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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Sounds like someone got vigied at a wz rebel i like you templar but listen man ur turning into anti 2.0
  2. Yea ill do 10k per if you buy 1000
  3. fe4588ea1d4826c667bac1c5f56f7796.png

    another anti post aging like milk

    1. proud


      like i say everytime i see her post, another day another crying post


    2. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      That’s what happens when someone suggests a change and gets it. Let’s them think they have a say. 

  4. im probably just dense but i really see no way anyones offered more then like 20k for the server tbh, maybe seeing the #'s on the backend would change my mind (assuming you showed those that offered) anyways when you want to sell the server to me for $1 you have my contact.
  5. @ Ryan your halfway there click that delete button you know you want to
  6. i was under the impression peter also got it for $0 but i rlly dont remember much from the time especially cus i wasn't close with many staff. Either way anyone saying anything over 20k is smoking meth.
  7. $0 has been the going price. But thats because its traded between people who are trusted by the EX owner. I dont think ryan would sell but the highest this server would be valued at realistically would be around 10 or 15k with how old arma 3 is & with a community of about 1000 active members i dont see anyone realistically offering more than 10 or 15k.
  8. that guys smoking alot of meth
  9. johnny goose


    Ill gladly screenshare and prove i own all of that havent played in almost 2 months and i couldnt be assed to sell shit even when i played lol. & just lyk im making profit on every thing that i have listed for sale. If your buying at the prices im selling to resell your getting ripped off.
  10. johnny goose


    If your paying more then 250k per mx your getting scammed just lyk.
  11. johnny goose


    50k stings for life
  12. johnny goose


    whose coming up with these prices
  13. its a 0 crater, it was available for a reason.
  14. @ Headless your gonna be hearing from my lawyer for banning me for 2 days

  15. tbf there was like 10-15 of us dome stratting when i did feds with silla lol
  16. POdDKZQ.jpg

    @ Ryan  asylum's 2 steps ahead in the monetization game.

  17. Listen im just saying i had some of the best roleplaying interactions when the news team was a thing.
  18. why would i lie about that lol? doubt you remember the situation but yes you got him banned cus he changed his name to "it wants comp" Ill even @ him & he'll tell you the same thing lmao @ jmcan
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