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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Dog

  1. "so and so" is robbing a gas station. -looks at map OH shit i'm right next to him -opens menu-message- "so and so" - "Hands up or die" -waits 5 seconds Shoot and kills him EZ no ban.
  2. I quite like it.
  3. https://gyazo.com/8308887f18d7723cc83a26dba3e705a9
  4. Done with olympus... and Arma in general. It's been fun, I'm bored of it.. May come back one day but for now its goodbye. Another Reason is Tree is just about gone.. Give it less then 10days before its disbanded Was fun guys, GoodBye -Tree Dog
  5. 10/10 Ima watch again...
  6. 76561198077780470
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