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GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)

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11 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

I am that guy that requested information on a players death on a STATUS UPDATE OF A RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBER. Honestly you sound dumber the more you type to justify your advocation for a convicted pedophile

There are numerous people still around this community who vividly recall your statements in support of a convicted pedophile.

Enough said man.

Take the seat.

Hold the L.

can confirm

  • Like 2
10 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:


@ coopacarp care to comment?

"care to comment" like I didn't drop a paragraph embarrassing your retarded ass for the second time on this topic. Read the status post I linked and the paragraph I posted regarding your ignorance and inability to admit I clearly baited the fuck out of you into getting triggered over a JOKE lmfao. Cry lil man, cry away.

7 hours ago, Karma said:

I mean, It's not really even insensitive. He even said "I don't want to offend." It's the internet things like this happen who cares someone asked for proof of death usually an article or something will pop up when a young guy dies. 

Not saying Goat is entirely correct in doing so because personally I don't need proof it is what it is. But realistically this post is really petty and seems to have a background of hate behind it. 

I will say I didn't realize he posted this AFTER Ryan asked for proof, however... Usually when someone has to so "With all due respect" "I don't want to offend" etc, etc. They know what they are saying is inherently inconsiderate or offensive and shouldn't be said at the time. He could have easily just PM'd people that knew him if he needed "proof"... A background of hate isn't why I posted it, I do hate GOAT but I'm not a child that cares about something that happened in 2019 like GOAT does, I just had to comment on that because he brought it up to save himself.


1 hour ago, Panda 🙂 said:

You people literally look for reasons to be mad at people when goat made that comment it was around 8:50 Ryan’s post confirming his death wasn’t posted till around 11 so yes goat had every right to question the legitimacy since we are on an arma 3 server where people have fun in making the most sensitive topics a joke. Grow up and grow a pair further more do you not remember who we are talking about here it’s dabest he wouldn’t have a gave a fuck. Also crazy how you made sure to crop out where he edited his post after finding out.

First off, not that many people just look for reasons to be mad over Arma 3 and like I said, didn't realize it was posted before Ryan's post but it still doesn't change the fact that your first thought is to question his death legitimacy publicly on a R.I.P post of all things, super unnecessary when you can just PM people that would be able to confirm it for you, DABEST had close friends and I am sure his dumbass is aware of that. Everyone has a right to question what they want but don't be surprised when I called you an emotionally inept fucking toddler when you can't realize how morally wrong and inhuman it is to respond to a death by instantly questioning how true the death is?? DABEST was a chill guy but again, it's disrespectful to do what he did and tbh I don't think he would have been cool with GOAT doing that on someone's RIP post if it was a friend of his. Lastly, never cropped anything out you tard, literally posted the entire response minus like 2 responses of him being a retard, if anything was edited or added it was AFTER I took the gyazo and made the post which is obvious because GOAT never mentioned editing his response so he clearly edited it after this post was made more than likely because he can't admit his wrong doings and would rather cover his tracks to save face. Your reasons excusing what he did being "Arma 3 people are soft", basically, is pretty fucking dog shit in this scenario. Might as well just go to his rip post and tell everyone that replied to suck it up bruh

P.S. Noble made a good point in saying GOAT still refuses to apologize now knowing that Ryan's post exists and the news isn't "fake" so yea, his comment is still shit seeing as he can't apologize or admit wrong doing after the "proof" he so desired was posted...

Edited by coopacarp
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Let me start of by saying dabest would call you " fucking retard" for this post. Ironically enough 3-4 years ago in regicide we literally started a rumor that dabest died in a car accident to fuck with people and see their reactions (it lasted like 5 mins until someone called him) so questioning if he actually passed on the first rip post is understandable. @ Mr GOAT has been around this toxic cess pool of a community long enough to see a couple fake deaths & scenarios.

Dabest and zooom zooom literally got banned back in the day for making fun of dezerae's "dead" wife. cuz REMEMBER.. SHE STEPPED ON A LANDMINE IS AFGANISTAN  


  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, Noble said:

Just the local "that guy" showing this gross colors of delusion once again. Your doubling down is that of a toddler full of ignorance. Word choice and the inability to say here that you now see the reality due to Ryan's post is shocking. Gross ,distasteful and disrespectful  human trash@ Mr GOAT

mini-admin noble coming in the thread for his un-asked-for opinion. great content

4 hours ago, Jazzy said:

he man child's vocabulary

yo lets do a reading test and see which elementary grade you fell off in

and as always,

4 hours ago, Jazzy said:

"hold this L" "deez nutz" and "rent free"



join the GOAT fan club today, apply in this thread!

