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New Map Issues - My Bad...

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Welcome Olympus Community.  As many of you have noticed, the map that I have been trying to push lately has caused nothing but issues.  I apologize for the trouble it has caused all of you. 


Poseidon has been trying to keep up with the coding that all of you love and I have been a thorn in his side because of the map I was trying to hard to over do.  After yet again another failure with the new map yesterday I have taken a step back and decided that Poseidon is right and I need to take it a step at a time.


I am going to take his lead and rebuilt the map from the ground up just as he did the code.  I am no longer going to use any map editor addons to gain access to objects that are not in the vanilla editor.  I am also going to be utilizing more of the map that is already on the static Altis map instead of trying to add more and more objects to the map that just don't need to be there.


I am also currently interviewing a replacement for myself as skin designer.  This will allow me to focus on more map content on a monthly basis instead of trying to piss of Poseidon and update the map with a fire hose and push out TONS of map updates all at once and cause a troubleshooting nightmare.


Starting next week I will be streaming full time during my usual AM schedule while I work on the new map.  Come keep me company.  ;) 


Finally - I would like to publicly apologize to Poseidon for trying to start a hissy fit war with him on the public forums.  Sorry boss...work, RL, holidays..whatever, just got the best of me and I took it out on your.  I LOVE YOU MAN!  (not as much as I love Ares, but can you blame me...)

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