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Economic Change in Olympus?

Economic Change to Olympus?  

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  1. 1. Does Olympus Need Economic Change?

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@Jmart, the idea behinds bans is they are done in a sense on a case by case. At the same time we have to be fair so we can't give 1 person a 1 day for RDM and another a 7 day for the same thing. We try to keep a constant when we issue the bans. When you see a player with a longer ban it is for 1 of 2 reasons, either they have had a previous ban within a set amount of time or there actions in the last situation warranted a longer ban such as multiple RDM's type thing. We do roll off bans after so long already we just don't disclose what the time-frame is so it isn't abused. I can tell you it isn't an extremely long time however. There are also plenty of times in which we give a warning versus just an outright ban, its just most people don't see this. Smaller things are usually issued with shorter bans and bigger things with longer bans. With that said we don't usually give someone a 7 day ban right off the bat for anything unless it was something major or due to previous bans.


Regarding the HEMMIT, I again was able to make solo runs in a HEMMIT myself without even having a gun. I ran and did plat runs and was able to save up money. You have to think about what your going to do, how many people are on, the locations you will be at, ect when you decide to do a run. Sometimes it is safer to do a small run and other times you can make the larger runs. Not taking direct routes also helps as your not noticed as easily. Now not everytime did it go smooth and I will admit I even lost my HEMMIT a time or 2 but that is what makes Altis what it is, you never know what may happen next. I also agree that the high end items should not be easy to get as I stated before. If someone wants the nice high end things they should have to work a bit more then someone who has a low end thing.


Regarding legal prices, yes for new player they might seem a bit meh. Alot of people have stated this and as stated before I've added it to the list of changes to see if we can possibly up them a bit for people starting out. Again we don't want legal to be to high nor to low so we have to balance it out. As for map changes it is something we can look into but the goal with the current map changes was to spread things so people weren't all in one spot. People complained they couldn't do things because they were always getting robbed, killed, ect because of this. Now with it spread it seems people are saying they want the "clumping" again.


We have a couple ideas regarding oil as well. We are looking to see if it is possible to do them however but if we are then it will add another element to the mix for players. I like the idea of making oil into something else such as jet fuel or something. It does make since since we do have multiple fuel trucks in the game now.

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@Jmart, the idea behinds bans is they are done in a sense on a case by case. At the same time we have to be fair so we can't give 1 person a 1 day for RDM and another a 7 day for the same thing. We try to keep a constant when we issue the bans. When you see a player with a longer ban it is for 1 of 2 reasons, either they have had a previous ban within a set amount of time or there actions in the last situation warranted a longer ban such as multiple RDM's type thing. We do roll off bans after so long already we just don't disclose what the time-frame is so it isn't abused. I can tell you it isn't an extremely long time however. There are also plenty of times in which we give a warning versus just an outright ban, its just most people don't see this. Smaller things are usually issued with shorter bans and bigger things with longer bans. With that said we don't usually give someone a 7 day ban right off the bat for anything unless it was something major or due to previous bans.


Regarding the HEMMIT, I again was able to make solo runs in a HEMMIT myself without even having a gun. I ran and did plat runs and was able to save up money. You have to think about what your going to do, how many people are on, the locations you will be at, ect when you decide to do a run. Sometimes it is safer to do a small run and other times you can make the larger runs. Not taking direct routes also helps as your not noticed as easily. Now not everytime did it go smooth and I will admit I even lost my HEMMIT a time or 2 but that is what makes Altis what it is, you never know what may happen next. I also agree that the high end items should not be easy to get as I stated before. If someone wants the nice high end things they should have to work a bit more then someone who has a low end thing.


Regarding legal prices, yes for new player they might seem a bit meh. Alot of people have stated this and as stated before I've added it to the list of changes to see if we can possibly up them a bit for people starting out. Again we don't want legal to be to high nor to low so we have to balance it out. As for map changes it is something we can look into but the goal with the current map changes was to spread things so people weren't all in one spot. People complained they couldn't do things because they were always getting robbed, killed, ect because of this. Now with it spread it seems people are saying they want the "clumping" again.


