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Heinz's Securities & Equities V4.0

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Heinz's Securities & Equities V4.0

Since August of 2016


What Does HSE do and How Does it Work?


Heinz's Securities & Equities (HSE) is a brokerage firm on the Island of Altis. What HSE allows players to do is invest in REAL LIFE stocks, commodities (aka futures), and currencies (aka forex), with their Altis Life money. THERE IS NO REAL LIFE MONEY INVOLVED IN ANY OF THIS. Allow me to explain the process:

  1.  A player wishes to invest with me. They must first make an account with me (This is detailed below and is extremely simple).
  2. The player chooses what they want to invest in. HSE has 9,547 different stocks, and a couple dozen futures/ forex products available.
  3. If the player does not wish to spend time picking out what to invest in, or the player doesn't know of any good stocks to invest in, they can place a "Quick Investment"/ Details for this are specified below.
  4. Once the player has decided how and what to invest in, they must pick how much they want to invest. There is a 10K minimum investment requirement.
  5. At this point, Heinz will punch in trades in his Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is directly linked to the real life market. In a way, you are placing a fake trade on the market. The spreadsheet keeps track of where you entered the trades, how much of a product you bought, and what the current price of that product is. This allows it to automatically calculate how much you are up or down in profits/losses for me. 
  6. The player will transfer the amount he wants to invest over the Heinz PLUS commissions (which will be detailed below). Heinz in turns puts them in his gang funds, which are basically the HSE holdings.
  7. Player can sell positions at any time by contacting Heinz. Once positions are sold, player will receive their money back + or - any profits or losses.  

Some Notes:

- I make money when investors lose money. When investors make money I lose money.

- I do not give investment suggestions to players. This is because if I do and they start to lose money I often get people claiming I intentionally put them in those positions so they would lose money, and I in turn would make money. 

- If you are a person who is not into the markets and just wants to throw money into a random investment, please move down to the section titled "Placing 'Quick Trades'".

Placing Specified Trades


For Those who know what they are doing in the markets, please follow this section of the page to place your trades:

  1. If you have not done so yet, make an account with HSE. PM me the following in game or on Forums:

1. Steam ID #

2. Commission preference: When buying or selling stocks, would you rather pay $2.00 for every share you buy/ sell, or $7,500.00 per each trade you place?

       If you are BUYING, message this ticket to me preferably on forums, but in game works too:




Buy:  (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL". REQUIRED for stocks only.) (How many in dollars do you wish to invest in it?)(Margin #)

Buy: (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL" REQUIRED for stocks only.) (How many in dollars do you wish to invest in it?)(Margin #)

Buy: (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL" REQUIRED for stocks only.) (How many in dollars do you wish to invest in it?)(Margin #)


... And so on. Delete or add more buy spots if you need more or less of them. Buy orders will be entered into the book as soon as I see them, but your entry price will be change to the prices if what you are buying when the money is transferred. Accounts are limited to 8 positions at one time.

The last bracket of a buy order has this: (Margin #). Many are probably wondering what this is. What margin does at HSE is allows the player to multiply their profits and losses by any number from 2-5. For example If you have a total profit of 30K, but have margin set for 4, then you actually have a 120K profit [4*30K]. If you do not wish to use it, then delete that parenthesis. 

Here is an example buy ticket:


Name: Heinz Gormittz

SteamID#: 123456789987654321

Buy: (Denbury Resources)(DNR)($10,000,000.00)(3)


         If you are SELLING, message this ticket to me preferably on forums, but in games works too:



Steam ID#: 

Sell:   (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL". REQUIRED for stocks only.)(Quantity [How much of position you want to sell])(Date/Time)

Sell:   (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL". REQUIRED for stocks only.)(Quantity [How much of position you want to sell])(Date/Time)

Sell:   (Name of Company/Futures/Forex) (Symbol of Company/Futures/Forex- ex, Apple's symbol is "AAPL". REQUIRED for stocks only.)(Quantity [How much of position you want to sell])(Date/Time)


... And so on. Add more sell spots if you need them, or delete them accordingly. Your order will be processed at the price the product was at during the date/time marked in the message in the order.

Here is an example sell ticket:


Name: Heinz Gormittz

SteamID#: 123456789987654321

Sell: (Denbury Resources)(DNR)(100%)(1/16/2017 @16:52)


*WARNING TO INVESTORS* If trading Futures/Forex product and stocks on margin, there is is a potential for your investment to become so unprofitable that you lose more money than you have invested. If this happens, you will get a "Margin Call". In other words, if you lose more money than you have invested, HSE will force close your position in order so that you do not go into debt with the brokerage firm.

