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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. the only women i take seriously are @ Skys & @ Lucien when they put the fishnets on
  2. i havent taken you seriously in years sov
  3. Can i get a tldr on the whole thread please
  4. You said planes plural, and im still not banned.
  5. since the november update is taking extra long can we add mines with the powerball and crash

    1. Rexo


      This is not stake.com

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      It could be though thats my point

  6. Let me sell swat ifrits on conquest please

    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      these piece of shit factions have the nerve to blacklist but not pay severance I have about 1.4 mil in my cop garage with no way to get it this server needs change

  7. Change flag poles on conquest to stripper poles and if your dancing on the pole you cap 2x as fast

    1. N9ne


      I will make sure to bring this amazing idea up in Civ Council

    2. SPBojo
    3. FaXe


      what an amazing idea!

  8. whoever made ruha needs to toss in the hat

    1. virus


      idk why we all played the last zones, saw it was terrible and everyone still voted the same zones.

    2. N9ne


      You don’t love driving through the Grand Canyon x4 to get to a site?

  9. 250m to 1.8




    1. Lucien


      Im up on blackjack bro lets try again tonight 

    2. Milo
    3. Smoothest brain on olympus

      Smoothest brain on olympus

      Strafe no point in using casino when over 50 mill there’s a script 

  10. Olympus sex mod when

  11. Happy birthday to the best taxi driver on the server @ Marty

  12. Lost 200m tonight gonna need a loan

  13. bring back uncapped coinflips and add a 1% tax to coinflips

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Millennium  people will always do runs

    3. Skys


      removing uncapped coinflips ruined my immersion 

    4. Millennium


      @ I bought olympus for 50k that is where you are wrong good sir. I was the one who pushed for the coinflip to be capped back down to 5 mill. When the coinflip was uncapped runs were COMPLETELY dead. Obviously, runs are boring as fuck, but the mindset that people got from uncapped coinflips is that you literally never had to do runs again.  I was one of those people. I would coinflip my money, if I lost it all I just got on cop, played for 20 minutes, and gambled myself all the way back up to 10mill+ and then kept going higher from there.

      I have gone more into detail years ago when I was pushing for it, and can't really be asked to do so now. But my explanation got people to agree with me and put a cap back on it.... and runs increased from that point (not including all the improvements they have gotten by now).

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