We have a couple ideas regarding oil as well. We are looking to see if it is possible to do them however but if we are then it will add another element to the mix for players. I like the idea of making oil into something else such as jet fuel or something. It does make since since we do have multiple fuel trucks in the game now.

I think almost all of the words possible for me to explain as of how me and several others of why the server pop. is low has been said, I am not saying every word I have said is working but I honestly think there needs to be some major changes because no freshy is going to get enough moeny off the bat to pay for a hemmit and when they do get enough the chances of MC or some other gang spotting them are good, the gangs wont look at the people in the hemmit as freshies cause they are driving a expensive vehichle, it will usually end in the hemmit getting chopped and the owner being shot, then they realize that they have spent 5 hours running drugs in a offroad for nothing. Now i dont think it should be easy enough for some one to do to 2 herion runs in a offroad and be able to buy a hemmit but it needs to be adjusted.

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lirik altis life hype is dead. the summer i joined lirik was pumping out altis life to roughly 50000 people per day. then he continued to play that and arma3 life which generated so much hype around the life mods


cutting off that exposure to thousands of people will be a huge boot to the nuts of any community in those mods.


ill admit, the ONLY reason i even tried altis life was because i saw lirik robbing the fed and getting flash banged. i tried it out with my group of friends and bam, were here for 6 months. without him i would of just been playing wasteland.


even if some new people come and leave because of money / gangs etc... having only an extremely small fraction of people coming to check it out compared to before will result in less people.


edit: lirik has started streaming A3L again, so something might change.

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I want to list out a few things so we are all on the same page and so people do get the whole picture.


1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.


Now this equals.

  1. Mk18 - $120,000
  2. Scope - $20,000
  3. 5 Mags @ $500 each
  4. Uniform - $500
  5. Carryall - $2,500
  6. Vest - $25,000 (Rebel Vest)
  7. ECH Helmet - $15,000
  8. A grand total of $185,500

As noticed these are also not cheap low end items. They are what most people tend to run around in. This is also not taking into account any discounts a player may received by being a donator. Now showing these numbers a player can still easily make more then enough money to buy at least 2 full loadouts by doing just Cocaine. the other drugs each pay higher amounts. So with that said illegal item prices are perfectly fine where they are.


As for legal items that is another story. Yes some could be adjusted but you have to keep in mind that legal items are also suppose to be much less risky and in turn they are going to pay less. Selling glass will net you the same exact loadout above excluding the extra cash however. There are yet other legal items that sell for more as well. Legal prices need to be low enough that people don't just want to rob people doing them but still high enough people can make some money off them.


So in the end when you take a step back and really look at the numbers the pricing isn't all that bad. A cocaine run will take 45-60 minutes to do and net you at least 2 loadouts. A legal run of glass will net you the same loadout with less risk and less ending cash and take roughly the same amount of time. Now you can of course choose to do runs with others and your cut will be lower but this is as expected.


Now regarding trunk space, we did this as what we had before was just insane. You could get a hatchback and it would have the same amount of storage as a Boxer truck. Trunk space was adjusted to be based off the default trunk storage amount. The larger the vehicle has for a default storage the larger u will get when you upgrade. The mod prices are set high as they are not something you have to have. They are extras and someplace to spend extra money when you get it.


Now once again I'm not saying no changes should be made but before jumping the gun and saying the prices are out of line think about what you can actually get from the runs.


Few Problems:

1. Getting to that stage, I could see from an outside perspective if you put all your money and resources into your first effort run be it legal or illegal and you A. Get fucked by Robbing Rebels, or B. Get fucked by APD. It could drive any noob away knowing they have NOTHING left and are basically at the mercy of Paychecks at that point.


