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Is there an Altis Life game manual?

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I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to find a full manual for Altis Life.

Things like, where do I buy insurance?

What are the steps to making moonshine?

Which button does XYZ?

A lot of this gets handed out through side chat.  There are a lot of small guides on any one thing, but not overall repository for player instructions.

I couldn't navigate AltisLifeRPG.org well enough to find a manual either.

Is there one?





There are certain service stations for each vehicle, 

Air service stations, Truck Service Stations, Service stations (For SUVS/HATCHBACKS/ECT.), and boat service station.

Some of these service stations can be used for others, but i think they took out insuring your heli at the boat service stations. :( 

Then ! 

For moonshine you go and collect yeast, corn, and sugar. (Yeast feild, Corn Feild, and Sugarcane feild) 

You go to moonshine processing and it makes ya' moonshine. 


*Windows Key to interact with briefcases and picking ingredients (Rocks, Sugar etc) *Custom Keybind 12 is earplugs, 11 is Redgulls. *Right Control + M brings up a mini map (If you have a gps) *Meth = Ephedra, Lithium (No Pickaxe required), Phosphorus, Moonshine = Sugar, Yeast, Corn. *U is to unlock/lock your vehicles



Also if you buy a expensive vehicle you should make sure you have enough to insure it as well so it doesn't get chopped and lost

Be a Retribution Paladin they are a top 5 spec in Altis. Crazy 1 hits but also dank healing ability if your tank is about to go down. With the right armor they also soak insane amounts of damage making you essentially a better form of a druid. They are a jack of all trades, but also one of the BEST dps at max level. They also have the coolest armor in the game.

Thanks for the helpful answers. This highlights the problem though.

where do I get the special personal protection gun permit and the guns?

Was the APD officer who told me helos had to fly at 150m and land 300m away from any building, full of poop?

How do I send a taxi request?

How ow do I answer a taxi request?

How do I get the name of a player that I see in game to send a message?

How do I send a taxi fee?

Do I have to do xyz in a special way?

Could I RP something not in the rules like an animal control employee?

There are endless questions and nuance to the rules.  Some of these could not be in a manual and are more server specific.

10 hours ago, PhaseShift said:

Thanks for the helpful answers. This highlights the problem though.

where do I get the special personal protection gun permit and the guns?

Was the APD officer who told me helos had to fly at 150m and land 300m away from any building, full of poop?

How do I send a taxi request?

How ow do I answer a taxi request?

How do I get the name of a player that I see in game to send a message?

How do I send a taxi fee?

Do I have to do xyz in a special way?

Could I RP something not in the rules like an animal control employee?

There are endless questions and nuance to the rules.  Some of these could not be in a manual and are more server specific.

Dont buy a WPL literally worthless, do shrooms in a suv with a rook/pdub

Yes 150m above the city and you cannot land 300meters within the DMV (just land at an air garage)

Cell Phone

Text the person that sent it

Tilde key/Being close and seeing it

Windows key is taxi fee

No just press M to see your map


Ok, well, I'm en-heartened.  Is that a word?

You've demonstrated that this community doesn't necessarily need a manual.

There is an overwhelming willingness to answer, even benign questions.

Bravo to you guys.  You've set yourselves a mile apart from mil-sim.

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More about the taxi thing: When sending a taxi request, it'd help the taxi if you told him or her where you're going and how much you're willing to pay. A fair price (based on package deliveries) is $1,500/km, although some may be cheaper and some may be more expensive. When you are waiting for a taxi, it's better that  you do not move from the location from which you sent the request, because then by the time the taxi gets there they may have to look around for you. Also if you get picked up by a taxi, but you know that another one is already on its way, it's very helpful if you text that other taxi that you've already been picked up. If you are a taxi and receive a request, it's helpful to text back that you are picking them up and how long it might take, although you don't have to do this. Even if you can't pick them up it's good to let them know. 

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