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About OzzY_MG

  • Birthday 11/06/1986

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OzzY_MG's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Hey man, your really messing up my cash flow, us Korean Gangsters are a unique organization.... You can't go around messing with our only source of income like this...
  2. I just say that BurBan are a bunch of stand up guys and gals. Very honest and highly coordinated. I personally go the other way when I see them, just because I don't enjoy dying.
  3. I personally have a Gigabyte R9270x and an intel E31230V3 processor, this combo gives me 30-40 FPS in cities and 50-60 out of the town's... I bought them both when they first came out for around $450 for the pair. I went with the E31230V3 Processor because it is the same architecture, Ghz, and power as an I7 but doesn't have integrated graphics. Which you don't need because you have an awesome video card. Supposively it is what all the Korean gamers run, the shop I went to didn't even carry I7's because they swear this is a more efficient setup.
  4. Agreed mcsilly, and that's another good suggestion armend
  5. I personally don't have a problem with them... And for you guys that robbed, instead of running you should try and comply with their demands. This ALWAYS works for me... I may have to give them 20-30 percent of my profits but they guarantee delivery and sale of the product. I guess you could call it's symbiotic relationship ;-)
  6. How are everyone's thoughts on having "real" in game names? Instead of our gamer tags and nicknames i.e. "boomheadshot" "the reaper",I think we should have first and last names, such as Jimmy Johnson, Tony Vincetti, or Steve Jobs. Just something I was thinking would boost the RP factor. Any thoughts?
  7. OzzY_MG


    I personally think there is no need for SWAT... and as a cop i also think that cops are OP.... i mean they take less damage than civilians and their gear is more protective than rebel gear.
  8. Malazar, Spectral, and Wanted they really deserve it...
  9. And he is doing the same thing to ThinBlueLine.... right now
  10. Well, [iDG] Eddie.U has been extorting me for money because I lethaled him on accident... That being said i sent him 400k when he only lost a rook, $28000, a bandoleer, 27 lockpicks and 6 zipties. So heres how the story goes, I issue him a ticket for attempted auto theft, he pays it and begins to insult me I tell him not to do that and I ignore it. I then get into my truck to leave, he continues to insult me, I then exit the vehilce and say hands up he pulls a rook and fires on me hitting me I pull my PO7 and fire at him, the weapon somehow kills him. I text him afterwards and tell him IDK what happened and I will comp him, He says he is gonna get me banned because he is talking to a moderator and i used CIV ammo, but thats odd because I cant buy civ ammo. He then says 300k Comp or I report you for using CIV ammo. Since i was gonna comp anyway i send hm 300k, he then later states that he wants another 100k or he will report me, so I tell him wait a minute I am flying and I will send him the $$$. He says i have 3 min or im getting banned. I send him the money because I really dont want something to come of it but I could have sworn that. All I know is that this is out of RP, and its plain extortion... I understand I may have done something wrong but this level of overcompensation is ridiculous. Just want all Officers to be aware that this is happening. (last note this was the 5th wave to the same area where he was actively involved in a massive war, and we were just going to clean up the battlefield) Please see the screenshots for his threats, for some reason the 300k demand for compensation was not in my recent texts. May have been a 911 call.
  11. Happy Birthday!!!
  12. Yes I think mine are incorrect also, some stats are accurate such as $$$ and vehicles but it says I have only died 53 times?!?! I'm pretty sure that I have died way more than that. And I have logged more hours than what shows also.
  13. Seriously tho, maybe we should start a real estate forum so we can post the "good" houses/garages up for sale??
  14. I dont get to play with these guys that much due to time zone differences but hands down PVT WANTED is most dedicated, I mean this guys is on TS on his phone helping people out and giving advice when he is AFK.
  15. Also the tempest transport covered holds 900 weight but only costs a measley $1000 to retrieve from the garage, therefore making it more economical than a HEMMT box or transport. The transport is also pretty damn tough.
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