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Ghillie Suits

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Bunch of ghillie racist propaganda here!!!

On topic I feel this could lead down a bad road if handled wrong on a rp sense...if they are wearing it I feel questioning would be ok...but restraining and checking id just because they are wearing it would be fail rp. Maybe question/warning to leave town with it on or take it off as there has been reports of a grass pervert or something along those lines. Unless the person agrees to a search I feel this would be going overboard.

Just my opinion

Or it could be like before and just say "Apd hands up" when we see you wanted. I think that letting us stop people with ghilles is good. It adds more of a RP sense to things i like it, of course i wont ask for ID off the bat. I remember this one time that i stopped paper bot and he said he left his ID at home, he had a 600k bounty so he made up some name and i just let him go cuz it wasnt in our database. As long as people get good RP out of ghille suits and Rp im happy +1.

But that's just the thing...there's still a few cops that...have a small understanding of rp...and will simply restrain then that's it....as long as it is rped well and the cop just isn't using that as a scapegoat to issue ticket I'm fine with it. There should really be no reason to restrain unless the person shows visible threat (I.e. gun in hand/back)

And furthermore...I can almost understand the "there's no real reason to wear it in real life so no reason in altis" but it's a item of clothing...ultimately it comes from the rebel shop and rebels are bad....But if it's gonna be targeted on ghillies why not on military uniforms? Or really anything that comes from the rebel clothing...Then why not any vehicle bought from there (off-road tempest etc)

I just hope we aren't pushing to limit rebels travel into towns by what they choose to wear because "he's got to be up to no good"

If your wearing a Ghillie suit it doesn't give cause to restrain, arrest, taze, ect. It just gives APD a reason to question. The reason to detain only comes if someone does something illegal. If asked to stop by an APD member and you run then you risk being tazed. If you stop and talk (RP) it out then you never know where it will go. We want everyone to RP situations out and if this adds another aspect of RP without hurting anyone then why not.


Again not saying APD can arrest someone just because of what they are wearing, heck they still may not be able to get ID of the person but they can still RP it and try to get the ID.


Example A: A person with a $500k bounty is standing in the middle of Kavala Square with a Ghillie suit on. An APD member walks up and begins to speak with the person. The APD then ask why they are covered in grass? The person replies with "F**k off and runs. The APD member can say "stop, this is the APD". If the person continues to run they can be tazed. At this point the APD member can restrain the person and run a fingerprint scan to get there ID. Because they decided to run the APD now have probable cause to detain the person and get there ID somehow.


Example B: A person with a $500k bounty is standing in the middle of Kavala Square with a Ghillie suit on. An APD member walks up and begins to speak with the person. The APD then ask why they are covered in grass? The person states there clothes got all tore up because they fell so they had to make some temporary clothing to keep warm. The APD then ask something along the lines of who they are. The person replies with well I fell from a rock, bumped my head and so I can't seem to remember. The APD ask if they can run a fingerprint test, the person states no because they don't know who they are or if they have done something in the past. From here the RP only expands but the APD still can not detain the person but they sure can RP the hell out of it.

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If your wearing a Ghillie suit it doesn't give cause to restrain, arrest, taze, ect. It just gives APD a reason to question. The reason to detain only comes if someone does something illegal. If asked to stop by an APD member and you run then you risk being tazed. If you stop and talk (RP) it out then you never know where it will go. We want everyone to RP situations out and if this adds another aspect of RP without hurting anyone then why not.

Again not saying APD can arrest someone just because of what they are wearing, heck they still may not be able to get ID of the person but they can still RP it and try to get the ID.

Example A: A person with a $500k bounty is standing in the middle of Kavala Square with a Ghillie suit on. An APD member walks up and begins to speak with the person. The APD then ask why they are covered in grass? The person replies with "F**k off and runs. The APD member can say "stop, this is the APD". If the person continues to run they can be tazed. At this point the APD member can restrain the person and run a fingerprint scan to get there ID. Because they decided to run the APD now have probable cause to detain the person and get there ID somehow.

Example B: A person with a $500k bounty is standing in the middle of Kavala Square with a Ghillie suit on. An APD member walks up and begins to speak with the person. The APD then ask why they are covered in grass? The person states there clothes got all tore up because they fell so they had to make some temporary clothing to keep warm. The APD then ask something along the lines of who they are. The person replies with well I fell from a rock, bumped my head and so I can't seem to remember. The APD ask if they can run a fingerprint test, the person states no because they don't know who they are or if they have done something in the past. From here the RP only expands but the APD still can not detain the person but they sure can RP the hell out of it.

Without kissing your ass too much...a fucking + for examples. And that's exactly how it should be!

If the situation is handled like that I am in full gear behind it with no questions.

The reason I stated the whole handcuff thing is because we get handcuffed just because "it makes me feel safe as a officer" when in reality if the person was gonna shoot they would prior to even being close enough to be restrained.

Once again if officers followed said examples without overdoing boundaries...screw then guys wearing grass and leaves and most likely cow shit.


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