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Breakformula's Heli services

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Neutral Pilot for hire 

25% cut 

40% cut for round trips or 25% per pickup 

10% per person for groups

I cover 100% losses if i crash transport provides food/water (Does not apply if shot down)

Services include

will transport to red zones 100% coverage does not apply in red zones

round trips and scheduled time pickups available  

red zone pickups must pay in advance refunded if we crash

Landing zones (LZ) choose a location pay in advance to have your own heli evac and deploy site (prices vary based on needs)


How many trips or round trips


Legal or illegal - no exploits no landing in p.d 

Group size


Gang war



Hot LZ landings (active firefight)

Time needs

Vehicle transport

Heli on standby 

What heli type you need




Prices and services subject to change any previous or new hostility to pilot will result in permanent refusal of services (i keep a list of all hostile players to return the favor in the future)

I am not a gang member and will remain neutral and sell my services to the highest bidder

Customer gets what they pay for all services are final after payment and i will be loyal to your services until agreement is complete


I will not stop a current service if offered a higher price by another customer

Heli remains loyal to your gang,faction,group until services are complete (higher paying rivals cannot purchase services from you)

Transport services only Customers may not purchase or ask for intel or information from the neutral pilot this will void any and all services present and future

All heli contents and locations are men in black mind wiped after transaction

Any hostile action to pilot voids any and all information above (pilot will offer all information gathered to rival (Gangs,Groups,P.D,Vigilantes) <- you play dirty pilot plays dirty

P.D is off limits and pilot will ignore any laws based on payment arrangement 

Heli cannot be purchased or requested as a weapon

Music may be provided if requested in flights no rap 

pilot will not exit heli











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So if I wanted a fully manned hawk to come fight for me at a given time, how much is this going to run me up?

let me hire a few good co pilots and i will be open for business i will not be able to cover the funds of that tier heli atm. ETA 1 week but risk = price for the most part and we will transport for your fight but remain neutral what you do out of the heli is your business i just take you there 

i can provide proper prices once i know my man power and what i am working with . . . . also i am Still learning this server !

Edited by Breakformula

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