2.''1 HEMMIT will net $440,000 when selling Processed Cocaine. Keep in mind this is the cheapest selling illegal item

1 HEMMIT of Glass will net you $188,000. There are 8 other legal types of items that will give you more cash as well.''


That's not a lot if you are saving for a house/Heli or if you need to split it with your other nooby gang members.


ALSO, This maths only works if the price does not drop instantaneously. With the price dropping everytime you sell an inventory, if you are selling with 2 people to take into account that you have food/water/redgulls in your inventory means you only sell 80 means you are probably going to lose out on about 85/90k. That's on price drop alone, Then not even to mention the Cartel percentage. so at the end of this, you might be lucky if you come out with 300k.. Most people will only be confident enough to do this with a few helping friends, so now lets say split that 300k 3 ways.. 100k each for all the time and effort? Not a lot of profit for the risk. 


3. Trunk space, Not worth a damn thing unless it's on the very high end Trucks/Helicopters, What is it for an offroad +8 or +12 storage I believe, that costs what like 15k to put into effect. Far more than a straight off the streets of Kavala thug can afford to fork out, and is only 4.4k or 6.6k depending on whether it's 8 or 12. 


Bans, Not an issue. Play by the rules and you're fine. that's why it goes 3/4, 7. 14, Perm. First is a warning, 2nd is ''Hey, we know what you're doing, Stop'' 3rd is your final wake-up call.

I've played here a Long enough time, I was banned once about 7 months ago, never happened again.


4. Final Issue, directed to cops, STOP STACKING SERVER 1. It is currently 0:55am GMT, 2 hours ago, server 1 had 11 APD members for 25 civs. WHY? you're either going to be bored, or 2 ^ Like the point I brought up Fucking up the noobs who aren't able to escape APD's wrath. Server 2 at this point had 13 Players (0 cops). I decided to be be a factor in this equation, added myself and 6 cops to server 2 bringing it up to 19, within 45 minutes the server had 48 People on it. Nobody wants to play a server where there is no cops. Noobs have to rely on the APD to protect them from big bad bastards like myself. and if they're not there, then nothing is there to stop them getting robbed blind. *Note*, MC does not even Rob anymore in an attempt to help let people get money, and get this, Me, That's right, Corporal fucking Moob, the vicious murderer was helping noobs with runs, running them in my tempests/choppers and letting get a large cut from it. That's how you know something is extremely wrong.

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I had a guy tell me about you helping him out Moob, nicely done sir.  Just a simple idea, dont know if there are issues with the coding side of things, but why not add a tag to players with less then 250 or so minutes on the server.  NUB, FNG, Private, anything that would convey to players this guy is wet behind the ears.


Maybe add bodyguard fees into the game.  Vigilante for legals, a rebel for illegals.

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My post got hidden. Dont feel like retyping it. Basically what moob and Jmart said. You guys are spot on. Just 1 thing id like to add.


I can only play roughly a hour a day. So lets say on the weekdays i play 4 days. It takes about 35 minutes to do a Cocaine run, i wouldnt have time to do Meth or moonshine (the only drugs worth doing). So im doing my cocaine, after set up (gear up get a car log in and organize with friends) that is about 20 minutes. I can barely do a coke run in 40 minutes. Assuming there isnt any complications (being robbed) So that is about 90k (at full price) after cartels. So that isnt even a Katiba loadout. So say i do this Monday tuesday wensday and thursday. 90x4= 360k. Now friday night i wanna do cartels, lets say we do it and make some cash then i die. That means i have to buy a new loadout. A decent Mk18 loadout is 180k. So there goes 1 loadout, down to 180k. Maybe made 40k from my cut of cartel during this time. Then i repeat, or i wanna do a fed this time. Lethaled or get caught there goes the other loadout. Which means saturday, i get to troll kavala with a rook, or i can do more drugs = not fun. I play to have fun, of course to have fun you gotta work but i dont wanna spend all my playtime during the week preparing for one night of fun and then have to regrind on the weekend. Like i said, i dont get to play alot, so when i do play, id like to be able to chill with my friends and just play the game. I dont wanna do drugs the whole time. Just my 2 cents.

