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General question about an arrest

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Ok so arrested ricky spanish today and if anyone is aware of who he is will know he will argue with you about him knowing all the rules even though we are cops that try to rp and work with the civilians but tends to want to tell us how to do our job dont ask me idk kinda thing.Anyway we are in kavala and he was just seen by my cadet who could not taze him so the cadet asked me to put evading arrest on him so i do and then not 5 secs later ricky is standing right next to me why idk i think he just wants to troll me but who cares i tell him to put his hands up and he starts to run so he is tazed and as soon as he is restrained he starts saying you did not announce yourself as a apd officer and i say all i have to do is say put your hands up and ill state we are not perfect and sometimes we do not say we are apd because obviously if you are to turn around and see police on your vest either you will run or put your hands up no matter if its a civ with a police vest.So i did announce myself and he starts to raise his voice over and over about how im wrong and then the only way to get across to him is to raise my voice and then try to proceed with the processing.If he doesnt want to listen then so be it but at no time would he allow me to explain myself but yet he says he is going to send in a ticket or video of me raising my voice and not saying im an apd officer does anyone have any opinions on this deal because i have alot of screaming individuals that i cant get there attention and sometimes im mad or my audio is wide open to hear some others or my vehicle is to loud of a chopper is hovering over the area and i cant think correclty so therefore sometimes i do not know my voice is this loud.Im always considerate to everyone and ill work with them if they work with me which brings up another issue and this pertains to pardons and everyone and i say everyone expects a pardon which then has to be explained on if they are to buy a gun and a license that doesnt make them able to kill someone that only makes them able to defend themselves and its at the discretion of the arresting officer not cadets to allow a pardon or not which i have been judging with yo momma jokes and their story as well before hand.Im trying to state that everyone is wanting pardons and i have no clue what to do about this also with the vig guns or sting is killing people and i have no clue if this is a problem so im here now asking the questions and that is why im on the forums which i was harrassed today as well about posting questions and talking about times on the server and he was just wanting to poke fun.If anyone can elaborate on this issue or any issue on this post plz do.

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Also before anyone states the obvious im aware that people are going to yell at me and try to explain the rules im also aware that i make mistakes Im also aware that people are going to troll and that i can post a video to the forums im also aware that i have posts that may make people mad im also aware that my posts are about rules that were made by an server host and or admin which doesnt make anything wrong im also aware that i have made it accute to the point that my role play and rule knowledge is satisfactory and has been shown and i do not need some random civilian screaming at me first saying im doing this wrong when im dealing with so much stuff in the server trying to do my best and allow for learning as well as by the book all while dealing with many different civilians that are being rdm but yet ill also note that im aware that this happens and i should know that but yet im not 29 years old put up with a babys momma that im not going to explain on this forums and have a 11 year old kid who is almost older than some on this server but that is ok idk what im talking about huh?

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Also if someone would like to explain to ricky spanish the whole situation for me then ill be obliged to thank you because he does not want to talk to me and im not dealing with my higher ups thinking different about me and me not being able to explain myself when if i made a mistake i know this can be worked out instead of having to argue with someone who doesnt want to listen im a grown man and im aware that some cadets need help so next time we see each other he may know that im not going to say im an apd officer and that is to just aggravate him ty have a good day and if anyone wants to talk about things im here for you as well.

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According to the handbook, you are to announce yourself as an APD officer before engaging. Technically speaking, Ricky was correct.

You're always going to get screaming civs. I've done it all. I'm a sergeant and former staff member here, and still catch shit every arrest. It comes with the Territory.

Regarding pardons, only corporals and higher have permission to pardon based on your handbook. If there is no corporal online, you are able to pardon but only for very specific situations. Seeing someone act in self defense, an accidental vehicular manslaighter that you witnessed, and if a player immediately texts the police regarding a crime they've committed and comes and roleplays out their self defense story with presumably only a single count of the manslaughter charge.

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wouldnt it be more appropriate to talk with a senior APD in teamspeak or other cadets about this issue?, id feel you would get better feedback verbally discussing this

Bro I just slammed down all his questions didn't I? SNAKE YOU A BOSS SON.

But holey I'll be available later tonight if you need further assistance

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well im getting the feedback period that is all that matters and thank you for your knowingness and we do speak about it when we can also not all the time we are able to and with the new updates and changes we all are working together so not sure why we would have a problem with doing this at all but thank you for helping me out.


anyway i was told that constable or higher can do a pardon but my question is pertaining to how do we know what and when to pardon and lately it has been an epidemic of people expecting a pardon.im aware of how much crap we take and also can take it since i put up with enough in the military and was in the first year they started letting coed allowed in barracks that was fun let me tell ya.


