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Cops taking SERVER rule enforcement into their own hands.

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My friend was sent straight to jail yesterday for accidentally killing another one of my friends in restraints, he understands its against the rules, but it was an accident that the police didn't understand. So they decided to take it upon them selves to punish him and send him straight to jail. I find it extremely unfair, as it is the decision of one or two, none staff individuals who don't need any proof to punish the alleged rule breaker. With that said, are cops actually allowed to do this? If so I really don't think they should be able to do this, and they should have to send in a player report just like everyone else does.

I would also like to mention that the the restrained person that was killed was literally in the middle of the gun fight, this made it pretty obvious it was an accident, but the cops ignored that fact.

We do both, most of the times. Also, you have to value your friends life - in the end he is one of your friends.

So throwing grenades right next to him is more then careless...


Even from my POV, it looked like you did it on purpose, especially that you were throwing grenades at the car that your friend was in... you knew he was going to die before me yet you continued...

As a answer to OP, cops cannot act like admins etc and punish people for breaking server rules. Unless its a guy that you know will combat log or someone thats running around in kavala with only a rook RDMing. Cops might be the "good side" of thr players, but that does not make them able to apprehend rules in their own hands. If it was grenades that was used to kill your friend it was a yes and no area, as you could have used a gun to shoot and not toss grenades its a grey area... But seeing from my POV (the uninvolved little bojo thats not taking sides) the arrestation was uncalled for. As it was ad said a accident the cops should have not arrested him for tossing grenades with intentions to only kill cops. If the grenades were intentionally tossed at the car, it was justified. Thats just my 2 cents on it.

We do both, most of the times. Also, you have to value your friends life - in the end he is one of your friends.

So throwing grenades right next to him is more then careless...


Even from my POV, it looked like you did it on purpose, especially that you were throwing grenades at the car that your friend was in... you knew he was going to die before me yet you continued...

Hello Konkz, you may be thinking of a someone else, I was the only restrained person in a car when he started throwing the grenades, and I didn't die, a random civ did. My friend (the same one that threw the grenades) was sent straight to jail because he shot my other restrained friend who was in the middle of the cross fire on the roof of the air field building. Either way, thats not my point, weather it was intentional or not, I am just using this case as an example. Even if the rule breaking is obvious and intentional, cops are not staff so they should not be able to make the decision to punish people in game, with no proof, and no staff input.

As a answer to OP, cops cannot act like admins etc and punish people for breaking server rules. Unless its a guy that you know will combat log or someone thats running around in kavala with only a rook RDMing. Cops might be the "good side" of thr players, but that does not make them able to apprehend rules in their own hands. If it was grenades that was used to kill your friend it was a yes and no area, as you could have used a gun to shoot and not toss grenades its a grey area... But seeing from my POV (the uninvolved little bojo thats not taking sides) the arrestation was uncalled for. As it was ad said a accident the cops should have not arrested him for tossing grenades with intentions to only kill cops. If the grenades were intentionally tossed at the car, it was justified. Thats just my 2 cents on it.

I understand where you are coming from, but you are basing this off of what I said and what Konkz said, there is no proof of what happened at all and this is just my point, I don't think the immediate jailing is justified either way, any non-staff APD should be required to post a player report just like everyone else and should not be allowed to punish people in game under any circumstance.


To sum it up, cops should be required to handle everyone just like they would the next, if they feel any rule breaking has taken place, handle the person normally and submit a player report, just like everyone else.

Hello Konkz, you may be thinking of a someone else, I was the only restrained person in a car when he started throwing the grenades, and I didn't die, a random civ did. My friend (the same one that threw the grenades) was sent straight to jail because he shot my other restrained friend who was in the middle of the cross fire on the roof of the air field building. Either way, thats not my point, weather it was intentional or not, I am just using this case as an example. Even if the rule breaking is obvious and intentional, cops are not staff so they should not be able to make the decision to punish people in game, with no proof, and no staff input.

I understand where you are coming from, but you are basing this off of what I said and what Konkz said, there is no proof of what happened at all and this is just my point, I don't think the immediate jailing is justified either way, any non-staff APD should be required to post a player report just like everyone else and should not be allowed to punish people in game under any circumstance.


To sum it up, cops should be required to handle everyone just like they would the next, if they feel any rule breaking has taken place, handle the person normally and submit a player report, just like everyone else.

Must of confused this, sorry.

APD Patrol Officer can only send a person to jail when they're blantly breaking server rules. What happened in my scenario was that indeed, his friend got restrained and after 30 seconds he throws the grenade right at him and kills him, no regret or anything - I seen it myself of him throwing and turning around, which is why he was sent to jail (<-- In my scenario). He then explained that 'He thought it was a random civ' even know the hex was there? Silly billy.


If they are saying that he shadowplayed it, saying he will blacklist you, send messages to admins etc. then we are going to send him to jail. If he shot his friend and said 'Youre not going to take him to jail, lol noobs' I will send him to jail.


It's only when it's 100% broken, not just a maybe.

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As said above only PO's+ can jail immediately and they can only do it when a rule has been blatantly broken. If it is something they are unsure of then they are process the player as per normal server guidelines. If you feel an APD member is breaking rules, such as jailing for no reason, then submit a player report with the proof. That player will then be dealt with. We have made it very clear if APD members are found abusing this they will get in trouble for it. 


Now we allow APD to do this as it doesn't ban a player but at least removes them for the time being. This was a request alot of the community asked for and so we added it in. It was a good medium if staff were not on to see the rule breakers but it was obvious players were breaking rules. So again if it is being abused report them just as you would anyone else.

Although, I stand by my ideals, personally I don't think any non-staff officers should be allowed to make that decision. I'll accept it, and just make sure to be recording in those situations next time.

Although, I stand by my ideals, personally I don't think any non-staff officers should be allowed to make that decision. I'll accept it, and just make sure to be recording in those situations next time.

  As you should be, even in real life there are civilians and police that record situations and encounters to ensure procedures are followed. 

Personally, I think it should be Corporals plus as I find some PO's misunderstanding how/when to jail.

Personally, I think it should be Corporals plus as I find some PO's misunderstanding how/when to jail.

Record and report :P

Record and report :P

No, I don't want them to get kicked out or so. I will speak to them about it, get them to learn how to do it, but it's just annoying sometimes 3:

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No, I don't want them to get kicked out or so. I will speak to them about it, get them to learn how to do it, but it's just annoying sometimes 3:

That's understandable, Konkz, but sometimes, some people are past redemption :c

That's understandable, Konkz, but sometimes, some people are past redemption :c


As a answer to OP, cops cannot act like admins etc and punish people for breaking server rules. Unless its a guy that you know will combat log or someone thats running around in kavala with only a rook RDMing. Cops might be the "good side" of thr players, but that does not make them able to apprehend rules in their own hands. If it was grenades that was used to kill your friend it was a yes and no area, as you could have used a gun to shoot and not toss grenades its a grey area... But seeing from my POV (the uninvolved little bojo thats not taking sides) the arrestation was uncalled for. As it was ad said a accident the cops should have not arrested him for tossing grenades with intentions to only kill cops. If the grenades were intentionally tossed at the car, it was justified. Thats just my 2 cents on it.

"The arrestation" watch out he's making up his own words

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