to go through a few practice tests with me :)?? I'm on TS right now in the channel waiting, figured it would be a great time to just run through a few practice interviews!
  11. I honestly came in here thinking this would be about a civ you took hostage and made your pet or something.....I was legitimately surprised that this was actually about a pet haha. BUNNY!
  12. I've been on the server I believe for a little over a week now, not very long. There has been a lot of entertaining moments on the server, though today I've been encountering quite a few kids that just figured out they have a "penis" apparently :P. In any case, thanks for the warm welcome, wish I introduced myself sooner. But as I mentioned, I'm hoping to involve myself in a APD role and certainly be closer to the community. Figured being involved here just made sense :).
  13. Hi, In game I'm Jbox88, my real name is Dustin. I'm 26 years of age, work in the tech industry and consider myself an avid gamer. In game I've become fairly accustom to regulations of Atlis Life and enjoy meeting new people that do not simply hold me up. If you see me around, please feel free to suggest we form a group, I'm usually down for running just about anything :). If I'm holding you up and you recognize me, say a joke and that you know me, I'll probably respond with another joke and suggest we group! Best experience thus far was when I first started and asked for directions. The individual whom I do not recall the name unfortunately, provided perfect instructions, mentioned if I needed any further help to just ask and I said thank you. Upon completing our conversation he said, "Oh, and just to get you going on Atlis life, please drop hold up your hands and drop your clothes on the ground, you're being held up". cops of course saved me. But the fact that this happened 5 min on the server was pretty funny and memorable. On that note, just to be clear I've been on the server for sometime now, just felt I wanted to get an intro on the forum as I hope to become a respectable APD officer in the near future.
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