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APD Handbook & Ticket Guide Update (09/26/2023)

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"Chapter XVII - Fines and Penalties

If a player is on parole and is apprehended after committing a crime whilst on parole they MUST be sent straight to jail."

"Chapter XIV - Server Events

Gang Turfs
No Active Skirmish
Gang Turfs are considered legal areas during non-active gang skirmishes.
Active Skirmish
APD cannot raid the Gang Turf
Exception: If the APD is actively pursuing a suspect they may enter the active skirmish for 1 wave but may only attempt to apprehend/neutralize the pursued suspect. 
If fired upon by another group of civilians the APD may return fire.
APD cannot request first wave backup.
APD cannot utilize armed aerial vehicles.
Exception: If the APD has actively pursued a suspect they may utilize the guns in an attempt to neutralize the suspect following standard armed aerial vehicle engagement rules however cannot return fire on any other civilian(s) that may fire upon the armed aerial vehicle.
APD Officers may not camp areas solely to stop or arrest Gang Turf participants (including, but not limited to, the nearest city/rebel/sheds).


Radioactive Space Capsule
Must follow standard redzone rules. 
Exception: No RP is required to engage civs that are participating in the Airdrop Event.
The Radioactive Space Capsule can be called clear after a minimum of 2 minutes and be seized by the APD.
Once the Radioactive Space Capsule has started to be seized APD does not have to stop seizing if the area is no longer clear.



Ticket Guide

"Entering an illegal area     $10,000    $10,000    Jail    Warrants probable cause.    Add if a suspect is found entering, within, or leaving an illegal area and loitering without due cause."




APD Legal Processor Rewards

  • APD Officers can interact with legal processor NPCs if a civilian/vehicle is within 25 meters.
  • Starts a 5-minute timer and the APD Officers defend the area.
  • If there are multiple vehicles the timer will increase to a maximum of 15 minutes.
  • Eg. 2 Tempest Devices at Salt Processor would start a 10-minute timer. 
  • If the APD Officer that initiated the NPC interaction remains alive when the timer ends the APD Officers in the area receive a payout split between them.
    • SUV - $35k split
    • Van - $50k split
    • Truck Boxer - $62.5k split
    • Zamak - $75k split
    • Tempest Device+ - $100k split
    • If the APD receives the payout there is a 30 minute cooldown at that legal processor NPC that the NPC interaction cannot be initiated again by an APD Officer

APD Officers are encouraged to escort the civilians throughout their legal run to prevent them from being robbed. 

@Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Officer, & @Support Team


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