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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Weatherz

  1. lol if im not mistaken it seems like he got chris hansen'd , he was talking to a "13/14" year old that was really an fbi agent. also apparently had intent to travel where she was to have sex with a minor... big yikes man
  2. @Chazz
  3. rewatch the stream brotha man we got atleast 4-6 of them every round im just memeing dont hate me
  4. *cough* 6-0d *cough*
  5. 77
  6. i will be back in the US in less than a week boys, looking forward to playing on olympus again

  7. gonna be back in a week, looking forward to playing with you all again :D

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. BlackJack


      4 hours ago, Weathers said:

      @Chaos @SystemChips il be hitting you guys up very very soon 

      DUDE FUCK YES !!!!!!! Omg I was talking about u today ! I'm so HYPED !!!! Dude we have to play like right when u get back .!

    3. Ninjaman427


      I'll get you rebanned.

    4. Weatherz


      @BlackJack Yeah bro! We're def playing the night i arrive !

      @Ninjaman427 hah 

  8. You think IL need more than 16gb of ram?? Also how do I get good airflow?? Yeah man that's me, thanks tho I appreciate it Will do. Ty man Yeah boii. Weathers 2.0 coming back at ya
  9. Been out of the country for 8 months, I'm coming back next month and I desperately need to upgrade my PC. I've never built a PC before so I would like some advice from you guys. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/z8jRHN this is what I've chosen so far. I know the basics about building PCs and the parts and shit. What do you guys think? Should I make changes? Are there any incompatibilities? Any thing I need to add? Any help would be highly appreciated.
  10. yo i fucking miss olympus :c honestly the best community ive ever been a part of. its been wayyyy longer than i expected

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. badaim


      youre actually perm'd LMAO im pretty sure you can get un permd though ninja used your account to play arma not csgo i guess


    3. Weatherz


      @badaim lmao that fucker. IL talk to the admins when I'm back then...

  11. fucking asshole
  12. yo, if any of you see me online or in game it isnt me. its a friend playing on my account. sorry if they are pretending to be me. i wont be back for a while

  13. bro. go braid ur hair

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI


      @Weathers You probably don't have the brain capacity to remember that I CUT MY FUCKING HAIR. You honestly are fucking retarded and should literally kys. Dumbasss kid.

    3. Weatherz


      @BlackJack Broooo i miss you too man!!! we had some amazing times and i really miss playing arma w you! il hit you up as soon as im back!

      @Benjamin Remer @Orgondo ok

    4. BlackJack


      @Weathers hopefully u come back soon man!

  14. @Benjamin Remer go braid ur hair

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rusty
    3. BENJI


      When weathers saw boob's for the first time.. 


    4. Weatherz


      hey the ladies love that pic boi and that was 2 years ago

  15. yes, but sometimes no
  16. will do
  17. go braid ur hair
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