Placing "Quick Trades" 


If you know not what you are doing, do not frequently check the markets, or just want to throw your money in a random investment, have no fear. This section will allow you to get invested quickly, and with minimal brain power!

If you have not done so yet, make an account with HSE. PM me the following in game or on Forums:

1. Steam ID #

2. Commission preference: When buying or selling stocks, would you rather pay $2.00 for every share you buy/ sell, or $7,500.00 per each trade you place?

I have 4 "Risk Tiers" of investment groups you can chose, the first tier is the least risky, the fourth tier is most risky. Obviously, with more risk comes more reward. The lowest tier might move your investment up or down 10% in a year. The riskiest one has the potential to move it 20-500% in a day. The amount you chose to invest will be spread evenly amongst all products listed in each tier.

Tier 1 Contains LOW VOLATILITY

Apple "AAPL"     https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL?p=AAPL

Microsoft  "MSFT"        https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/MSFT?p=MSFT

Google     "GOOG"         https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOOG?p=GOOG

Cisco Systems   "CSCO"         https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CSCO?p=CSCO

Exxon Mobil    "XOM"           https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/XOM?p=XOM

Facebook       "FB"          https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/FB?p=FB

Amazon   "AMZN"         https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMZN?p=AMZN



DPW Holdings  "DPW"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DPW?p=DPW

Tesla "TSLA"      https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TSLA?p=TSLA

Denbury Resources "DNR"     https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DNR?p=DNR

Spider S&P500 ETF   "SPY"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SPY?p=SPY

Direxion S&P500 Leveraged Bull ETFX3    "LABU"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LABU?p=LABU



Direxion Leveraged Bull X3 S&P500 ETF     "SPXL"               https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SPXL?p=SPXL

Direxion Leveraged Bull X3 NASDAQ Biotech Index ETF   "LABU"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LABU?p=LABU

Direxion Russia Index Bull X3 ETF    "RUSL"                 https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RUSL?p=RUSL

Micro Gold Futures "/MGC"               https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GC=F?p=GC=F

E-Mini Crude Oil Futures   "/QM"               https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CL=F?p=CL=F



CBOE Bitcoin Futures     "/XBT"       https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/[email protected]     DELAYED DATA

Natural Gas Futures     "/NG"         https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NG=F?p=NG=F

E-Mini NASDAQ Futures       "/NQ"         https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ES=F?p=ES=F

Grain Feeder Cattle Futures      "/GF"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GF=F?p=GF=F

Palladium Futures      "/PA"       https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PA=F?p=PA=F


You can make slight changes to these if you want when you invest. Let me know if you wish to do so.

When you are ready to invest in one of these groups, send this ticket to me on forums preferably. In game can work too.

*WARNING TO INVESTORS* If trading Futures/Forex product and stocks on margin, there is is a potential for your investment to become so unprofitable that you lose more money than you have invested. If this happens, you will get a "Margin Call". In other words, if you lose more money than you have invested, HSE will force close your position in order so that you do not go into debt with the brokerage firm.

Products marked above in red have the potential to force an account into a margin call.




(BUY/SELL)(Amount being invested)(Tier you want to invest in)(Date/Time)


As with complex orders in the previous section, all entry prices will be entered only when the money is transferred to HSE- Not at the time of the messages. If you are selling, the exit prices will be whatever the product being sold was at during the date/time marked on the trade ticket. 

here is a ticket example: 


Name: Heinz Gormittz

SteamID#: 123456789987654321

(BUY)($5,000,000.00)(TIER 4)(1/16/2017@16:56)

Once the money is transferred you are in! 

How I Keep track of your Positions & Details on how HSE Works


I have an extremely detailed document that goes into how stocks, futures, and forex work, as well as how other aspects of my brokerage service works. Check it out here if interested:

Heinz's Investments.docx

I also have a YouTube video that tries to show how an trade is placed, then how my spreadsheet works and keeps track of everything. Check it out here:



How the Public can Invest in YOUR Gang


If you are a gang leader, or even in a gang, you are going to want to see this! You can now allow people to invest in your gang- just like companies do in real life when they are on the market! This has the possibility of providing immense profits for gangs, and investors alike. It is all rather difficult, so please check out the below word document, and tutorial video. If you have viewed both of these resources and still have questions, please ask me!

