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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Weatherz

  1. hahahaha savage
  2. Thank you! lol thanks mobundo! il make sure to do that haha
  3. l8r bud
  4. hahahahahah :DD thanks man!
  5. you too man!
  6. <3 gonna miss the kavala scatting
  7. LMAO
  8. Haha that actually does look sexy as fuck, when i get back tho for sure
  9. So on the 16th of this month I will be moving back to my home country of Egypt. I've lived there for 15+ years of my life. I've been living in Cali for a few years now and have finally graduated high school! I need to get my life in order and take a break from the gaming for a few months. I will be staying in Egypt for 6 months and hopefully be back in December. While I'm there I am going to brush up and hopefully become 100% fluent in Arabic, and I will also visit my family and friends I haven't seen in over 2 years. Once I'm back i'll be starting community college and get the general ed done before I transfer to a 4-year university. I've been an on and off olympus player since 2014, but the past 7 or 8 months i've been completely into it. I love this server and the community and everything it has to offer. We have a GREAT staff and an amazing community, even tho we all argue in sidechat 24/7 i still love you all haha. Thank you to all the people who made this the best gaming experience i've ever had! Thank you to all my Titan brothas for playing with me everyday of this year and putting up with all the dumb shit i say and do, you all are the reason i still play this game! a huge thanks to all the gangs out there for either being a really good challenge for me or being my friends/allies. (M,NW,I,MC,VX,SS,C,DB,TREE,..many more) Basically Thank you to everyone in this community!! I will be back in December and will be building a new PC with some good parts so i can run this game perfectly. The reason i'm not bringing this pc to Egypt is because I'm 18 and I need to experience the world a little better for some time. I will be playing up until the 16th so if you see me in game don't be afraid to say hi! Again I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY.I wish you all the best of luck in your lives and hope you all have a wonderful summer!
  10. this guy is str8 savage m8
  11. Weatherz


    ooooooooooooh boi
  12. </3
  13. but ur potato moments are 24/7
  14. Thank you all for the responses, they have really gave me a clear idea on what I want to do! This has been very helpful!!
  15. Thank you very much, I'll go with the DDR4 then! This helps me a lot man!
  16. I've been saving up to build my own PC for a while now and I just got a new job. So I'm gonna be building very soon! I have been searching around the internet and decided to use PC part picker too choose some parts I like. Keep in mind, I've never built a PC before. So it would be great if I could get some helpful tips and advice from you guys. This is what I've come up with so far. Let me know what you think. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/LfJr23 . Like am I missing anything important?? Does everything go well together?? The price at 1600 is good for me, I don't think i would want to spend more than that! Thank you!!
  17. i dont know 3 nip but unban his ass
  18. ye , I went inactive for 6 months and came back with the name rusty and everyone thought I was you lmao so I changed it xD
  19. Is nobody monitoring this post? I posted weeks ago! Please get back to us! Thank you.
  20. 10/10
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