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I just got a pair of Logitech G430s and I love it and everything except one thing.  Whenever I play cop and I try to talk in direct chat, my sound goes out immediately, then it reconnects  in teamspeak but my in-game sound for arma stays silent.  Does anyone know of a fix for this because as of now I can't play cop and it's getting frustrating :/.

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if you mean how to fix ingame mic you have to restart the entire Arma 3 Game to make it work again, sucks indeed. if you mean a general fix im sorry to say i have no idea...

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  • Head Admin

Thats strange I've never had a problem like that before.  Is there any kind of Logitech equivalent software like Razer Synapse?  Perhaps you need it running to make full use of a headset like that.  Also make sure you have drivers installed and up to date.

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