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DP missions nerfed to death:

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ITT: People with infinite money pool whitelists dictating what players who have to spend hours of their real life farming for to be equivalent.

What's the point of Runs Council?

The majority of staff that make decisions DON'T even play. It was the same case when I was on council nearly a year and a half ago. It's gotten even worst with our 'COMMUNITY MANAGER' (aka Co-Owner role that needed to be played down to something charitable as not to upset the staff members with rent free tenure) making decisions without consulting anybody.

It's almost hilarious how every single thing that has been a benefit to this community is always nixed. Plane Runs quite literally changed the entire dynamic of the server. People were actually out and about, camping airfields, doing runs, saw entire fleets. You would see players flying ALL THE TIME. Yet the reason it was nerfed was because of the money potential.

Great. Now we have the same boring ass gameplay that we've had for five years. The addicts sit in the casino, people log for cartels and gang base, and everyone else just capitalizes on new players.

Plane Runs unironically provided a whole paradigm switch that you guys threw out because you were upset people could more easily afford MK1 kits as if the economy matters.

When has someone you known NOT had a MK1? They could have 50k, one of their buddies buys them a kit.

If you're so worried about 'exclusive' items from BW and other events then lock them behind a different currency you get for certain events. This bullshit conversation about Altis Dollars is ridiculous. You guys had no issue with the economy when staff members were inflicting a certain MISCONDUCT that only got remedied due to a leak.


Edited by Skateezy
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my math is saying if you do these is a jet you will be making 50 k ever 2 minutes and 37 seconds which is roughly 1.6 million an hour thats the same price as a meth run eat a fucking muffin pussy

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I did DP missions as a heli taxi to pass the time and make some income because even if i charged people for taxi rides ( i never charged anyone anything) I wouldnt make any other kind of money otherwise aside from paychecks. I never did any legal runs or otherwise as that would occupy me and keep me from doing the taxi-ing I tried to be ready for at any moment's notice. Honestly I did/do taxi for the fun of it and truly dont mind a nerf to DP missions but is it possible to rework the amount of money made? I made a couple mil off of it so I know how much it paid before and what it pays now feels a bit heavy-handed as far as changes go. I understand fully why the nerf and am not against it entirely, but maybe there can be a middleground where it benefits new players and doesnt feel pointless for older players performing other activities.

  • BlessUp 1
6 hours ago, Kamikaze said:

Something y'all aren't understanding is DP missions is supposed to be entry level "run" for people that don't have money to do runs. It turned out to be making the most money in the server which just isn't how its supposed to go.

No, something YOU don't understand like 90% of the braindead staff members, is that this server is dead as fuck and the game is ancient. Nobody in this entire WORLD that has a life wants to spend any amount of time grinding out a boring, tedious and EXTREMELY repetitive fucking process just to get enough money for like 3-4 rebel kits. Flying around doing DP missions broke up the monotony of making money and actually made it somewhat enjoyable. I would do that shit in armed planes to have extra fun dog fighting mid grind. You have to land and physically store the money from a plane run, do the same shit with helis. That's a pretty fucking fat nerf and makes it easy as shit to rob people doing DP missions or at least kill them and loot their case. Absolutely absurd that staff STILL don't run shit by the community and think some retard that doesn't even play the fucking game 90% of the time knows what is a good update/nerf for the people that ACTUALLY play the game. Pathetic dog shit server and god awful decision making skills of staff, glad I quit when I did and explains why so many decent staff retired lmfao.

Edited by coopacarp
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  • Lead Texture Designer
7 hours ago, Noble said:

@ sandman get on this asap! 

We'll see what we can do. 👀

End of the day, there was a lot of fuck ups across the board.  Talked to some dev staff earlier and they leveled with me on some shit.

Not all of this is mako's fault.  They are working on unnerfing dp missions from death state.  

  • Senior Developer
14 hours ago, XnavrasX said:

I truly don't understand where the whole "Medics aren't reviving because they are doing DP missions" accusations came from. I check daily to see who got written up and I have yet to see an IA come in, or have I heard a civ, APD or staff member complain that they didn't get revived because a medic was doing DP missions instead of their job.

Agreed. I don't really think that medics doing DP's instead of their job(s) was really even a factor in this, though I could be wrong. Personally, I've never been on medic and seen someone overtly neglecting revives to do DP's instead unless there's another medic already responding to everything. If they're missing revives, it's almost always something else causing the distraction (in my experience).

14 hours ago, XnavrasX said:

The Hospital DP missions were broken for god only knows how long, then after being fixed the amount made was nerfed. Doing the civ DP missions allowed us to make money when revives are slow, which happens a lot.

I was actually the one that fixed them... immediately after playing some medic and seeing they were fucked 🤣. I don't know if it matters at all, but you do have the timing reversed there. The reason they were broken for so long at that point, was because nobody noticed they were busted because they were so useless that nobody was doing them.

