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Lack of cops..

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It's ashame really, that when i got on there's 3-5 cops on, all just sat in kavala doing nothing, You go through kavala they restrain you take you to jail, but they seem to only stay in kavala, only once or twice have i seen them try stop a drug run, but they dont patrol any other city, nor do they guard the checkpoints, this is probably due to the lack of cops there acctualy is. This might acctualy stop the lack of rdm and vdm that is spread outside of kavala,

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its really hard to get more cops online at certain moments in the day. It is a whitelisted role which means that not all players can play it. What often happens is that we have too many cadets on a server. They're not supposed to leave Kavala unless told so by a higher ranking officer. So it always ends up with 4-5 cadets in Kavala doing pretty much nothing. When a constable/corporal logs in, there is often 1 or 2 of them which makes splitting up around all cities impossible since they have to stay with the cadets

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They're not supposed to leave Kavala unless told so by a higher ranking officer. So it always ends up with 4-5 cadets in Kavala doing pretty much nothing. When a constable/corporal logs in, there is often 1 or 2 of them which makes splitting up around all cities impossible since they have to stay with the cadets


Just to clarify... Cadets are told they are not allowed to leave city limits.  While Kavala has to be manned first, that doesn't mean that cadets are not allowed to man posts in Pyrgos, Athira or Sofia providing there is a 2 or 3 cadet presence in Kavala because that is a central hub on the server of where the civies play, more people = larger police presence.

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Just to clarify... Cadets are told they are not allowed to leave city limits.  While Kavala has to be manned first, that doesn't mean that cadets are not allowed to man posts in Pyrgos, Athira or Sofia providing there is a 2 or 3 cadet presence in Kavala because that is a central hub on the server of where the civies play, more people = larger police presence.


Problem is no one even worries about the posts when there doing drug runs, i've drove through it with 2 hemmit boxes full of frogs, it wouldn't be hard to just have people on the posts, people always go through them.

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Problem is no one even worries about the posts when there doing drug runs, i've drove through it with 2 hemmit boxes full of frogs, it wouldn't be hard to just have people on the posts, people always go through them.


The check points have requirements before they can be manned.  You need 2 vehicles with roof lights on at either entrance (or 3 in the case of Pyrgos check point), 3 officers and a pursuit vehicle.


Cadets can not man a check point by themselves because they are out side of city limits.  You need at least 1 constable or higher on the server to man a check point.

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Imo we need to abandon kavala no one is there to do anything but troll.... its not worth anyones time being there


As I mentioned earlier the more players that are located there the larger the police presence.  Just like in the real world where the larger population is you have a larger police presence.

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I understand that wheat but at same time would cops sit there in kavala dealing with traffic violations while people are murdering and dealing drugs a few miles away.... i just think as far as fun goes for both ways cops and civs have much more fun outside of troll city(hard to rp with 15 people screaming around u) and after all its a video game we play in free time to enjoy ourselves.

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Wheat, we cadets cant man city's by ourselves either, so even if there was 2 constables and 6 cadets i couldnt go to athira if i wanted, the constables would be tied up handling cadets in kavala.

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Ya but the problem is that no one wants to go to pygros with me, everyone just stays in kavala. We should also patrol the MSR more, drove from pygros to kavala (constable logged off so i had to leave) and i saw 4 wanted people, was unable to engage because i was alone and needed to get back but.....

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Again... no one is saying that cadets must be in Kavala.  Constables don't have to stack up in Kavala.  If they feel like being there then fine.  Unless a constable orders you to Kavala then I'm not sure why you feel the need to be there... unless no one is there.

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Wheat, as i understood the rules, i am only allowed to be located were a constable or higher is located. Every time there has been a instance where im the only person/were all cadets in a city i was forced to leave and relocate.

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See its not the fact there is a lack of cops but more of the fact that the server is looking for QUALITY cops, would you rather have a server full of a bunch of cops who shoot first ask questions later, or have a cop who follows procedures and KNOW the rules?

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See its not the fact there is a lack of cops but more of the fact that the server is looking for QUALITY cops, would you rather have a server full of a bunch of cops who shoot first ask questions later, or have a cop who follows procedures and KNOW the rules?


Sorry but it's not the hardest thing in the world to learn what to say, and man checkpoints. It sounds like we just need more cops, I've been on servers where cops man every checkpoint and just stay out of kavala, because kavala is just full of trolls, and nothing really goes on there, Hounestly most people worth putting in jail don't go to kavala because they know they'll just get tased, It's not hard to have 1 or 2 peope on each checkpoint, I'd much rather that than have about 15 all stood in kavala square...

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Sorry but it's not the hardest thing in the world to learn what to say, and man checkpoints. It sounds like we just need more cops, I've been on servers where cops man every checkpoint and just stay out of kavala, because kavala is just full of trolls, and nothing really goes on there, Hounestly most people worth putting in jail don't go to kavala because they know they'll just get tased, It's not hard to have 1 or 2 peope on each checkpoint, I'd much rather that than have about 15 all stood in kavala square...


apparently it is difficult otherwise we wouldn't recieve a tone of complaints on cadets and constables for that matter.  Because people don't have to follow the rules set they tend to play cop until they get constable and then spend the majority of their time playing civ.  Its not everyone, but there are a lot of people who do that.


Again, specifically for check points there are rules APD members must follow.  You need at least 3 cops and one of them needs to be a constable or higher.  You need two vehicles (or 3 in at the Pyrgos) at each entrance and a pursuit vehicle standing by.  They can be done, and easily done, but you need the cops on the server to do it.

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To tell the honest to god truth what i think Olympus needs a separation on Cops into a more broad spectrum like they were going to do with SWAT i think they should have a Sheriffs department that controls places outside of Citys but does not limit PD from going out. I think it would clear up this bounty board alot more than it already is. Just a suggestion though

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To tell the honest to god truth what i think Olympus needs a separation on Cops into a more broad spectrum like they were going to do with SWAT i think they should have a Sheriffs department that controls places outside of Citys but does not limit PD from going out. I think it would clear up this bounty board alot more than it already is. Just a suggestion though

im applying for swat if that ever happens!

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