So if someone says they accidentally killed everyone in their crew with a heli crash and this was why the person was wanted then we are allowed to give him one manslaughter charge and i was told earlier that we only take one off and there are so many times this stuff happens and im having to just try my best to allow something if the story is ok and there isnt something else such as evading arrest and stuff of the sort i guess i would say.Also ill say it again im an adult im speaking of all this stuff on the forums not complaining so how about we cool it on this plz and if you think im a dummy or dumb and have no clue what im doing i would greatly appreciate you coming to talk to me and we get this sorted out because i hate no one and if i have a problem with what they say or do on the forums ill talk to them about it not just start pointing fingers ok.......

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Generally speaking, I'll pardon a player once per reset if they follow the stipulations I previously listed.

Regarding your question about the heli crash, players should be contacting you quickly enough for you to have the kills logged in the chatbox if you scroll up. You'll see it was a blatant crash if there's 6 names back to back with no break and the player dies as well.

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The way im taking the pardon is usually if not at all ill try to get ahold the player for instance they ran over and ask and this works a lot of the time which if they have turned themselves in and i state that they have to send us a message (which sometimes the message is another restart away)ill state they should have turned themselves in and so on.Ill go by if the message and turn themselves in and its only one vehicular manslaughter then the story is played out well enough and they can have a pardon.Yet we have many players with challenging bounty's such as 4 manslaughters by crashing heli and a vig killing with stun gun or a bounty of many different things and they want there vehicular pardon per say so its hard to distinct the options when this is becoming an epidemic and also putting up with many people saying they will turn me in for not giving pardon when i really do not know exactly what to do other than state the rule and its at the officers discretion and if they work with us then maybe we can work a deal and get a pardon but then i have a worry that i may get in trouble over it when i havent been addressed about everything when its hard to address every single detail about a pardon or the civilians situation and it takes time.

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Roleplay is the key.

If a player is wanted for multiple varieties of charges, no pardon is to be given. If they follow proper required protocol and add additional roleplay, a pardon can be granted. You are never required to pardon a player.

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wouldnt it be more appropriate to talk with a senior APD in teamspeak or other cadets about this issue?, id feel you would get better feedback verbally discussing this 

I dont know if its been busy or lack of APD . I know Thanks Giving is coming close but when I had ask eight times about needing help from higher up I and others get "Not right now, just handle it ." then i get screwed for not know what to do.

Example: Civ opens closes the gate blocking spawn in HQ. I have done charge them twice and let higher up we go wild one in hq. Is there anyway if there is three attempts to deal with this situation on are own from Cadet and Constable perspecticve because Corp's are moslty in Helis . After two times if the Civ acting up send straight to Jail?

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My perspective would be in accordance to after the first time you warn them then sometimes they may make the mistake again but if its done a third time then they are considering there actions to be used over and over and that should be a mandatory send to jail because the effort to just keep warning them will not help.If we just warn them once and they end up with the same problem because some people simply just do not listen or forget what was said 5 mins ago which im the worlds worst but yes three times is perfect.The issue with orcas flying over all time or trolling hq when we are processing is so aggravating and alot of the times difficult to get the tale rotor but its getting old over and over we dealt with the same guy yesterday over 6 times in the same day and he stayed in flight for over 20 mins and we were not able to hit his tale rotor but in a few streams ive noticed a few players hit the tale rotor in one clip so its possible.

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Issues like what you talk about doesn't require higher officers to spend their time to log into a server to deal with a troll. That's why there are so many times that many APD members get the response "just handle it". Back when all of us now higher ups were youngin's, Constable was a badass rank. If you were a constable, you had proven yourself, you knew what you were doing, and you weren't asking for help every time you got a situation. For a disobeying an officer charge like in your example Tekcub, third offense is jail. Know your ticket guide for things like that. Many offenses result in third offense jail. (just don't use the old ticket values). 


You guys don't need your hand held. Asking questions is okay, begging for assistance when theres a strange smell in the air isn't going to provoke a response from us every time. Remember the boy who cried wolf? That happens a lot.


You're expected to know the rules and be perfecting roleplay as a constable. If you don't fit those requirements, and need extra help for basic situations, things may need to be reevaluated.

