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About ZF_Marbles

  • Birthday 06/19/1993

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  1. Yep. to see the thread with further information around this, including patch notes for 'Release Candidate 3'
  2. To be honest, I wouldn't see the issue with removing a suspect from a battle and returning him to the safety of Police HQ, where there is literally 0% chance of them being shot, whilst the other Officers on the scene attempt to neutralize the other suspects. If you want to get your guy back, and out of police custody, then go attack police HQ and halt processing. That being said, it would have to be reasonable to do so and the restrained person would have to be in the APD's direct control. It wouldn't be reasonable to see an officer doing the 100m sprint just to get the suspect under direct Police control and escort them to safety. Not being able to escort a suspect, in my opinion, is hugely one-sided towards Civs/Rebels. Police wouldn't just restrain someone and then leave them out in the open with lethal rounds flying around. APD should be allowed to do this under RP sense.
  3. In my opinion, I would never leave a restrained Civ in the line of fire. I would attempt to put him into the safety of a vehicle or well out of the way of the situation, if I felt it was in my ability to do this without causing death. If Civ 1 chooses to shoot at me, whilst I'm escorting Civ 2 to safety, then it is not on me where the shots land. Civ 1 has chosen to pull the trigger and take the risk of killing, the restrained, Civ 2. The responsibility of those rounds lie solely with Civ 1. As a Police Officer, I am trained to ensure the safety of an Altis Citizen before anything else. Even if that means sacrificing my own life to provide that.
  4. So, if you crouch in the shower, and aim the shower head facing up, then you get no runny poo water down your legs
  5. Wow.. I never thought I'd see that here!
  6. Bubz, why waste toilet paper when you can just wash it off with soap?! I thought most people did that?
  7. Sometimes, if I know i'm going in the shower straight after, I'll neglect the wipe and just wash it off in the shower.
  8. Just check out my TS picture, Bubz, that's me! I know this was bumped, but I like the idea of this and I want to get this going again!
  9. My rule of thumb - Never give anyone access to your account. Not even your mam.
  10. I wouldn't say this was a good idea. A Deputy needs to be able to show they know *some* rules before they're allowed to act as a Deputy. I think Payne's idea is best, find an Officer who you like and ask if you can shadow him. Ask questions, watch how they do things and learn. But don't expect to be given the position of Deputy without proving yourself.
  11. Hopefully he gets them all. You aren't wanted here.
  12. I'm posting this today because there's been quite a lot of bad press kicking about around the Admins lately, and my experience on the server last night. I've got to say, I'm actually quite happy with their activity. I was alone in Kavala last night on Server 1, playing Cop, and there was a decent bit of RDM going on. Then boosh, out of nowhere and without any warning, a wild Travis appears, swinging the ban hammer about like an absolute boss. it was a pleasant surprise. Alongside that, I see a lot of Staff members kicking about actually playing the game. Even though they're playing the game, this is actually pretty effective because they get to experience the rulebreakers first hand and can be dealt with instantly instead of going through the route of a ticket. So I wouldnt always assume it is a bad thing when they play as, in my experience of being admin elsewhere, I always had my admin hat on even when enjoying myself and fooling around. And finally, post by Poseidon just sums it all up. Even though the admins might not be present at all times, there are competent measures in place to ensure the best possible chance at catching the scum. It kinda puts things into perspective when you're the only Cop in Kavala with about 20/25 people running around and every two seconds someone is screaming your name, and I only had that for three hours. I cant imagine how it feels to have it 24/7. I guess I just wanted to say thanks. Marbles
  13. Meh, life is too short.
  14. I cant even begin to imagine what it must feel like to have this going on, I'll try to help out when I get paid. You and your family have my love <3
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