am i the only one that enjoys the new economy? i find it being better because you actually have to dedicate time into getting rich, you have to have decent game knowledge aswell, you need to select the best routes and the best way of doing it, seeing as you do actually need to think twice about your choices, the cops are a danger and so are other people. the ammount of money you make is good enough. i did a Hemmt Transport run of Frogs alone, and i made 460k, no risk or anything, was even tabbed out processing watching youtube whilst there was 28 people online. you just need to use your brain for once :)

and i have to add, this would never be a problem if the economy would be like this to begin with. seeing as the old economy was so easy it wasnt even fun its a big change for most of you, and as said, for most of you its probably to big of a change. your not here to become the richest fucker around, your here to have fun and RP / Kill Stuff, so just use your brain and think twice before you act and your good.

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am i the only one that enjoys the new economy? i find it being better because you actually have to dedicate time into getting rich, you have to have decent game knowledge aswell, you need to select the best routes and the best way of doing it, seeing as you do actually need to think twice about your choices, the cops are a danger and so are other people. the ammount of money you make is good enough. i did a Hemmt Transport run of Frogs alone, and i made 460k, no risk or anything, was even tabbed out processing watching youtube whilst there was 28 people online. you just need to use your brain for once :)

and i have to add, this would never be a problem if the economy would be like this to begin with. seeing as the old economy was so easy it wasnt even fun its a big change for most of you, and as said, for most of you its probably to big of a change. your not here to become the richest fucker around, your here to have fun and RP / Kill Stuff, so just use your brain and think twice before you act and your good.


I agree. I take it people blame the low pop on the servers on the economy but I do not think it's all because of that. Maybe they need to raise the prices on legal stuff definitely , but illegal? For me it's fine. But if they do changes it's okay as long as we get more people to join our servers. 


The other night I had a blast. I was with my gang on server 2 because server 1 was crashing too much. We followed a box truck into heroin field and stole it. Filled it up and left to process it. As we all know, it is a little far away so when we finally got there to process cops followed me ( Big B and Nick2233 ? ). The got to me and there was very nice role play there. I told my gang to keep going because we had a hemmet full of heroin but one of them came back and tried to save me from the cops. 


Anyway. It was a fun experience so sometimes I don't know what is all the complaining about. I know the economy needs to change a little but the fun is still there as long as people role play well enough to make it enjoyable. 


But SPBojo... I think something needs to be done to cater the casual gamers, because us hardcore gamers stick around because we enjoy this community. Even though we might like this the way it is. Having a server with little to no players sometimes just gets boring for us hardcore gamers, so I don't mind they make drastic changes in order to cater to them. 

But SPBojo... I think something needs to be done to cater the casual gamers, because us hardcore gamers stick around because we enjoy this community. Even though we might like this the way it is. Having a server with little to no players sometimes just gets boring for us hardcore gamers, so I don't mind they make drastic changes in order to cater to them. 

First time someone has called me SPBojo in a long while lol, cheers. but yeah, to be honest we have to remember the server / mod itself is about RP... its not about making 100million and buying 50.cals to "RP"..... if the economy would have just been like this in the first place, we would be GREAT. but seeing as other altis life server (caugh caugh caugh) allows you to make basically 1 mill in 30 minutes. i find that being so easy its not even fun. there needs to be a challenge aswell as something keeping you there.

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First time someone has called me SPBojo in a long while lol, cheers. but yeah, to be honest we have to remember the server / mod itself is about RP... its not about making 100million and buying 50.cals to "RP"..... if the economy would have just been like this in the first place, we would be GREAT. but seeing as other altis life server (caugh caugh caugh) allows you to make basically 1 mill in 30 minutes. i find that being so easy its not even fun. there needs to be a challenge aswell as something keeping you there.


Lol yeah I do not know your real name. Yeah, it has been fun, and the guys I'm rolling with are particularly new and they are enjoying themselves. But unfortunately SPBojo lol again, casual gamers have pretty much left our servers and I see new ones here and there but it's not enough to fill both servers like they used to. 


