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Locked Inappropriate Clan

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Flap they changed the isis name on the show : ( fot upcoming season

Damn!  They totally should've kept it IMO.  They had it first!

Comparing the Third Reich and ISIS is a fucking joke. I lost family in the great shoah. ISIS is doing nothing than small time extremist groups haven't done for years now, mass genocide is not their forte.

The amount of ignorance in this post is absurd. You're right, bombarding cities with over hundreds of thousands of people is nothing. What happened to the Yezidi people? Oh, that was a mere scuff on humanity, right? The only joke here is you. I've lost family to ISIS as have other people. Just because it hasn't happened to you, it doesn't make it any less severe.

P.S. If it was such a joke, the entire world wouldn't be banding together to try to stop it.

Wow that exploded fast. Let me clarify one point. This has nothing to do with any members of ISIS, that's my personal bias. I'm saying their name is inappropriate and shouldn't be allowed is all. I could care less about the players. Anyone who thinks that was a good clan to join is a child.

Not yet john, but if the flaming continues then yes, if we cant have a civil disscussion on wether this should be allowed or nah then.... idek

Wow that exploded fast. Let me clarify one point. This has nothing to do with any members of ISIS, that's my personal bias. I'm saying their name is inappropriate and shouldn't be allowed is all. I could care less about the players. Anyone who thinks that was a good clan to join is a child.

So their tactics amd the way they rp is fine just not the name?

And bat sorry for the one guy who has to try and troll. We all know in real life isis is terrible thing i just think its not real in a video game and wont like somehow shape someones opinion in the real world of their actions. If you go back everyones blood kin have been thru terrible atrocities committed to their people. Im sorry your family have been affected by ignorance and greed.

I feel it's hypocritical to allow ISIS to exist on the servers, but not any other real extremist group, I.E. Nazi's, etc.. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a server crybaby and 100% against it.. But if you're going to outlaw one thing for reason A, then the other needs to be outlawed for reason A aswell.

If real-life 'evil' names/people are going to be banned, ISIS should be among them. If ISIS isn't going to be a banned name, then nothing Nazi/ETC-related should be either. It's a two-way street.

E; For clarification against the Nazis were 7/7 evil and ISIS is 2/7 posts - I'll just be straight up, I do not watch the news. I don't know how bad they actually are/what the news makes them appear, I'm fucking 800% oblivious to the subject. My entire reasoning here is based on the fact that there are people who think the name is offensive, and I know they do some fucked up shit over there. I also think it's a LOT easier to be less offended by Nazis, because they weren't active in any of our generations.. ISIS however, is an active, current thing. So before you go slapping body counts into it, consider that.

So their tactics amd the way they rp is fine just not the name?

And bat sorry for the one guy who has to try and troll. We all know in real life isis is terrible thing i just think its not real in a video game and wont like somehow shape someones opinion in the real world of their actions. If you go back everyones blood kin have been thru terrible atrocities committed to their people. Im sorry your family have been affected by ignorance and greed.

Nope, ive seen them do dirty things plenty of times. Thats not the point here. Thats a record, submit ticket ban, no need for a post situation. This is me trying to get the admins attention to the fact that people are using names that are seriously offensive. This way they can see how many other people agree that this indeed something inappropriate to the community as a whole.

The absolute idiocy of the individuals who support this naming idea is beyond me, and honestly too  much for me to go on about without simply saying something that I shouldn't, so I'll leave it at this:



Grow up.


It's not cute, and it's not funny. Clearly a large portion of the community agrees with it being offensive, and you should consider that as you play.

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I find their name personally offensive as well, yet I'm one of the leaders of KI and am allied with them, why? Because it's a game. They want to run around scream allah akbar and do moonshine runs in 2 orcas and nothing but their underwear that's fine. It's a game. Do I wish the silly fucks would change their name? Yes. There's a special place in my heart for muslim extremists or any other muslim that believes the world should be ridden of infidels. I've personally spent 20 months in two shitty countries fighting cock suckers like these in real life and am not done yet. It's a game boys. Doing drugs, murdering people, and doing a number of other immoral things that we do in this game isn't much worse. I mean come on, I've seen some one chop some ones kidney out and then feed it to them, shits fucked.