Personally, I think the civ DP's are a little more interesting due to higher variety in location(s), but I see no reason for them to have any difference in values, if that's what people would want. I'd agree that they got absolutely destroyed in the nerfs... a year? ago.

14 hours ago, XnavrasX said:

Then the whole "Oh DP missions make up the bulk of the money made on the server and its a riskless run", yeah no shit, because people don't want to deal with the frustration of being robbed, killed or both after spending all the time filling up a vehicle, processing it, selling everything just to get shot in the head 10 feet from the ATM. It's not fun, anyone who disagrees is a liar. People want to have fun, not get frustrated and leave. Over time all I have seen is because things aren't going the way they want, the devs and whomever just nerf shit. Salvage, Plane DP missions, regular DP missions and god only knows what else. Like Anti said, the game is 9 years old. Stop changing shit to fit your bull shit narrative.

Now here's where we start to disagree. Taking risk and putting your skill to the test against those who would counter your objectives is kind-of... a pretty darn core mechanic for the game. Start a fed? Fight the cops there to counter. Doing a run? Deal with potential threats from APD and other civs by either riding under the radar, or rollin' around with your cock out ready to fight. Want a gang base? People are definitely going to come and counter you. The game isn't designed to be 0-loss-risk, and the frustration that comes with losing is part of what makes it feel good to successfully do/rob a run.

As far as the statistics go, DP's were actually being utilized pretty heavily by new players who are trying to build up their initial bank account to "catch up" to the already-set-up player base (from what I've been told). It sounds like you probably think that the changes that were made to attempt to rebalance the few prominent experienced players using them extensively went too far; that's surely a more productive way to put it compared to "devs and whomever just nerf shit". Building adversarial relationships doesn't exactly do much to foster progress, at least in my opinion.


3 hours ago, Ahegao said:

I did DP missions as a heli taxi to pass the time and make some income because even if i charged people for taxi rides ( i never charged anyone anything) I wouldnt make any other kind of money otherwise aside from paychecks. I never did any legal runs or otherwise as that would occupy me and keep me from doing the taxi-ing I tried to be ready for at any moment's notice. Honestly I did/do taxi for the fun of it and truly dont mind a nerf to DP missions but is it possible to rework the amount of money made? I made a couple mil off of it so I know how much it paid before and what it pays now feels a bit heavy-handed as far as changes go. I understand fully why the nerf and am not against it entirely, but maybe there can be a middleground where it benefits new players and doesnt feel pointless for older players performing other activities.

Take this with a grain of salt, as I wasn't super-involved in this particular decision, but here's how I see it. I agree filling your time between other events/calls/etc. with DP missions is a fine activity; I do it plenty on medic.

The problem comes from how "content" interacts for multiplayer experiences. Doing a run generates content for those who are robbing. Robbing generates "content" for those doing runs. Starting federal events generates content for cops. Playing cop generates content for those doing feds/runs. Unfortunately, activities with less player-to-player interaction generate less content for others playing the game, and therefore make the experience feel more "dead" and like it's hard to find something going on.

Therefore, the way I see it, doing something to incentivize playstyles that encourage interaction can help the server as a whole, making it feel less empty, and less like a grindfest.

I won't speak to the actual numbers of this specific change since I wasn't that involved, but I agree with the sentiment that they should be still at least somewhat rewarding, to fulfill those that enjoy them, but I definitely think that activities that improve the game for others should be encouraged over more "solo" activities in the long run.


4 hours ago, i chop hatchbacks said:

if you do these is a jet

I look forward to the montage of you actually attempting to make this rate of $ doing this. I'd love to see the attempted landing points 🤣

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1 hour ago, codeYeTi said:


Fix the server instead of worrying about DP mission old man i had 40 frames yesterday and that's not okay



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3 hours ago, codeYeTi said:

Agreed. I don't really think that medics doing DP's instead of their job(s) was really even a factor in this, though I could be wrong. Personally, I've never been on medic and seen someone overtly neglecting revives to do DP's instead unless there's another medic already responding to everything. If they're missing revives, it's almost always something else causing the distraction (in my experience).

I was actually the one that fixed them... immediately after playing some medic and seeing they were fucked 🤣. I don't know if it matters at all, but you do have the timing reversed there. The reason they were broken for so long at that point, was because nobody noticed they were busted because they were so useless that nobody was doing them.

Personally, I think the civ DP's are a little more interesting due to higher variety in location(s), but I see no reason for them to have any difference in values, if that's what people would want. I'd agree that they got absolutely destroyed in the nerfs... a year? ago.

Now here's where we start to disagree. Taking risk and putting your skill to the test against those who would counter your objectives is kind-of... a pretty darn core mechanic for the game. Start a fed? Fight the cops there to counter. Doing a run? Deal with potential threats from APD and other civs by either riding under the radar, or rollin' around with your cock out ready to fight. Want a gang base? People are definitely going to come and counter you. The game isn't designed to be 0-loss-risk, and the frustration that comes with losing is part of what makes it feel good to successfully do/rob a run.

