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johnny goose

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johnny goose last won the day on December 21 2023

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About johnny goose

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    calliou on chemo
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    arma 3 twitch page looking for streamers to crash a plane into

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  1. Posting to get it off my chest. I did not lagswitch. The yellow chain happens all the time to everyone. Look at the date the video was uploaded. I had no clue that clip was going to be used against me. But with that i also couldn't of voiced over the "Why am i lagging?" part as at the time of uploading i had no clue the cops thought i was lagswitching. I have 0 hate towards the cops who did get me banned as i do see where they're coming from but i do believe the ban is completely undeserved. I also want to say i had NO clue i was banned because of lagswitching until 2 days ago when mcdili brought it to my attention. At this point I'm not making any attempts to get unbanned and doubt i will get unbanned any time soon since it seems all the evidence points to me lagswitching. Believe what you want but ask yourself "What would he gain from lagswitching some PO's?" I would gain literally nothing. Hell most of you know i dont fight cartels and when I do i get shit on what benefit would having a lagswitch gain me in that situation. Simply put I do not have a lagswitch ive never lagswitched on Olympus and if you want to say I did good for you. Oh yea btw the time i unplugged my Ethernet cable from my computer IN JAIL to act as a lagswitch just to fuck around in jail was a 1 time meme i never used it and plus with my current setup it wouldn't be logical to use that tactic...


    (Upload and download speeds)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      I never blamed it on my download or upload lol.

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      As stated believe what you want. I put the upload and download speed in case people wanted it...

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