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I find their name personally offensive as well, yet I'm one of the leaders of KI and am allied with them, why? Because it's a game. They want to run around scream allah akbar and do moonshine runs in 2 orcas and nothing but their underwear that's fine. It's a game. Do I wish the silly fucks would change their name? Yes. There's a special place in my heart for muslim extremists or any other muslim that believes the world should be ridden of infidels. I've personally spent 20 months in two shitty countries fighting cock suckers like these in real life and am not done yet. It's a game boys. Doing drugs, murdering people, and doing a number of other immoral things that we do in this game isn't much worse. I mean come on, I've seen some one chop some ones kidney out and then feed it to them, shits fucked.

Gator, as someone who has experienced my share of Muslim extremist it infuriates me that these dipshit children wear a symbol of something I was against... They have no idea the pain I witnessed between Afghanistan and Pakistani border... It's disgusting.  They can go around screaming Allah Akbar, but when they fucking parade around with the tags of a group that is responsible for beheading women, children, Americans... that' is fucking disgusting.

Just to clear it, Ever played a ww2 game? there's nazi's in that, People don't give two shits. Furthermore it's a rp game if you don't like us convert to server 1. It's just the same as calling yourself kkk, jimmy savile, jack the ripper, and any other name like that, And so wait what? we can't call ourself isis but you can make fun of ebola? you can say people have aids? your as bad as us. You tell people we should get raped or die when you get a little butthurt? If you don't like the name, go hunt us down and kill us. it's the same as most modern war games at the moment anyway..

Just to clear it, Ever played a ww2 game? there's nazi's in that, People don't give two shits. Furthermore it's a rp game if you don't like us convert to server 1. It's just the same as calling yourself kkk, jimmy savile, jack the ripper, and any other name like that, And so wait what? we can't call ourself isis but you can make fun of ebola? you can say people have aids? your as bad as us. You tell people we should get raped or die when you get a little butthurt? If you don't like the name, go hunt us down and kill us. it's the same as most modern war games at the moment anyway..


No it's not the same. THE NAZI's you speak off were soldiers under a mad man. Except for a select few most were only apart of German military to help there country liberate from what they believed was tyranny... ALL Muslim extremist believe is destroying the fabric of everything not Muslim. ww2 took place 70+ years ago... Wounds have mended over that... ISIS is CURRENT and ITS NOT TO BE JOKED ABOUT!  Making fun of Ebola, WTF? Ebola is not a living person... So that point is null. For the other names such as KKK, JIMMY Savile, and jack the ripper, I can see your point, but under social standards if you were to compare them to ISIS, they wouldn't even come close. 




KKK Lynched 3,446 Blacks in 86 Years I would consider this group not acceptable as a clan tag.

It is possible that the Ripper may have claimed more than five victims, but most experts agree that at least five of the East End murders were the work of Jack the Ripper.



And Jimmy Savile... A pedophile...


If I wouldn't get banned, I would post you 3 videos of ISIS publicly executing mass amount of people they deemed Christians. around 300 were children...


The next video is of 59 beheading's then ISIS kicks there heads around like soccer balls.


The next video is of 12 boys being forced to have sex with each other, then they are set on fire.



ISIS is terrible, and is current, and shouldn't be praised like you people do. If you wanna help ISIS, join up, I hear they are accepting volunteers to die for Allah.

Another thing, stop using the excuse this is RP... If this was true RP then I could just walk up and shoot you... RDM doesn't exists in real life... The rules that are on the server wouldn't be there... THIS IS A GAME, and SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE A GAME with real people. There has to be limitations to keep from anarchy. So your name is unacceptable.

Another thing, stop using the excuse this is RP... If this was true RP then I could just walk up and shoot you... RDM doesn't exists in real life... The rules that are on the server wouldn't be there... THIS IS A GAME, and SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE A GAME with real people. There has to be limitations to keep from anarchy. So your name is unacceptable.

I just fucking said i would talk to them about it...

For the record one of the things that separates democracies and "free nations" from the horrors that quasi-militant states like ISIS represent is the fact that we're allowed to express ourselves freely. Games are media, media is supposed to be protected.  That said you also get to express your freedom of speech to them, hopefully with full jacketed 7.62.

So the people who are offended would just changing there name be fine? They can change it to a made up name and do the same thing?


100% just a name change. It doesn't even have to leave their "style" if you will. I think the issue here is that they're using a real terrorist group's name that is actively working.

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