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Just a general question, does anyone know anything about more quests coming to olympus? I feel there is endless possibilities with question even as different faction based quests, maybe titles for completing certain quests and or a certain amount of quests. The quest system has a ton of potential i think, ESPECIALLY for getting new players that aren’t allowed to be killed while doing certain quests so they don’t get robbed by a bunch of rebels right away and leave the server. Olympus is home to many many people and new players are what makes it amazing. Old players too but new players keep us going as well.

Rebels could have certain quests, Vigilantes, APD, Medics, General quests for civilians that any factions could do. Just a thought though it probably is already in the works but i wanted to ask. Thanks everyone!

  • +1 2

I think it kind of got put aside a while ago for other dev stuff. 

IF you have ideas feel free to write them down and maybe post them here or send to a dev/Sr. dev  (or seniors of factions civ council, sr. apd, sr. r&R) ask what they think and see if they will proceed with the stuff.

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  • Admin

Originally the wiki team ( @Wiki Curator @Senior Wiki Curator) was tasked with creating detailed quest ideas that would then be assigned to a dev to implement. It was low priority compared to other things and eventually got forgotten. I always thought there was great potential with quests. Hopefully we can revive them again. Feel free to contact any of the wiki members with your suggestions.

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  • Director of R&R

We have a few quest ideas that were added a while ago that I went through. I sent a few over to the leads to see what they think of the ideas, and I am waiting to hear back. I also think quests should be looked at more, as they can be an excellent tool for helping people learn how to play.

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