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Rake from asylum

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. only if my zaddy @spencer22 can come
  2. Lmao, you go out in public and show your face to strangers, its no different when its online. You dont have my real name so idk what to tell you Let me keep you appropriate on my good christian forum
  3. Ill face reveal idgaf im not some fat white trash bitch https://gyazo.com/7a46ce040e664f0334134d4bece2760f
  4. White trash relates
  5. idk 75k a piece idgaf
  6. Offer me a reasonable price Give quantity ( ill buy them ALL ) You move them to S3 ill pick them up I will also buy any pilot coveralls too
  7. Are you required to write in Vertical Gothic?
  8. SCI had like 3 lmao RIP that idea though
  9. Lmao im pretty sure he is the guy i tapped out of gunner with a protector
  10. Uhm idk ill give like 800k for the MK1 ill outbid almost anyone else
  11. MK1 price?
  12. @Hoonter deployed himself to tanoa by falling asleep in his boat so we had to disband the navy. riparoni
  13. Airplane mode activated lmao
  14. offer in PM's
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