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Jeff Chaplin

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Everything posted by Jeff Chaplin

  1. Not what I am referring too I'm aware there are some bugs that are caused by arma and others by something server side this is a server side bug
  2. I don't mean to be that guy but @Grandma Gary @Poseidon @djwolf but there is a major bug that needs to be looked into it has caused quite a number of problems in the last couple of weeks I have submitted a bug report but It's been over 2 weeks with no reply may I please meet with you at some point. I don't want to post the bug here as it's very easy to exploit thanks I'm on the east coast and available to talk at night for the most part I have quite a bit of video evidence to show the bug and am fairly certain what is causing the bug -Jeff Chaplin
  3. DJs right I had that same set up in the past max 40 frames +1 afterburner is a great program if your temps are too high your proccesser will scale back to stay in a safe temperature range it may also be worth re applying some after market thermal paste between your CPU and it's cooler Afterburner link https://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner Something else to consider is viruses you may be unaware of, they can cause severely slow speeds if they run in the background consistently I recommend using malbytes to scan your PC however if you reinstalled windows this should not be a problem https://www.malwarebytes.com I would also highly recommend getting a solid state drive instead of a hard drive this may help with some stuttering If your tight on a budget I recommend this solid state drive I've been using it in my brothers computer for about 4 months with no issues https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013J7P7SK/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 And finally give this a shot credit to lethals for this amazing guide
  4. thanks submitted ;D
  5. https://gyazo.com/bca18392898a30e19c41a2ae00ddb78a I really like this house and will only sell it for the right price make a fair offer 2 crater 630m from mushroom pro (closest one you can buy)
  6. Fair price I will pm you my TS join any time and request to talk to me
  7. https://gyazo.com/0bd876ffe665aad991c8f1664adafbde Dp17 garage for sale server 2 offer
  8. https://gyazo.com/5569984f7e973db93633846db7214b70 this house is on server 3 it is a 1 crater and is in the red zone at the southern rebel outpost offer
  9. Which server and how many crater?
  10. 76561198091375658
  11. ^ Same except mine was in Sofia But I just feel in an rp sense that officers should always rp it out I get if you have a bounty just saying your in our database as a wanted criminal but I think cops should always rp it out with someone who is innocent and in a uniform and instead of just stopping them right away instead try to catch them doing something sketchy
  12. So I have a question I would like a definitive answer on So I frequently get cop uniforms from hostage situations or robbing officers etc then I take those uniforms and pretend to be a cop I look the part nothing is out of place yet I still get stopped by deputy's POs and even Corporals claiming I'm not an officer but how'd they know ? So what I'm asking is in a RP sense are cops suppose to know wether your a cop or not if you have the uniform on ? Does having a bounty justify being questioned on my role as an officer ? I've run into many cops who RP it out and others who do not some examples Good rp: Corporal allows me to process civs drive around with them etc etc Bad rp: deputy stops me says that I'm not really a cop cause no patrol officer would buy a sting Deputy taxes and restrains me says "me restraining you proves your not a cop cause I can't restrain my fellow officers"
  13. Oh lordy yessssss yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss You just made my day
  14. First off good work in tanoe Poseidon and his devs did a fantastic job on the new server! But I was wondering @Poseidon can we expect to see the guns from tanoe life added to the altis life servers once the arma 3 apex expansion is fully released? Thanks!
  15. https://gyazo.com/d3849ad0e5dfd4e97fbed04fb4efe371 close to moonshine brew Offer
  16. Oh that makes alot of sense actually being they are an arma prop not a custom thing
  17. So noticed recently that the normal storage crates space was severely reduced while I think before they were way to large now I think they are far too small I can hardly fit one loadout in the crates now (currently fits 1 - mk18 1- GA carrier 1 - Helmet and 14 mags ) I feel as though the crate size should be increase a bit maybe just enough for 2 loadouts ?
  18. Harsh, you know you don't have to click it, right? Oh but it should I can get much worse
  19. oh yes
  20. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do
  21. So i had this video on my youtube channel from when I used to play wasteland enjoy I found it pretty great hope you guys do to
  22. Chilling in the olympus TS when it appears a jail is started and the stack is unreal https://gyazo.com/6b557faff1375130c4926b03eab44955 I loled
  23. Whyyyyy KS is so nice ;-;
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