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I'm only just now formulating a fursona (Or adopting one... whatever. Expect the obligatory "long time lurker, first time poster" in a few days.)

I've decided to use a character I created for an interactive story once, and who just became my go-to character for everything because I ended up liking him so much.

Raveclaw Angryfang, the bronze Dragon. Based off of D&D Bronze Dragons, he's got magic to fit the setting he's in. Overall, a friendly enough creature who spends his time accruing wealth and favour with the local populace, his natural shapeshifting abilities allow him to walk among them when there are new people in town who might not take kindly to a dragon walking around town.

There's a lot more backstory that's specific to the world he was created for, which I've already posted about over in so I won't repeat it here. Also because I'm on mobile.

EDIT: Here's a thing that was posted in the "Text based character sheet" discussion:

Age: >800

Height: Cathedral sized (Feral), 6'5" (Anthro), 5'9" (Human)

Species: Bronze Dragon

Gender: Neutral

Eyes: Emerald Green, with slitted draconic pupils.

Distinctive Markings: Aforementioned pupils

Appearance/Build: Metallic bronze scales, Large twisted horns

Non-Physical Description-

Nicknames/Aliases: "Him", Anteron, The Final Shadow, The Blinding Light, Destroyer of Dunderhall.

Parents: Deceased

Sexual Orientation: Ambivalent. It's simply whoever strikes his fancy that day.

Marital Status: Single. (Ready to mingle)

Personality: Overall likeable. Runs a bustling trade port made to economically crush neighboring town Dunderhall. Will hold a grudge for centuries and make use of who- and whatever he can to get to his ends, though will always try to cause as little collateral as possible after his initial outburst caused his current predicament.

Traits: Has a tendency to take whoever he wants to sleep with back to his cave in the mountains, though never the unwilling. Often multiples at a time.

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  • 2 years later...

Very cool hatchbacks! Always good to widen Olympus player outreach. Glad you feel this is a safe space where you can be who you really are!

  • Senior Texture Designer

@ Raveclaw Angryfang after further review kids college enterprises has deemed you are not fit as leader and I will be taking over leadership until you seek rehab!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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