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Thanks for this Year on Olympus

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Olympus is fucking old, but in a good way. Now looking back from now to when I first started, back when Olympus was born and I went by a different name, when I got like $3M for doing an Orca full of moonshine. Little gangs here and there like [Prae] [MC] [DB] [PcP] all those old gangs born and while Big Bad Adam and Virus were everywhere terrorizing Kavala about 2 times a day. Then before I left Olympus for Asylum some gands I joined like [CmF] and [DRUNK] appeared and started being the 2 main gangs on Server 3 while [MC] was mainly on Server 2, and I think (correct me if I am wrong) [Prae] [Crook] [DB] and [Nerdz] were the main gangs on server 1.

My favorite memory on this server was my first day on and I meet JBruesch he gave me 10K for my kidney, then to have Big Bad Adam come along with a medic to soon give me surgery, and a free rook to then RDM all of Kavala and their store vendors. For the next year I wish that these old gangs, even though most are not labeled will come back and those that are still around come back as strong as they were to give the old players the nostalgic feelings of what Olympus used to be.

I Want to thank those labeled here for dealing with a Potato like me (I may miss a few)




(If your reading this Carl, I still want my $10K)

3 Rip.exe



(for letting me re-experience the fun of arma, and dealing with a shitter like me in your gang)


(For pulling me back into Arma and not letting me rot on Rust)



DocJoe Cornpsher



(for showing mercy)

Peter Long





Dustin [Both of em]



Mr Kevin

Mr Panda





Grandma Gary

Mathew Holston



Thank you guys for letting me actually experience joy on Olympus these last year(s)

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7 hours ago, Vicious_Guinea_Pig said:



(for letting me re-experience the fun of arma, and dealing with a shitter like me in your gang)


Thank you guys for letting me actually experience joy on Olympus these last year(s)

Thanks fam, we all know the Irish are supreme leaders of all things in the world.

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