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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. Reduce the tac vest to like 15k too
  2. 3rd addition to the Displinary Library!

  3. Once I figure out what it's for, I'll donate maybe
  4. Are you sure? You couldn't play Takistan without OA, atleast from what I remember
  5. Yes. Everything will stay
  6. No code, should just let you?
  7. I've been playing around on it, maybe I'll mark some places I think should be processers, cartels, fields, rebels etc I know that, just saying that you guys can go even more in depth now
  8. If you guys didn't know, if you bought the apex DLC early, you can actually go on the Dev Branch and use the map on editor. You cannot get any of the items, but you have full access to the map. Nows a good time for Dev to start planning Tanoa life (if it's coming)
  9. Say I'm in a TS with you. We're fighting another gang, and we don't have hexes so we don't know who is who. So, I see a guy, and I don't know if it's you, or the enemy gang. So I say vault or jump check. If you vault or jump, you heard me say vault or jump in the ts, so I know the unidentified person is you. If the unidentified person doesn't vault or jump, they didn't hear me say vault/jump check in the TS, so it can't be you.
  10. OH NO NO NO! Olympus went down in player count so much after the wipe, and it took a long time for it to become as it was before. btw, learn to jump check you mong
  11. Augustus


    a single period can do so much
  12. I guess I can agree. Really you only have a problem with vigis if you spawn at Kavala though, it's pretty rare to see one outside of the town, but there are exceptions
  13. Most vigis are just your average Kavala pistolbangers, so they aren't to hard too kill though
  14. Just thinking because it's non-lethal it's not required. Thanks.
  15. If vigis 3 to 1 you with a sting do you have to put your hands up?
  16. Shouldn't be that hard to make it so gang members can't be arrested by gang members.
  17. my gang members were killing the Vigi, not me. my mistake
  18. Oh my god! Mobundo was my fav sergeant
  19. Medics can be KOSed in cartels, but only cartels.
  20. "but mah arma sposed to be realistic"
  21. That is so fucking cool
  22. Once they make mods easier to download, hopefully upon joining the server, you guys should totally get mods on the server
  23. until you're able to download mods when you join a server (Not just through the launcher server browser, I'm talking about the actual game server browser) this won't happen, it is cool though.
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