3 hours ago, Exterminated said:

3-4 years ago in regicide we literally started a rumor that dabest died in a car accident to fuck with people and see their reactions

Literally my point to the T of why I asked if it was legitimate or not. I vividly remember people linking the pic of him like half naked passed out on a couch saying he "OD'd on heroin"

14 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

mini-admin noble coming in the thread for his un-asked-for opinion. great content

yo lets do a reading test and see which elementary grade you fell off in

and as always,



join the GOAT fan club today, apply in this thread!

you're living rent free in your parents house that's about it 

  • +1 1
  • Haha 2
15 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

mini-admin noble coming in the thread for his un-asked-for opinion. great content

yo lets do a reading test and see which elementary grade you fell off in

and as always,



join the GOAT fan club today, apply in this thread!

typa shit you hear someone yelling as they're stuffed insider a locker 

  • Like 1
  • Haha 6
29 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

mini-admin noble coming in the thread for his un-asked-for opinion. great content

yo lets do a reading test and see which elementary grade you fell off in

and as always,



join the GOAT fan club today, apply in this thread!

Literally my point to the T of why I asked if it was legitimate or not. I vividly remember people linking the pic of him like half naked passed out on a couch saying he "OD'd on heroin"

also how you gonna mention rent free when you run and cry to admins to delete anything with lil tortilla in it 😂 😂 😂 😂  sad little man you are 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

The GOAT fan club just gets bigger and bigger. Hahaha glad to see all the members showing up for the meeting

keep falling back on calling everyone fans or changing the subject :peepoclown:

fc799c4a56ee132e8a515f92d127b4c7.pngf6e61bbd5afd7a864c9c67b0e8a186f8.png walking cringe lord btw

  • Like 3
4 hours ago, Exterminated said:

Dabest and zooom zooom literally got banned back in the day for making fun of dezerae's "dead" wife. cuz REMEMBER.. SHE STEPPED ON A LANDMINE IS AFGANISTAN  

you're proving my point retard. why the fuck would I trust a random on an arma 3 forum named "exterminated" lmfao

13 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

you're proving my point retard. why the fuck would I trust a random on an arma 3 forum named "exterminated" lmfao

You're so heated and pressed nobody likes you, you decide to shit talk even those that are seemingly defending you lmfao. I don't know how you don't cringe at yourself constantly with the "rent free" "Hold this L" bs. Literally the smallest vocabulary of any "adult" I've met and an extremely weird way to cope.

11 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

You're so heated and pressed nobody likes you

Bro, this thread is FULL of my fans. What do you not get that this is probably the most entertaining thread I've read in awhile? You guys have gone out of your way to "expose" me while using a community members death as a reason to amplify the argument (seems like the people making the argument are the REAL pieces of shit in the community, quite a shame you're using a community members death to be petty, and take an L). Then, when it's pointed out that you support/supported a convicted pedophile, you backpedal.


11 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

Literally the smallest vocabulary of any "adult" I've met and an extremely weird way to cope.

I'd love to see your literacy score. I'd imagine it's similar to our Lead (retired?) dev's.

1 hour ago, Mr GOAT said:

you're proving my point retard. why the fuck would I trust a random on an arma 3 forum named "exterminated" lmfao

no shit fuck head. i'm on your side with this one.. you think i'm a random.. but I'm literally your father jrglll

2 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

Bro, this thread is FULL of my fans. What do you not get that this is probably the most entertaining thread I've read in awhile? You guys have gone out of your way to "expose" me while using a community members death as a reason to amplify the argument (seems like the people making the argument are the REAL pieces of shit in the community, quite a shame you're using a community members death to be petty, and take an L). Then, when it's pointed out that you support/supported a convicted pedophile, you backpedal.


I'd love to see your literacy score. I'd imagine it's similar to our Lead (retired?) dev's.

Cope harder and embarrass yourself more, I enjoy seeing your mental capacity/brain cells deteriorate with every response.

No backpedaling here, just making you look like more of a sped while you further prove all my points.

Cry Love GIF by Pudgy Penguins

  • Like 1
19 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

I am that guy that requested information on a players death on a STATUS UPDATE OF A RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBER. Honestly you sound dumber the more you type to justify your advocation for a convicted pedophile

There are numerous people still around this community who vividly recall your statements in support of a convicted pedophile.

Enough said man.

Take the seat.

Hold the L.

Goat you're a known harasser of Raptorr427 victims.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Strae said:

Why are your emojis so fucked up...



Someone please fill me in on this tortilla meme of this fat kid bro

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

Cope harder and embarrass yourself more, I enjoy seeing your mental capacity/brain cells deteriorate with every response.

No backpedaling here, just making you look like more of a sped while you further prove all my points.

Cry Love GIF by Pudgy Penguins

@ Mr GOAT sign this kids mouse pad already..

  • Like 1
Just now, Exterminated said:

@ Mr GOAT sign this kids mouse pad already..

Surprised GOAT hasn't asked for Raptor's signature, kid mentions him so fucking much. Freak

  • Like 1
Just now, coopacarp said:

Surprised GOAT hasn't asked for Raptor's signature, kid mentions him so fucking much. Freak

Goat talks about Raptorr more than I talk about him to my therapist.

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