Complete Guide to Gang IPO.docx



Hedge Funds/ Financial Services & HSE Job Offerings


   The amount of opportunities offered with HSE might leave the average person who knows little to nothing about finance wondering how to make money off of this. There are very few who know anything about investing on this server. This is in fact, true in real life. That is why the majority of us put our money into a financial planning company or organization. I am saying this not because I am offering a job, but to just remind those who are financially savvy, that there is an opportunity here to be an asset manager for gangs, or large groups of individuals. In the future, I can see trustworthy players managing millions entrusted to them by clients of their own. Remember, HSE is just a brokerage house- we do not actually make recommendations on what people should buy. This leaves a window open for other players to expand the business side of Altis Life. 

     HSE also has a job opening. With the advent of gangs being able to grow their money through investors, there is the potential for scamming, or downright lies to be used when filling out gang Fundamental Profiles sheets. What I am in need of is someone who is interested the following:


1. Once a month, joining gangs who have public trading momentarily to check up on and make sure they are not lying on their Company Fundamental Profiles. This means check the amount of gang members, warehouses, and gang funds to make sure they are identical to the Profile sheet. This job would only be available if gangs actually began using my system to allow people to invest in them.


Will be kept at rank 0 in gang

Will not be able to process trades or have any sort of brokerage positions with HSE.

Basically the only purpose of the job is to do what is listed above. Nothing more. This opening is for someone who is a sort of a lone wolf, who wouldn't mind contributing to the role play of this server. Basically you would be a part time SEC officer.


We might also be needing a sort of judge in the future. If HSE grows and becomes a large thing on this server, scamming is imminent. If caught, it would be cool to have a sort of trial (like I had in August of 2016, to determine innocence or guilt in cases of fraud. Perhaps if guilty is pronounced, the judge would levy a fine upon the accused and the admins would make sure the guilty comply with the fine. 

How to Contact HSE


 Forums       Message '   Heinz Gormittz  '

 In Game. I will always be playing under the name " [HSE] Heinz Gormittz " I am ONLY on server 1, and I am usually on for anywhere from 8- 20 hours a week depending on work.



@Sociopathic (Donovan Melero) for helping me with videos, and as of right now being my most active investor.

Anyone who has supported/ invested in the past. Thank you for providing some legitimacy as I attempt to make this a mainstream service

@Shofor exchanging some constructive criticism on my brokerage service and ways it can be improved.

Change Log


Not very large overhauls with this update. I hoped to get the admins to be a sort of 3rd party for me. The idea was they would transfer money between other people's accounts to me account and vice-versa. This so far has not come to be. 

  • Added Bitcoin to the list of futures products clients can invest in. :)
  • Tweaked a few words around in my "Complete Guide to Gang IPO" document. A few things in it didn't make sense.
  • Biggest addition is the ability for customers to invest MUCH faster now. Henceforth, all the have to do is give me a Name, ID#, commission preference, and how much risk they want to take and they are in an investment! I hope this will bring more people in. The previous setup emphasized players reading how all of this worked and then placing a trade. Now the setup gives players a brief rundown on how it works then gives them the option of trading much faster. 


  • Like 3

@Heinz Gormittz can you make a system to bet on the currency exchange system with olympus cash being based on the dollar?

  • Like 1

So to clarify:

Currently the currency exchanges look like this:

US Dollar/ Jap Yen

US Dollar/ Canadian Dollar

New Zealand Dollar/ Australian dollar


You want me to make it so that is like:

Altis Dollar/ US Dollar

Altis Dollar/ Canadian Dollar

and so on?

I thin

2 hours ago, Heinz Gormittz said:

So to clarify:

Currently the currency exchanges look like this:

US Dollar/ Jap Yen

US Dollar/ Canadian Dollar

New Zealand Dollar/ Australian dollar


You want me to make it so that is like:

Altis Dollar/ US Dollar

Altis Dollar/ Canadian Dollar

and so on?

I think he means US Dollar to be replaced by the Altis Dollar

7 hours ago, Merpfer said:

I thin

I think he means US Dollar to be replaced by the Altis Dollar

Elaborate on what "replaced" means.

9 hours ago, Heinz Gormittz said:

Elaborate on what "replaced" means.

The value of Altis dollar would be represented by the actual value of US currency.

  • 10 months later...

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