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Everything posted by whawk

  1. 76561198055488931
  2. Lol
  3. Ive never seen that on xbox lmao
  4. whawk

    New games

    I have yet to play battlefront, I will check it out soon!
  5. whawk

    New games

    Csgo is awesome :)
  6. whawk

    New games

    Obviously lol
  7. What are some of the newer games that are for self right now that you guys enjoy? Just trying to get to know y'all more.
  8. well thanks for all the welcomings guys :)
  9. Anyone wanna boat race around the island?lol

    1. Marty
    2. whawk


      lol it would take a hour or more to make it around

    3. Marty
  10. Thanks Rusty! :)
  11. Lol that video ^
  12. So whats up guys, made a forum account a few days ago, how is everybody? I am looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  13. How do I check how many hours I have on the server now? :)

    1. Buffalo Bill

      Buffalo Bill

      Well you could use the Stats page IF IT WAS A THING.  ╭∩╮(-_-)╭∩╮

    2. Fastik
  14. Did everyone have a good thanksgiving? Nobody get hurt today, people are crazy at Walmart xD

  15. Gonna be away for a few hours, that is if I bring my PC with me to my fathers. If I don't it'll be awhile, I want everyone to have a awesome thanksgiving weekend! Hope you all enjoy it. :)

  16. Played on the AL server for awhile now, probably a week or more, never made a forum account until now though. Glad to join you guys, its a nice community.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. whawk


      Thanks for the warm welcoming guys. :)

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You're welcome bud.  By the way. I want to enjoy yourself out there.  Make friends quickly.  Altis is a dangerous place. But if you ever get robbed and/or killed.  Don't quit, pick yourself up and try again.  We remember people that are persistent but forget quitters.  Welcome to our family. 

      Here is the link to our CIV rules.  Make sure to read up on them. 


    4. whawk


      Yup already done.

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