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Why i love Hades

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Ever since i started playing olympus servers i would always look up to hades he is a perfect human being. Whenever i see him in the servers ive never seen somebody roleplay as good as he does. And when i see him ban all the disgusting peasants who bring filth into our glorious servers all i can do is pray... AS someone who never had a father Hades is like a father figure to me....



I will always love hades..


We finish eachothers sentences. He says rdm i say vdm... he sayys Banned i say no. He says combat log i say cyanide pill



I would like to write a poem for hades 


hades u r fuckin perfect m8.

you're a flower. you're also a rainbow and a river. you are the manifestation of all perfection and i want to i don't fucking know. i want this to not sound gay, but you are fucking perfect, Hades.

ty for listening


Love you hades <3

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I luved hades so much.  I hve all da murchendice and muvies.  I pryaed to hades evrynite before bed.  Thnking him for the server i've ben givn.  Hades is luv, i say.  Hades is life.


(Yes, grammar and spelling was on purpose.)

I'm not a organ donor but I'd be happy to give Hades my heart

and other parts of my body *wink wink*

Beat that iron1161

I love Hades also, this one time I saw him as a seagull above kavala square and he blew me a kissy.


Damn sure wish I could be a bird. Would be fun to be perched on someones shoulders keeping that eye-spy going...o.O


I'm not a organ donor but I'd be happy to give Hades my heart


My trust level with you in not what it used to be. You stole my kidney damnit, I don't want your evil heart...lol

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