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 Dear Olympus staff and the Olympus community, i am very sorry for my actions. I reached over twenty-five hundred hours in the known game Counter Strike Global Offence, as you know Counter Strike global Offence is a very 
repetitive game and the competitive servers were ruined due to the amount of hackers on them. After playing Twenty-five hundred hours of the repetitive game I simply got bored and tired of the hackers in the game. One day I was playing the greatest Altas life server known as Olympus and we were pretty bored and one of
my friends invited me to play a game of Counter Strike Global Offence and I replied with "Nah sorry bro, I have so many hours in that boring repetitive game". He then replied with "Bro i have undetectable cheats that are 
fun as hell to use" so then I thought to my self i do not really care about the game Counter Strike Global Offence so why not use some free cheats. My friend then sent me the Counter Strike Global Offence cheats and I booted them up Turned on the ESP played my first game with them and dropped 
a sixty bomb. Surprisingly it was incredibly fun shooting kids through walls, even though it was a high risk of getting caught I was enjoying the esp way too much to care. My good Friend Matt The Savage told me to stop blatantly hacking or i would get over watch banned, i did not really care though. 
After Forty plus wins with using the ESP hack I was over watched banned which was well deserved. I then realized that I was ruining the experience for other players and that I should not of used cheats and played the game legitimately. Hacking in games is bad because it ruins the experience for other players and can a ruin a game. 
 I Understand that what i did was wrong, and I will never cheat/ use hacks in another game associated with steam. I hope you understand why i have this VAC ban and why i received this VAC ban, I am sincerely sorry for hacking and 
ruining the experience for others.

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1 minute ago, gordonmann1 said:

I kinda feel bad, this kid is new and he doesn't even know what is going on :(

He knows the only thing he needs to know...that mercury ain't fuckin around.

4 minutes ago, Augustus said:

"the competitive servers were ruined due to the amount of hackers on them"

 "I simply got bored and tired of the hackers in the game."

"so then I thought to my self i do not really care about the game Counter Strike Global Offence so why not use some free cheats"


Kind of how it goes. sometimes those you despise the most is who you become

36 minutes ago, coastosprey said:

You guys all sound like such pussies with all these pathetically written apology threads  lol. 

how does that make me a pussy for trying to get unbanned for some stupid shit i did 

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6 minutes ago, coastosprey said:

Been a member here longer than you according to the forums youngbuck.


5 minutes ago, Matt The Savage said:

You have 11 +rep...

Clearly Matt the cabbage ;3 sorry dad has a better reputation on the server and on the forums than you ever will, so if you're trying to talk shit about being on the forums 3 months longer, congrats little shit ya made it. On the other hand cabbage is fucking lettuce 

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