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1 minute ago, Corpsie said:

Sweetheart, no one wants to talk to you in real life. You only have internet friends because no one wants to be seen outdoors with a rabid dog. 

Rabid dogs are always outdoors ffs.  Who keeps rabid dogs in their house?  What in the housing projects do you got going on in your life. 

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10 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Rabid dogs are always outdoors ffs.  Who keeps rabid dogs in their house?  What in the housing projects do you got going on in your life. 

Okay let me dumb this down for you retard. NO ONE WANTS TO BE SEEN OUTSIDE WITH YOU. You fuckin ugly ass bozo. 

I love that you think I live in projects lmaooo. Proves how delusional you are, making up my whole life story in that fucked up head of yours huh? 

  • +1 2
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7 minutes ago, Corpsie said:

Okay let me dumb this down for you retard. NO ONE WANTS TO BE SEEN OUTSIDE WITH YOU. You fuckin ugly ass bozo. 

I love that you think I live in projects lmaooo. Proves how delusional you are, making up my whole life story in that fucked up head of yours huh? 

Have you ever considered seeing a psychiatrist? You should be medicated. 

LoL.. I've had more of a social life than you can ever imagine.  I've fucked celebrities, almost every woman I've ever dated was a stripper or a camgirl, I've been to more countries than you would believe, I've ran a multimillion dollar business, been to literally thousands of concerts, been to insane parties, and done everything I've ever wanted to do in life.   

You chose to start your adulthood begging for made up money in a 10 year old milsim on an rp server from desperate men who thinks it means you're their girlfriend.  

You will never understand fulfillment.  You don't understand half of what's going on around you, or the subtext in language most people share because you aren't smart enough to.  You are stupid, and you actually know it, so you spend your life begging for validation from social isolated autists to constantly reassure yourself that "hey, at the very least, I'm pretty."  But you know what?  You got crossed eyes.  

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1 minute ago, The Sovereign said:

LoL.. I've had more of a social life than you can ever imagine.  I've fucked celebrities, almost every woman I've ever dated was a stripper or a camgirl, I've been to more countries than you would believe, I've ran a multimillion dollar business, been to literally thousands of concerts, been to insane parties, and done everything I've ever wanted to do in life.   

You chose to start your adulthood begging for made up money in a 10 year old milsim on an rp server from desperate men who thinks it means you're their girlfriend.  

You will never understand fulfillment.  You don't understand half of what's going on around you, or the subtext in language most people share because you aren't smart enough to.  You are stupid, and you actually know it, so you spend your life begging for validation from social isolated autists to constantly reassure yourself that "hey, at the very least, I'm pretty."  But you know what?  You got crossed eyes.  

LMFAOOOOOOOO. Why you gotta lie so much? Ain’t no celebrity wanna fuck you. You’ve ran multimillion dollar companies but manage to spend over 12 hours on the forums. Huh.. somethings sounds off. 

  • +1 2
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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Sure you say I’m stupid and that’s fine. It’s funny you feel that way because weren’t you the dumbass who said “my IQ is extremely high” and “I’ve never taken an IQ test” in the same fuckin sentence.. 

you’re clearly autistic. Most of the things you say don’t make sense, most of the paragraphs you write. Are run on sentences. You have the IQ of a fuckin doorknob. You think you’re smart because you use “big words” but you don’t even use them in the right fucking way.
youre illiterate as fuck. 
you can’t be dumb and fuckin ugly. Jesus Christ.  

  • +1 3
  • Clown 1
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3 minutes ago, Corpsie said:

LMFAOOOOOOOO. Why you gotta lie so much? Ain’t no celebrity wanna fuck you. You’ve ran multimillion dollar companies but manage to spend over 12 hours on the forums. Huh.. somethings sounds off. 

Yeah.  I got more years.  My life mattered.  At my funeral some day, people are gonna tell 100 stories.  At yours,  people are gonna say  'she would have been average looking if her eye wasn't all jacked up.'

Just now, Corpsie said:

Sure you say I’m stupid and that’s fine. It’s funny you feel that way because weren’t you the dumbass who said “my IQ is extremely high” and “I’ve never taken an IQ test” in the same fuckin sentence.. 

you’re clearly autistic. Most of the things you say don’t make sense, most of the paragraphs you write. Are run on sentences. You have the IQ of a fuckin doorknob. You think you’re smart because you use “big words” but you don’t even use them in the right fucking way.
youre illiterate as fuck. 
you can’t be dumb and fuckin ugly. Jesus Christ.  

Lmmfao you don't even know what a copypasta is do you? 

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Just now, The Sovereign said:

Yeah.  I got more years.  My life mattered.  At my funeral some day, people are gonna tell 100 stories.  At yours,  people are gonna say  'she would have been average looking if her eye wasn't all jacked up.'

LMAO. Girl you’re near death already.. you’re damn near 40. People will tell stories about how fuckin delusional you were. Making up stories and only having virtual friends. 

