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Who won the war MC or Tree

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Tree won. Tree only had 8... don't know where 12 came from. We started with 10 but 2 d/c'd. Tree didn't take foritication...mcdili wasn't even there...

Tree had 12 and MC had 18. Tree took a fortification and MC tried to assault it. I'm not surprised Tree won with those circumstances.

What? :lol:  We had 8 competeing and 4 doing runs MC had 18ish MC members and friends we never fortified till the last 5 Tree's we went 200 out like instructed and flanked and moved up [Tree] Natyboh clutched a 2v1

Mcdili we only had like 10-12 [Tree] members there, There were atleast 20+ [MC] members, we were out numbered and WE out played you guys, dont say salty stuff or try make excuses for the loss, or dont create these wars if your guna try make everyone think you guys were cheated out of it ok. simple.

Mcdili we only had like 10-12 [Tree] members there, There were atleast 20+ [MC] members, we were out numbered and WE out played you guys, dont say salty stuff or try make excuses for the loss, or dont create these wars if your guna try make everyone think you guys were cheated out of it ok. simple.


Nobody is salty. I didn't make this thread.


There were 18 MC exactly, as we split into two 9 man squads.


I'm just giving my perspective on why we lost. Taking a fortification is a legitimate strategy. We expected you guys to be more spread out on the outside and by the time we figured out most of your guys were in the center our squad leaders were gone, so it wasn't very organized once Moob and Ghostface died.

McDili, We were spread out too. Maybe you shouldn't rely your tactics on 1-2 people. Don't be salty dude.. Regardless of whether you say it or not. You're making excuses. Squid was killed on the Coast line and I wasn't that far from the coast. You're the first person i heard complain about that fight and making excuses

Nobody is salty. I didn't make this thread.


There were 18 MC exactly, as we split into two 9 man squads.


I'm just giving my perspective on why we lost. Taking a fortification is a legitimate strategy. We expected you guys to be more spread out on the outside and by the time we figured out most of your guys were in the center our squad leaders were gone, so it wasn't very organized once Moob and Ghostface died

and you had some boy from LOST and 2-4 randoms

we were out numbered like 2/1 so we had to play with a different strategy than you guys, also i think youll find one off our was atleast 700m from the center, which was GrandpaSquid that took Nick Wong from 697m'ish, also if you was listening to Moob he said that the circle MOOB created on the map was where we were guna try keep the battle within as it would take to long to find each other but you guys tryed to flank at kinda failed and your strategy broke apart, you became individuals trying to find picks.

Conner and Squid are in [Tree] but Squid dont run tags :/

I included them in the numbers.


You guys had Connor and Squid. Who cares?

I am in Tree McDili ;). Have been for like a month

I say we legitimately lost, but there was some weird shit that went down on your side in fairness, It's 2 v 1, Fugi + Adi vs Natty, Fucking medic revives Conner, Fugi has to shoot Conner, gives away his position, he pays for it with his life, THEN it's 1 v 1 Adi v Natty.. Tense in our TeamSpeak, Then boom. One of your guy's chopper fly's right over, Intentional or not, It could Ping our man's location on map. whereas we all sat at rebel 22km away. Knowing not to even go near going back. Final Note, Didn't notice it until afterwards and we put 2 + 2 together.. Why was your Huron still parked in the middle in the fortified position? That can only mean 1 of 2 things, 1. You never left the fortified position and just spread out on foot. 2. You flew people north and used the huron to fly people back to the middle. Whereas the pre-set rules stated you were both fly to the opposite sides of the Island. You north, us south.

I wonder, why ask "Who won" when any comments made against you guys or in a way that makes MC look like the winners you guys attack the poster..


Don't ask a question that involves a lot of opinion and then reply to everything with "salty"

I wonder, why ask "Who won" when any comments made against you guys or in a way that makes MC look like the winners you guys attack the poster..


Don't ask a question that involves a lot of opinion and then reply to everything with "salty"

Sir just stop

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