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I mean, assuming someone wants to fix this problem, there are 2 possible fixes.

#1 - Reduce the amount of arrests required to level up so vigis exclusively target large enough bounties.
You end up with a buttload of vigis running spar 16s with little to long-term effort.

#2 - Add a rule so vigis can't camp common bounty areas
You end up with becoming a vigi being next to useless. Getting arrests in Kavala isn't quite a pog strat.


So far all the suggestions are limiting vigis. Perhaps something could be done to encourage them staying out of Therisa.
Maybe a random event that happens quite often (Depending on player count) could be added. 1 or 2 NPCs spawn at a random location on the map and they begin running in any direction (A marker pops up once every 2 mins or something). If the NPCs are tased and restrained, they can be delivered off at any vigi outpost, giving 50k and an arrest. If they are killed, they drop a considerabel amount of cash (Maybe like 200k). Zone around the NPC is KOS.

For this to be viable NPCs would have to be taseable on the first place, but adding event like this is probably the solution.

I don't think them camping rebels is a problem, since even rebel retards often camp.

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, Chase- said:

If Therisa Vigi-camping gets banned I will spend 10 hours figuring out the next place to ruin your day.

Vigilantes are not that big of a deal - how you guys fail to plan around a meta that has been the same for 5 years (the time of a small child) is ridiculous.

Cartel whiners are probably the most annoying people in this server - OMG OMG OMG let me play my gamemode that isn't meant for this game PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Its pretty roleplay of me to roleplay as a cartel boss fighting another cartell boss for money 

Just now, Chase- said:

It seriously just does not make sense.

There are better games that do what you're looking for. I understand that the money tie in makes it more enticing, since there is inherent risk, but balancing the entire game around a niche of players is not a good idea in an already simmering community. Add in the fact that the closest Vigilante Outpost to Therisa is 6 KM and you're either flying the target out or driving 6 clicks and you can come to the conclusion that camping Therisa isn't exactly simple. I have arrested the same people, multiple times, that still use the exact same garage in-front of the scaffolding.

Therisa spawning is also inherently an indicator that you suck at the game. Why are you dying in warzone?

there is no better game for me to roleplay as a cartel boss in trust me, what other game fosters such toxicity and melodrama such as Olympus? I seriously thrive off of finally killing someone using pulldowns on cap and then saying EZ in gang chat. 

  • PogChamp 1
14 minutes ago, Tarquanda said:

there is no better game for me to roleplay as a cartel boss in trust me, what other game fosters such toxicity and melodrama such as Olympus? I seriously thrive off of finally killing someone using pulldowns on cap and then saying EZ in gang chat. 


It's got VOIP now

u make my brain hurt.

camping therisa is the easiest thing to do as a vigi tf?


15 minutes ago, Chase- said:

It seriously just does not make sense.

There are better games that do what you're looking for. I understand that the money tie in makes it more enticing, since there is inherent risk, but balancing the entire game around a niche of players is not a good idea in an already simmering community. Add in the fact that the closest Vigilante Outpost to Therisa is 6 KM and you're either flying the target out or driving 6 clicks and you can come to the conclusion that camping Therisa isn't exactly simple. I have arrested the same people, multiple times, that still use the exact same garage in-front of the scaffolding.

Therisa spawning is also inherently an indicator that you suck at the game. Why are you dying in warzone?


  • Kreygasm 1
15 hours ago, Tarquanda said:

yeah let me drop 20m to not get camped by fatties with a cop complex

Cringe Wince GIF

Next it will be an outcry to ban vigis from going into warzone too. Sounds like a skill/intelligence issue to me boys.

  • Pepega 1
  • Downvote 2
6 hours ago, FrankieTwinkletoes said:

vigi's camping therisa is something that should not be allowed. hoping for great progress with the vigi license in the next few months!

Correction: vigis shouldent feel the need to sit in one town all day just to feel some sort of progression. its boring and can be worked around.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, xxdausxx said:

can we at least force vigi tasers to turn lethals when in warzone. and it gives them a charge for killing in wz

the denthead poses a valid point

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, xxdausxx said:

can we at least force vigi tasers to turn lethals when in warzone. and it gives them a charge for killing in wz

Would be all for it. I think sapd would have a huge issue with this idea though. 

5 hours ago, FrankieTwinkletoes said:

Correction: vigis shouldent feel the need to sit in one town all day just to feel some sort of progression. its boring and can be worked around.