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1 up snake!!! because i feel people get promoted to fast.. and i cant even play the game due to lack of rule knowledge and also the 24/7 "CAN YOU ADD DISOBAYING AN OFFICER",     "OMG HES SPEEDING CAN ANY ONE ADD THAT CHARGE", "HE JUST THREATENED ME"   if i log in right now i could fill 4 hours of game play adding these charges that people beg for in between asking rules.. if your a cadet id love to help if you should know a rule as a constable it kind of makes me wonder...

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ok well ill just quit asking questions then but when the server has updates and rule changes or role backs ill need to be updated by the higher ups and im going by the rules and if i do not know a rule or not aware then i refrain from it until im able to find someone who can fill me in but i will say i find it rude that you say im supposed to know everything because im a constable as well or anyone else who is a constable and if i cant ask questions that i cant get fixed while in game since there is to much going on or its a simple question as the ones im asking for an opinion on the forums i dont expect a higher up to say im not good enough to be a constable or any other constable on this server just because we want to know more.I feel that some people use there power with there feelings and forget to leave that at home when they are doing there job.

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These are questions due to the fact that the server has new rules and every rule has different aspects to it that are not explained in the rule its self and also gameplay changes such as people have an epidemic recently of wanting pardons and also we have many people wanting to know this so its rude that your on here pointing me out for no reason because i want to know more and if you want a robo cop then go to the dump and pick scraps but leave your ego at home plz

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also tekcub i wasnt saying i send them to jail only after warnings i was saying after there third attempt to the same arrest or bounty but other than that we have complaints everyday but if i was on and someone is messing with the doors or blocking spawn im all over it i hate someone who trys to ruin the experience of another on purpose and not accident.We are only able to do so much and we are all learning still and we could use stuff like this that we talk about on the forums especially when im trying to help or train a cadet and ill be able to tell him how to respond to a 911 call but everyone is different and or perfect plus we do not know everyone and how they are 

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I wasn't actually talking about you specifically at all. That being said:


If you want me to be specific, the rule you asked about has never changed. Ever. 


You are quizzed on the rules when you become a constable for a reason, and it's so we don't need to instruct you on details. A lot of players believe there are these mysterious "grey areas" That don't even exist, which is more of what I was alluding to. 

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yes i understand what your saying snake and i actually abide by the rules and try to show responsibility to the cadets.I end up not saying im an apd officer and tell someone just to put his hands up and the guy makes a big deal out of it and wants a pardon.These pardons are a joke and i just wanted to talk about it to get it off my mind.Im also going to say ive seen alot of rules bent and broke by all officers but we all can fix this and go about our way because either sometimes we are just having fun or sometimes our actions that relate to being an apd officer end up hurting someone and we have to comp or so on.In my mind when this happened was that the guy was already running away from the other officer and was looking right at me and hiding behind our truck when i told him to put his hands up and reaction was he already knows who i am but from now on ill always say apd first even though that makes me feel as a robot now.

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To be fair, Holey Ghost was screaming at me and telling me that he didn't have to announce himself as an APD officer before tazing me, and that I didn't know anything when I brought it to his attention that he didn't say APD and could have been trying to rob me. At this point, officer Ghost was infuriated and again told me I knew nothing and that he was a veteran RPer and I was just a civilian. I then informed him that he was not conducting himself in a professional or courteous manner, as he was yelling at me before I had even raised the volume of my voice to speak above his screaming. He kept insisting that I knew nothing and that he didn't have to announce himself and that he knew the rules. I then offered to read the rule directly from the handbook, which I had open on the other monitor, and he started yelling at me again after I quoted where it says that he is to "always" announce himself as APD which is the first rule in the dealing with suspects section.. I had it recorded but not sure if I kept the video. I'll have to checki when I get home. 

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yes i understand what your saying snake and i actually abide by the rules and try to show responsibility to the cadets.I end up not saying im an apd officer and tell someone just to put his hands up and the guy makes a big deal out of it and wants a pardon.These pardons are a joke and i just wanted to talk about it to get it off my mind.Im also going to say ive seen alot of rules bent and broke by all officers but we all can fix this and go about our way because either sometimes we are just having fun or sometimes our actions that relate to being an apd officer end up hurting someone and we have to comp or so on.In my mind when this happened was that the guy was already running away from the other officer and was looking right at me and hiding behind our truck when i told him to put his hands up and reaction was he already knows who i am but from now on ill always say apd first even though that makes me feel as a robot now.


The problem with only saying "Ricky Spanish, hands up." is that this is exactly what someone robbing me would try to say. And I tend to run when someone tries to rob me. I turn myself in all the time, and am generally polite to most people that aren't rude to me. If the police were to kick in the door to someone's home without announcing themselves they may get shot by the homeowner. It's to protect everyone.

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