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Locked Olympus Entertainment - Celebrating 10 Years! [$2k+ GIVEAWAY]

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figured id repost again cause i know im not gonna get that ghost hawk cmon please daddy 😞

I first started on Olympus years ago. It's amazing to see it's still around. I never thought I'd enjoy getting robbed this much!

did you know the femur is the longest, heaviest, and strongest human bone, and I managed to snap it like a twig during a motorcycle accident, now my femur is stronger as i have a titanium rod from knee to hip.

Hi, everyone. Six months ago my journey of Arma 3 started here at Olympus Entertainment.

Olympus Entertainment is like the legendary Mount Olympus, the mountain of the gods and like the famous Colosseum, a hub of entertainment.

A community of welcoming people, like-minded individuals with creative ideas, passion and skills to create this special ecosystem. 
A social sandbox where people meet and build friendships, compete and inspire, and interact and have fun together. Awesome work what you guys have achieved so far.
I can only recon that I became part of a nice community of bright minds in this digital world.

Therefor that I also want to congratulate you guys with your 10 years anniversary Olympus Entertainment!
Even though that 10 years looks like a long time, know that it's only the start of a bright future forward.

Keep doing what you guys are doing 👍

Peace and greetz to you all!

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