Everyone plays differently. We shouldn't be "forcing" anything. Instead somehow incentivice not camping towns, but you know as well as I do. That's a hard thing to tackle.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, hawkg said:

https://streamable.com/n0fdrl guys nearly creamed themselves over a 75k bounty lol this is a problem

igsf got me for 82k and were yelling at eachother because they kept almost killing me, I'm convince if they had killed me by accident they would have murdered eachother irl

  • Haha 1
7 minutes ago, Tarquanda said:

igsf got me for 82k and were yelling at eachother because they kept almost killing me, I'm convince if they had killed me by accident they would have murdered eachother irl

The fight for arrests for low teirs is real lmao. 

Give vigis some limited way to track bounties and they wouldn't be so enticed to camp around bounty hot zones. Literally the only way to get bounties consistently is exactly what is being complained about in this thread; there just isn't any alternative at the moment.

  • Downvote 1

I fucking hate the way people handle shit on this server.  Instead of learning or adapting it's "CHANGE THE GAME MECHANICS SO I NEVER HAVE TO ADAPT OR LEARN."

2 hours ago, bingbonger6 said:

ive vigis some limited way to track bounties and they wouldn't be so enticed to camp around bounty hot zones. Literally the only way to get bounties consistently is exactly what is being complained about in this thread; there just isn't any alternative at the moment.

I made a whole suggestion about this last year.  Gonna try to find it.


I think forcing their weapons to turn lethal on warzone is an amazing idea, doesnt the APD only lethal on warzone already? Been a while so I might need corrected on that. You do not belong on warzone if you aren't going to shoot someone and merk them for that fatty cartel money, the cartels aren't there for you vigi rats to ruin. I don't mind a vigi camping anywhere except warzone, obviously it's gay and ratty as fuck BUT I understand why they do it and you are probably just upset it happens to you which is fair, but you have to see it from a vigi standpoint. I will never understand why they come to cartels where only a rebel belongs and ruin that shit though. If this idea is considered (making their tazers lethal on warzone) then you also have to think about the idea of allowing a vigi to cap cartels if they aren't able to already but that sounds like a great middle ground for everyone. All in all, fuck you if you go to cap with a tazer.

10 hours ago, coopacarp said:

I think forcing their weapons to turn lethal on warzone is an amazing idea, doesnt the APD only lethal on warzone already? Been a while so I might need corrected on that. You do not belong on warzone if you aren't going to shoot someone and merk them for that fatty cartel money, the cartels aren't there for you vigi rats to ruin. I don't mind a vigi camping anywhere except warzone, obviously it's gay and ratty as fuck BUT I understand why they do it and you are probably just upset it happens to you which is fair, but you have to see it from a vigi standpoint. I will never understand why they come to cartels where only a rebel belongs and ruin that shit though. If this idea is considered (making their tazers lethal on warzone) then you also have to think about the idea of allowing a vigi to cap cartels if they aren't able to already but that sounds like a great middle ground for everyone. All in all, fuck you if you go to cap with a tazer.

The people that camp therisa are largely low teir vigis pre spar16 higher teirs tend to go fight other gangs or go into actual warzone and fight geared players due to them having high bounties 

16 minutes ago, Hunter said:

The people that camp therisa are largely low teir vigis pre spar16 higher teirs tend to go fight other gangs or go into actual warzone and fight geared players due to them having high bounties 

I'm aware, none of my points listed had to do with  the tiers of vigis and what they do based on those tiers. I am simply stating nobody should be on warzone with a tazer, only lethals should be permitted on cartels/warzone. I already said I understand why they camp therisa and rebels but there's no reason they should be allowed to go to cartels.

41 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

I'm aware, none of my points listed had to do with  the tiers of vigis and what they do based on those tiers. I am simply stating nobody should be on warzone with a tazer, only lethals should be permitted on cartels/warzone. I already said I understand why they camp therisa and rebels but there's no reason they should be allowed to go to cartels.

Why should a large portion of the map become a safezone when you have a bounty? Personally all for giving Vigis lethals like cop no charge but % of money with a cap at a high teir say teir 6 400 arrests they get lethals would make it less aids for all parties involved.

11 hours ago, coopacarp said:

I will never understand why they come to cartels where only a rebel belongs and ruin that shit though. If this idea is considered (making their tazers lethal on warzone) then you also have to think about the idea of allowing a vigi to cap cartels if they aren't able to already but that sounds like a great middle ground for everyone. All in all, fuck you if you go to cap with a tazer.

Because the highest bounties usually reside inside of warzone. 

  • Like 2
  • STFU 2
16 minutes ago, D00M said:

So you complain about the vigi's that camp Therisa, yet you used to camp it as well.
Now, your gangmates camp it too.

crazy, almost like I can't control the actions of another human being huh

  • Jew 1
1 minute ago, Tarquanda said:

crazy, almost like I can't control the actions of another human being huh


19 minutes ago, D00M said:

yet you used to camp it as well.


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