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APD Officer
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Everything posted by T3x4sSl4y3r1776

  1. Hope you come back soon! Luv ya bby. Your biggest supporter, Quintin
  2. Best Shot: Buffalo Bill Best Driver: Skim Milk Best Heli Pilot: TheRealKyle Best Officer: McDildo Best R&R: Joce Best Kavala Troll: Linka Best RP'r: Ghostface Most Tactical: Moob Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: LOVE STAYING UP LATE PLAYING WITH MY BUDS IN MC @MOOB&CO #MC Most Reliable: Kanger Most Dedicated Player: Ham Best CQC player: Alwayz Best Clutch plays: Gummygorilla MVP: Everyone that has made Olympus a great community <3
  3. Thankfully they took them out. It was dumb having people call RDM because they were lurking 50 meters outside the redzone and got domed.
  4. He moved it to the south west of cartel island on a peninsula. Its in a really strange spot for a cartel, the only cover is a few walls and a church. Personally it doesnt really seem like an interesting place to fight at, but maybe we will see some SDAR warriors like at the old heroin cartel.
  5. Rip Meth Cartel [*]
  6. no idea how much it was worth, i got rid of it all to make room for redgull. I live in Burlington
  7. a metric shitton of salt
  8. Anyone else getting this error on the stats page?  https://gyazo.com/40dd36cdeb0177d5d34d2ea4effd3849

    1. Talindor


      Means the page is being used or worked on, I'm sure this has something to do with the topic that was posted about it not calculating or something like that.

    2. Fedot


      cough cough Fixed cough Blame Gary

  9. Atleast you dont have to deal with Quinton, Quentin, the other Quentin and some guy with the same name Quintin. I already got a false 7 day rdm ban (resolved) because of one of them fuckers
  10. This may not be accurate, but from personal experience Arma and AMD CPUs don't mix well. My system is currently rocking a GTX 970 and an i7 4790k while my friend has a GTX 980 and a decent AMD CPU (not sure the exact model, but it is on the higher end). I can play Arma 3 on Olympus with almost max settings at 70 frames (50 in kavala) while he can barely grab 40 fps at any given time with all medium settings. Just doing a quick pricecheck, the i7 4790k is only about $80 more expensive than the FX 9590 here in the USA and is worth the grab. Take everything I have said with a grain of salt though because this is just from my friends and I's personal experience with Arma. *Make sure to check that intel CPUs are compatible with your motherboard if you decide to switch. Hope I could help
  11. You might own a factory or a restaurant, but I'm a professional gamer
  12. https://gyazo.com/80ac67d4e6dcd29827389e0340f64937
  13. Maybe make it so reviving someone with defibs is painfully slow? Like a 3 or so minute animation. That would get rid of the risk of having gangs just revive each other mid fight. Might be a stupid idea but just my opinoin
  14. Love staying up late with my budz killing copz @John Linka @Moob&Co #MC #Love

    1. Linka


      <3 Love you man! Can't wait for next time! 


    2. T3x4sSl4y3r1776
  15. You know you live in Vermont when a school survey asks for your "gender identity" with a fill in the blank box.

    1. Ham


      That's always in surveys :/ At least in mine.

  16. Ive got one on server 2 dp5. How much are you looking to spend on it?
  17. Are cop guns really worth something? Normally I just drop mine on the ground when my crates get full ;/
  18. How to enter the fed in style.  https://gyazo.com/f14d95ae5d5f4ac74cfa9900ad26d75d

    1. Poseidon


      And you actually survived from all that, impressive.

  19. Wow so blatant, how isnt this guy banned yet?
  20. arma 3
  21. No reason not too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. ur a weeny butthead. pls no ban for harassment
  24. CCCC: 7 DD20: 17 PB:177 Gang: Night Watch
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