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APD Officer
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Everything posted by TotalLegitREMIX

  1. Arguing with idiots is so impossible

  2. Why does server two keep randomly restarting?!

    1. Thomas


      Idk why do guys wear skinny jeans

    2. djdarkmunk


      to make there but and package look good thomas  

  3. How long is the normal wait for APD whitlisting on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      PMing Odin worked for me...

    3. TotalLegitREMIX


      @Dejay I heard it was more like 30

      @Tragic I am in no rush either, except I am already on the APD

      @Ozzy Jones Will do thanks

    4. RubberDuck


      did they white-list you yet?

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