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Biggest cop vs civ interactions 15vs15

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So last night I personally had one of the best times on Olympus in my history of being here. It all started with Jmart asking for some help on a simple jail break. So i reached out to the BurBan leader Stealth and his group of 11 along with me came to help Jmart. Word spread that we were about to smash some little rookie cops, well next thing we know there's even numbers 15v15. Chief of police, 2 sergeants, some corporals, and rest PO and Deputy, but at the end of the day when you have snipers like Myself, Deimos, Big Bad Adam, Stealth, and let's all not forget the squeaker that can dome kids Symfuhny. Along with Quamish and sons (Quaan and Amish) and the JKAT crew inside with pdubs dustin' kids it just seemed like it was too easy.


  All in all this was a great fight the cops were very organized no one man waves for lethels, every single wave was legit and well thought out and a battle. Much respect for everyone that was on the cop force no nerd raging or logging off. S/O to Cpt. Ace for getting one shot by THE HONEYBOOBOO SPECIAL RAHIM. If we can get a video clip of this action it would be great but i just wanted to share an awesome moment and what makes me glad i came back to the game.


  Looking for everyones comments that was in it and talk about how it went and what they think needs to be changed about the jail because as me and a few others talked about after it was just too hard vs an organized good group of players. But lets be real I personally don't know of anyone else that could do it as flawless as what we did...






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Definitely fun.  I like the new jail site except for the OP reeds that you can't really shoot through

Awesome fight gents, was definitely a good one. 


I think the prison is fine personally, usually lethals can shave enough numbers off but in this fight, lets not forget the real MVPs.


The muthafuggin Medics ya'll. The 2 medic hostages that the civs had did some serious work, we had to rethink how we approached the fight.


Unfortunately the fight was forced to end at 5th wave, but I think we might have seen a bit more success if we targeted the medics and made coordinated efforts to restrain them and steal them for the APD. Unfortunately we just didn't think of it sooner.

Can someone tell this moose kid i have enough followers stalking me and hating on me i don't need anymore. "THEY HATE US CAUSE THEY AIN'T US."


   Thanks Bud



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I think the only thing that needs to be changed is how far away from the prison a player can be before they have to start texting the cops one by one. I don't know how far away you were last night booboo but from every cops perspective it seemed like a good 500-700 away from the prison. 

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I think the only thing that needs to be changed is how far away from the prison a player can be before they have to start texting the cops one by one. I don't know how far away you were last night booboo but from every cops perspective it seemed like a good 500-700 away from the prison. 

One does not simply fight Honeybooboo in CQC.

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lol if you ever do find me in CQC i'll zub that ass boys dont think i won't. Warfare i was at a range that some like yourself would find impossible to hit a shot from but that's just my daily routine. I mean Ace had to be hurt for me to hit him from that far... :P 



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lol if you ever do find me in CQC i'll zub that ass boys dont think i won't. Warfare i was at a range that some like yourself would find impossible to hit a shot from but that's just my daily routine. I mean Ace had to be hurt for me to hit him from that far... :P



holy fuck that burn doe #rekt

Yea it was fun, Def one of the hardest encounters iv had. I knew who we was up against so i knew it would be a fight, I had a good group on cop which all done great. Its extremely hard to take on the jail with the hills. We had like mini gun fights goin on 400m from the jail lol. 


With that said all in all it was fun. A fair lose for the cops and a good win for rebels.


10/10 would be shot from 1k again. gg booboo until next time ;)

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