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McDili im so sorry to hear about this. I know what its like to lose a close family member and its a horrible thing were all here to help you endure any troubles ahead, and i'm always here to talk if you need anything.

Were More Than Just Fellow Players. And We All Care.

McDili. I am in utter speechlessness. You have my deepest sympathies. You and your loved ones will be in my prayers. Though we are only voices over the internet, you've got people here that you can talk to. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say we will listen to you when you need someone to talk to. We'll be your bridge. Stay strong. You are hurt, but you are not slain. I'd like to share a song with you. Please know that you're not alone in this. 

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Sorry to hear buddy:( Hope you and your family get through it, look for the bright side in things and be positive, thats what ive always done in these types of situations:/


praying for you guys<3

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