Yesterday night I catered to two newbies on our servers, spent like 15 minutes talking to them to get them started. Gave them a little bit of cash because their quad bike for picking peaches had broken down, and they really felt welcome. Hopefully they'll stick around. Whenever I see new players I actually get excited and try and help them out as much as I can. 


I did try and play on the other nameless server to see what all the fuss was about but it felt very "bleh". Who knows, maybe I'm biased when it comes to Olympus but I can't say I did not try. I feel here it is a better experience overall. In fact, I came in after the wipe. I really do not know what everyone misses, people just started leaving the server after spring break and migrating to others. 


Oh well. Hopefully the nice staff here will get all this working better again for the good of our role play fun. 

Oh well. Hopefully the nice staff here will get all this working better again for the good of our role play fun. 

please, call me bojo :P


and to be honest ,the only changes that needs to be done, is to either boost everything a fair bit, or remove the fact that the market prices drop and increase.

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please, call me bojo :P


and to be honest ,the only changes that needs to be done, is to either boost everything a fair bit, or remove the fact that the market prices drop and increase.

Hopefully that is all we need to get the population growing again. Maybe a new feature here and there. I don't like when people keep leaving to *caugh *caugh you know? 

Hopefully that is all we need to get the population growing again. Maybe a new feature here and there. I don't like when people keep leaving to *caugh *caugh you know? 

yeah, agreed at most. the biggest and tbh only change that needs to be done is boosting the economy to make it some way easier for the everyday scrublord to make money :)

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yeah, agreed at most. the biggest and tbh only change that needs to be done is boosting the economy to make it some way easier for the everyday scrublord to make money :)

Agreed yeah. We will see. Let's hope for the best. By the way , on a totally different note; I thought you weren't going to play anymore. I have seen you a couple of times though. 

Agreed yeah. We will see. Let's hope for the best. By the way , on a totally different note; I thought you weren't going to play anymore. I have seen you a couple of times though. 

im on simply to shoot some stuff from time to time and to see what / how the community is going, seeing as im one of the first people to join the community, i cannot leave my god blessed home :)


i dont play anymore in general because i have alot more IRL priorities that makes me say "fuck you gaming" (or fuck you girlfriend, cant deside LOL)

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im on simply to shoot some stuff from time to time and to see what / how the community is going, seeing as im one of the first people to join the community, i cannot leave my god blessed home :)


i dont play anymore in general because i have alot more IRL priorities that makes me say "fuck you gaming" (or fuck you girlfriend, cant deside LOL)

Lol. I got you. I always find a way to dedicate at least an hour a day on the week and a couple of hours during the weekend, as I am married and work 9-6. Gotta divide the time for everything. 


So back to topic. Well yeah, I hope the servers start piling up eventually. 

Lol. I got you. I always find a way to dedicate at least an hour a day on the week and a couple of hours during the weekend, as I am married and work 9-6. Gotta divide the time for everything. 


So back to topic. Well yeah, I hope the servers start piling up eventually. 

i dont find a way to dedicate jack shit, seeing as im quite the yongster (still older than GrandmaGary tho) i have school a job and not alot of spare time heh...


and yeah, the server will become high pop again, we just need to have faith and to be patient Nerds :P

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Oh okay. What? How old is Gary then? I'm thirty, Jesus. I guess I'm the oldest in the server. 

Oh okay. What? How old is Gary then? I'm thirty, Jesus. I guess I'm the oldest in the server. 

dont know excactly lol, but im older than him, thats all i know haha



and i can tell you that, you are by far not the oldest! :D

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dont know excactly lol, but im older than him, thats all i know haha



and i can tell you that, you are by far not the oldest! :D

Good good. Not bad. Alright, back on topic lol. Olympus will prevail!  :D

Good good. Not bad. Alright, back on topic lol. Olympus will prevail!  :D

prevail i tell you! :D

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