As far as the statistics go, DP's were actually being utilized pretty heavily by new players who are trying to build up their initial bank account to "catch up" to the already-set-up player base (from what I've been told). It sounds like you probably think that the changes that were made to attempt to rebalance the few prominent experienced players using them extensively went too far; that's surely a more productive way to put it compared to "devs and whomever just nerf shit". Building adversarial relationships doesn't exactly do much to foster progress, at least in my opinion.


Take this with a grain of salt, as I wasn't super-involved in this particular decision, but here's how I see it. I agree filling your time between other events/calls/etc. with DP missions is a fine activity; I do it plenty on medic.

The problem comes from how "content" interacts for multiplayer experiences. Doing a run generates content for those who are robbing. Robbing generates "content" for those doing runs. Starting federal events generates content for cops. Playing cop generates content for those doing feds/runs. Unfortunately, activities with less player-to-player interaction generate less content for others playing the game, and therefore make the experience feel more "dead" and like it's hard to find something going on.

Therefore, the way I see it, doing something to incentivize playstyles that encourage interaction can help the server as a whole, making it feel less empty, and less like a grindfest.

I won't speak to the actual numbers of this specific change since I wasn't that involved, but I agree with the sentiment that they should be still at least somewhat rewarding, to fulfill those that enjoy them, but I definitely think that activities that improve the game for others should be encouraged over more "solo" activities in the long run.


I look forward to the montage of you actually attempting to make this rate of $ doing this. I'd love to see the attempted landing points 🤣

Server's dead, stop nerfing shit. Might aswell make money unlimited for everyone and have it be KOTH with some rules and events.

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  • Senior Developer
1 hour ago, coopacarp said:

Server's dead, stop nerfing shit. Might aswell make money unlimited for everyone and have it be KOTH with some rules and events.

Just because you're not playing doesn't mean others aren't still enjoying it.

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41 minutes ago, codeYeTi said:

Just because you're not playing doesn't mean others aren't still enjoying it.

I mean let's be real for 2 seconds here, the only people that play this dog shit now is people that actually have nothing else to do in life, are addicted to it or the less common option; they "enjoy" it. Don't lie to yourself Yeti, the server hasn't been fun for years. People literally play this because they have nothing else lol

Oh and might I add, clearly not that many people enjoy the retarded changes staff make. Pretty obvious a very small portion of people are enjoying these nerfs. More civs want easier ways to get money because once again, it's an ancient game that nobody can be bothered grinding for hours for a couple of kits. You guys need to accept reality and the server might be slightly more fun for people.

Edited by coopacarp
  • Senior Developer
28 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

I mean let's be real for 2 seconds here, the only people that play this dog shit now is people that actually have nothing else to do in life, are addicted to it or the less common option; they "enjoy" it. Don't lie to yourself Yeti, the server hasn't been fun for years. People literally play this because they have nothing else lol

Oh and might I add, clearly not that many people enjoy the retarded changes staff make. Pretty obvious a very small portion of people are enjoying these nerfs. More civs want easier ways to get money because once again, it's an ancient game that nobody can be bothered grinding for hours for a couple of kits. You guys need to accept reality and the server might be slightly more fun for people.

Congrats. You don't like the game anymore. Now the rest of us can move on and talk about what we'd all like, rather than... just complain about something we don't even play?

The rest of us are going to talk about what we would like to do about things, so we can all have some fun.

Bye Felicia | Know Your Meme


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On 7/12/2022 at 7:10 PM, hawkg said:

Medics shouldn’t be doing dp missions anyway. They should be focusing on reving people.

So what are medics supposed to do in those long ass stretches where nothing is going on? Or for that matter during most times below peak where there's only revives in Kav or more medics than revives.

Yesterday I was on with 5 other medics, fuckall going on so me and a paramedic were sitting in a heli at air hospital watching Netflix and waiting for a call outside kav to come in, played for a solid 2 hours and got about 10 revives that entire time.

DP missions don't pay enough to cover the insurance and pull cost on the aircraft to do them, viable revives aren't abundant outside small stretches and DP missions were the only thing filling those hours.

Like myself and plenty of other Sr Medics have said, despite the complaints cases of legitimate dereliction of duty for side activities is close to non-existent. It's also funny how y'all say medics, the faction with the least gameplay opportunities should only do their one small mission, meanwhile you don't say anything when APD spend hours in Casino, goofing around or doing shit like escorts vs proactively patrolling.

If we're talking about dp missions printing money are we forgetting you can make 5m-10m a hour with a sdar on conq?

1 hour ago, hawkg said:

roleplay. Medic isn't the most exciting faction.

My brother in christ; how?

There's only so much "roleplay" you can do sitting in Kav and talking to people that doesn't break medic or server rules, and not the most exciting shouldn't mean more boring than doing excel sheets.

How about this; go lobby about taking casino and escort away from APD and then we'll talk.

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