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! READ ! Arma exploit which could get you screwed

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With the recent update from BI developers of a famous game modification, ACE, have found an exploit that would allow an uninvited individual to access your files. Upload, remove or download.

Here is the message that was given around on reddit:

The ACE team has discovered a major vulnerability in Vanilla Arma 3 1.50. We will not give further details, but it has to be assumed, due to the simplicity of the attack that others are aware of it and could be exploiting it, either through compromised servers, or through other attack vectors that allow arbitrary SQF code execution on clients.

Until BI announces a fix for this issue be EXTREMELY careful in how you play Arma.

(SOURCE: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/3irs3v/until_further_notice_do_not_play_on_any_arma/)

Putting it simply - do not experiment with servers. Only go on servers that you trust.

I asked @Ace to spam this on Olympus TS for instant information.

Found this posted somewhere by an actual ACE developer, just can't find the link to that only the reddit.

Firstly, you're really going to trust information given by Reddit? Reddit was created by hackers, ran by hackers and used by hackers. How do you think that Sony Entertainment was hacked? High level developers for SOE were/are using Reddit from their work computers, which gives COMPLETE access to the servers and our information to Reddit and the hackers who control Reddit.The only people who will deny that proven fact are hackers.


Secondly, are you not aware that Arma is developed by Russia? What better way to gain access to millions of U.S. citizens personal information than through gaming software. Every time you upload/download from any online game you are giving that company permission to have complete access to your pc. Just read the agreement that you digitally sign when installing any games.


When you put my first comment together with my second and realize that immediately after SOE's "hack" that SOE was purchased by a high ranking Russian oil tycoon with close ties to the Kremlin and Putin then things start becoming clear. Why the hells would an oil tycoon with no other holdings or interest in the gaming industry suddenly become interested in a billion dollar company which can give them potential access to millions of users private information, including those who play from their federal work pc's. Hoe many active duty US military play games from their federally connected work network? Tons.


If you do not use failsafe measures to protect your identity and your pc then yes, there is a constant danger of being hacked. NEVER use your real name and/or personal bank debit/credit card for a game. ALWAYS use a layer of pc firewalls. Use these precautions especially if a game company is telling you that you must turn off firewall and virus protection in order to play their game.


Bottom line, you have nothing to fear from Olympus admins.

Firstly, you're really going to trust information given by Reddit? Reddit was created by hackers, ran by hackers and used by hackers. How do you think that Sony Entertainment was hacked? High level developers for SOE were/are using Reddit from their work computers, which gives COMPLETE access to the servers and our information to Reddit and the hackers who control Reddit.The only people who will deny that proven fact are hackers.

That's some crazy talk right there.  



Secondly, are you not aware that Arma is developed by Russia? What better way to gain access to millions of U.S. citizens personal information than through gaming software. Every time you upload/download from any online game you are giving that company permission to have complete access to your pc. Just read the agreement that you digitally sign when installing any games.



Too many Doobies for you young man lol

Edited by Papamunski
fucked up

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