  • +1 1
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Just now, Corpsie said:

LMAO. Girl you’re near death already.. you’re damn near 40. People will tell stories about how fuckin delusional you were. Making up stories and only having virtual friends. 

I know one thing.  They're gonna need security at my funeral on the looking for some round faced mentally challenged girl trying to jump into the ground with my coffin.  Obsessed ass circus freak. 

2 minutes ago, Skys said:

i'll fight for you mason 

If I'm being honest, I would also fight for @ Mason Harrison .

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You’re a nobody. You’re washed up, tired, ugly, broke and delusional. You got a whole lot of problems going on and yet you spend your time bitching at people in forums. It’s a sad shit show you call a life.

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Just now, Corpsie said:

You’re a nobody. You’re washed up, tired, ugly, broke and delusional. You got a whole lot of problems going on and yet you spend your time bitching at people in forums. It’s a sad shit show you call a life.

Bitch I am a legend on the Olympus Mecca for Gamers forum and the Server 1 side chat.  Who the fuck are you?  Nobody.  You'll never amount to anything close to what I've accomplished.   Now go get blacklisted from cop.  You're worthless and you don't respect the server rules. 

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3 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

Bitch I am a legend on the Olympus Mecca for Gamers forum and the Server 1 side chat.  Who the fuck are you?  Nobody.  You'll never amount to anything close to what I've accomplished.   Now go get blacklisted from cop.  You're worthless and you don't respect the server rules. 

IMAGINE calling yourself a LEGEND LMAO. Yes I will never amount to being a lonely, compulsive liar, delusional, illiterate, ugly, musty trailer trash cunt like you LMAO. 
I’m doing better than you and I haven’t even graduated college yet. Imagine being almost fuckin 40 and trying to compare your sorry shit of a life to someone who is doing more than you have ever done lmao. 

  • Haha 1
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1 minute ago, Corpsie said:

IMAGINE calling yourself a LEGEND LMAO. Yes I will never amount to being a lonely, compulsive liar, delusional, illiterate, ugly, musty trailer trash cunt like you LMAO. 
I’m doing better than you and I haven’t even graduated college yet. Imagine being almost fuckin 40 and trying to compare your sorry shit of a life to someone who is doing more than you have ever done lmao. 

Sir calm down, show the correct level of respect when talking to the Olympus legend

  • Haha 1
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4 minutes ago, Corpsie said:

IMAGINE calling yourself a LEGEND LMAO. Yes I will never amount to being a lonely, compulsive liar, delusional, illiterate, ugly, musty trailer trash cunt like you LMAO. 
I’m doing better than you and I haven’t even graduated college yet. Imagine being almost fuckin 40 and trying to compare your sorry shit of a life to someone who is doing more than you have ever done lmao. 

You're virtually whoring yourself out to random simps for money that's only value is to buy temporary guns in a 10 year old milsim on an rp server.  

The only time you actually played the game was to press windows key for money, and you couldn't even do that without getting blacklisted.  

1 minute ago, Corpsie said:

How could it write that and not cringe?

If you were a little bit smarter, just enough to hit that 'below average' line, you'd understand it was supposed to be cringe.  It's a concept called irony.  It goes over your head.  That happens because you're a simpleton.  

Your mother 100% gets a social security check for you. 

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Just now, The Sovereign said:

You're virtually whoring yourself out to random simps for money that's only value is to buy temporary guns in a 10 year old milsim on an rp server.  

The only time you actually played the game was to press windows key for money, and you couldn't even do that without getting blacklisted.  

Girl what the fuck you talking about? LMAO. 
are you okay mentally? Go suck a dick or something. You seem stressed. 

  • +1 1
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Just now, Corpsie said:

Girl what the fuck you talking about? LMAO. 
are you okay mentally? Go suck a dick or something. You seem stressed. 

Is that what you do when you're stressed?  Suck dicks?

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7 minutes ago, Corpsie said:

I haven’t even graduated college yet.

There are a list of like 10 colleges in the US that hold any weight internationally in terms of undergrad degrees, you do not need to be smart to get into an American college. I could go further but I am entering a non-toxic era

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2 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

You're virtually whoring yourself out to random simps for money that's only value is to buy temporary guns in a 10 year old milsim on an rp server.  

The only time you actually played the game was to press windows key for money, and you couldn't even do that without getting blacklisted.  

If you were a little bit smarter, just enough to hit that 'below average' line, you'd understand it was supposed to be cringe.  It's a concept called irony.  It goes over your head.  That happens because you're a simpleton.  

Your mother 100% gets a social security check for you. 

You 100% need to get a life. You’re an old ass cranky cunt crying ALL THE FUCKING TIME ON A FUCKIN WEBSITE! Like damn go get a girlfriend or something. 

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Just now, doubleueyeceekay said:

There are a list of like 10 colleges in the US that hold any weight internationally in terms of undergrad degrees, you do not need to be smart to get into an American college. I could go further but I am entering a non-toxic era

Forrest Gump went to college.  Just saying.

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