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So, I've had a few ideas for a long time for this server, and I was thinking since I actually got here early before they've picked a reward, thought I could give some suggestions.

(These aren't in any specific order)

1. A government system
I made a thread about this before, and one of the people that read it had a lot of great ideas, and I was thinking this would be really cool.

  • We could start actually filling up the Federal Reserve with real money from taxes.
  • All the scats of Kavala could get on Welfare and spend all their time in Kavala.
  • You could get people to monitor real estate and make inactive players pay a property tax.
  • We could set up a court and take things from police brutality and false imprisonment to civil disputes between players to court.
  • Lawyers could be an actual profession and could be called upon during arrest to dispute charges and after imprisonment to file a suit against the APD.
  • We could allow players to own businesses if they file the right paperwork and it gets approved.
  • People could apply and take tests to become lawyers.
  • A panel of trusted and learned Judges could be appointed to courts. Civilians could create a case against a Judge if they get corrupt or bias.
  • There could be different courts for different types of cases, judges could be specialized into these courts.
  • Courts would not effect someone being sent to jail by police, a person would need to get a lawyer and file paperwork to start a case for false imprisonment.
  • The courts could decide what happens to an officer if he abuses his power. ie suspension and $1 million compensation to the victim. 

-Pete Malloy

2. Real Black Market.
I've heard of a few Takistan servers doing it, and it would be really cool if this was added. Basically, instead of finding at least 4 topics posted on the forums about how someone is selling a suppressor or a vehicle/weapon, we could have it auctioned at the Black Market. Players could place some of their items on auction via the Y menu on the Black Market, and people could place prices for these different items.

3. Some form of a stock Market.
I know Heinz tried pulling something off like this, and I'm pretty sure he made a lot of money from this, but it would be awesome if this were an official thing on the servers. Players could make money by playing the Market, buying stocks for shops and legal items, such as fish, oil, copper, etc. Only problem I see with this is that this could be super OP for bigger gangs in terms of money making.


4. Make it possible to build your own drug processing lab.
This would be good for home owners, as they'd be able to set up labs in their houses to process their narcotics and sell them. Players would be able to buy processing equipment that can be placed inside houses like storage crates. Once again, bit OP for large gangs, so it is open for suggestions to make sure gangs don't abuse the shit out of this if it were added. Biggest advantage I'd see of this though is that BF-I mean certain gangs wouldn't be able to camp processing areas anymore.


5. The ability to liberate large cities
Now, I know you can already declare terrors, but what if gangs were able to do a complete takeover of the city. Gangs would take control of the city, and police would not be able to spawn in that city's HQ. Police would be able to conduct assaults on the city to take back the city and take in gang members.


Other suggestions:
Bring back the news team officially (Open it for new members)
More cartels (Ghost Hotel Please)

Anyway, sorry for the long list. I just see a lot of potential for this server, and I've never gotten to a donation goal before they've determined the reward, so I got a bit too excited I guess. Suggestions and feedback is appreciated.


EDIT: One more suggestion, and this is sort of regardless of if the donation goal is met or not.

Bring back Police Checkpoints. I'm sure I'll probably get a lot of hate on this for whatever reason, but I've only seen that checkpoint manned once, and I seriously enjoyed the RP that I had with the Police Officers manning the checkpoint. Maybe add a special charge for evading a checkpoint. 

Edited by OlympusAccount
Because I forgot about this suggestion, but I remembered later



No new content per se, but a pledge that there will be a monthly dev cycle.  1st week of the month new content gets introduced.  3rd week of the month the devs fix what they broke, however minor.  Rinse and repeat.  No more waiting 6 weeks for bug fixes.  When I was a medic, the delivery missions were broken more often than they were working.

I like the idea of a government. I know on some Arma life servers they have implemented a fully functional DOJ system. It's something that really encourages RP. It would most likely require another white-list spot but I'm sure it's something that would be worth the effort. This would also open more windows for the APD involving escorts and other government security services.

Alot of your ideas would require much time and effort. With that said, these are ideas that I believe would broaden and diversify Olympus activities and groups. Since the release of the Blackwater weapons factory much of Olympus has noticed the capabilities of the staff. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us and believe that if the community works together to decide on a donation goal(s) that we all want, the cost should be no obstacle.

Good work.

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, Marty said:

Casinos would be interesting. What ever happened to them? Weren't there plans to add one?

I don't believe there were, but I'm surprised there haven't been.

10 minutes ago, Goodman said:

I like the idea of a government. I know on some Arma life servers they have implemented a fully functional DOJ system. It's something that really encourages RP. It would most likely require another white-list spot but I'm sure it's something that would be worth the effort. This would also open more windows for the APD involving escorts and other government security services.

Alot of your ideas would require much time and effort. With that said, these are ideas that I believe would broaden and diversify Olympus activities and groups. Since the release of the Blackwater weapons factory much of Olympus has noticed the capabilities of the staff. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us and believe that if the community works together to decide on a donation goal(s) that we all want, the cost should be no obstacle.

Good work.

Thanks :D The escorts thing was one of my favorite parts of having a government system. It would be fuckin' awesome if VIPs were escorted through Kavela and if a big gang conducted an assassination. There should probably be rules in place in case a really high up guy in government ends up getting killed, to make it more realistic that is (He can't do anything in office until a week after he was killed?)

1 hour ago, OlympusAccount said:

All the scats of Kavala could get on Welfare and spend all their time in Kavala.

Fuck If that had been a thing I would still be broke af.

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