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Kavala RP

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I have been playing on the Olympus servers for almost a week and I've seen many things. A great deal of those things is RDM and lack of RP from my fellow civilians. Yes I've seen it most in Kavala. Although Kavala is as we all know the most popular city in Altis, but I feel it could use more role play with more enforcement on role play and cracking down on RDM. Even citizens driving the speed limits and following traffic laws would be a nice start/change if we could some how as a community enforce it. That's just my two cents though. I'd love to meet you guys soon and thanks for reading :) 

Looking at a realistic standpoint, you need to understand that no matter how much you argue with them about it, there will always be players that don't know the rules, don't care about the rules, and players that bend the rules and break rp because they don't care. Coming from experience, I've been rdm'd countless times, and I get sick of it after a while. I joined R & R hoping I wouldn't get it as bad as I would as a civ, but it's the same crap. If it's one thing I've noticed about administration though, it's that they have a simple system here: record, submit, resolve. Often time it's difficult to try to convince moderators and admins to ban someone because of an active Rdm incident because in the end, they need to see proof, and I know they do believe and feel bad for everyone that complains about Rdm, but that's just the way it is. I'm an administrator of a Garry's mod community, I have been for 3 years, and it's the same crap there, record, report, resolve. If I'm unable to enter a game to fix an issue , I can sure as hell add a remote ban from the forums if a report is submitted. It's just like @G.O.A.T. said, they can't just sit there and watch as much as you'd like them to.

And hell, if that doesn't work, you can sure as hell RP your way into handling an rdm'er via APD/TPD requests, or you can take it into your own hands if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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5 hours ago, cryingorca said:

I have been playing on the Olympus servers for almost a week and I've seen many things. A great deal of those things is RDM and lack of RP from my fellow civilians. Yes I've seen it most in Kavala. Although Kavala is as we all know the most popular city in Altis, but I feel it could use more role play with more enforcement on role play and cracking down on RDM. Even citizens driving the speed limits and following traffic laws would be a nice start/change if we could some how as a community enforce it. That's just my two cents though. I'd love to meet you guys soon and thanks for reading :) 

The thing is, players come and go. The majority of RDMers and other rule breakers just got Arma/Just started playing Altis Life. Since they just started, they probably don't know the rules, so they assume it is just like Cock Of Booty Advanced Whorefare and shoot the shit out of everyone. These players often are not around for very long, but then new players come to replace them. It is a never ending loop with almost nothing that can be done. The staff are also VOLUNTEERS. They have lives and can not always watch over the server. If you want anythign to be done, just like what Goat said, Get out of Kavala, and start Recording

5 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

Listen man, here are my 2 suggestions:

Get out of Kavala

Start recording and submitting tickets on the RDM'ers. 

The mods/admins can't just sit in Kavala spectating people all day to see if they're RDMing. They have a lot of other things to do.

I get RDM's so many times in Kavala, it's not worth my time to submit a video. I bitch about it in sidechat and move on. Honestly not worth it unless I am fully geared.

I love all these posts that contain "I feel"  and "I think".  If people want to make a difference stop they need to stop making these posts and start recording and submitting reports.   Olympus has a handful of admins and moderators.  When they are on they do a fantastic job.  Unfortunately they cannot be on 24/7 as they are not robots.  They too are humans that require sleep and have other things going on in life other then keeping Kavala clean.  On a side note, they also handle tickets quickly and efficiently, just fyi...   Also, you are complaining about Kavala, which is the scat capital of Altis Life.  If you or anyone else doesent like getting RDM'd in Kavala, then stop hanging out in Kavala!  Really a simple solution as most people in Kavala are looking to cause trouble or enjoy the entertainment.  

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Everyone has a different opinion and expresses their version of how they Roleplay on Olympus. Players on Olympus have the freedom to role play as much or as little as they want. One cannot enforce roleplay on an individual as that would control how they play on the servers and no one wants to play a game that controls their actions and choices.  However if the chosen roleplay and actions do not follow the rules and guidelines that are set in place, then it would be handled accordingly. Muthinator's right we are not always there so we cannot catch every encounter or situation, however we do have a community that enjoys the servers and helps out by issuing tickets and reporting those that break rules. 


 I'm glad you are enjoying Olympus so far and welcome to the community. If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, hop in the Olympus team speak and visit our Support center.

  • Teamspeak3 IP: olympus.ts.nfoservers.com
9 hours ago, cryingorca said:

I have been playing on the Olympus servers for almost a week and I've seen many things. A great deal of those things is RDM and lack of RP from my fellow civilians. Yes I've seen it most in Kavala. Although Kavala is as we all know the most popular city in Altis, but I feel it could use more role play with more enforcement on role play and cracking down on RDM. Even citizens driving the speed limits and following traffic laws would be a nice start/change if we could some how as a community enforce it. That's just my two cents though. I'd love to meet you guys soon and thanks for reading :) 

Its fucking KAVALA. I said this way too many times

24 minutes ago, Talindor said:

Everyone has a different opinion and expresses their version of how they Roleplay on Olympus. Players on Olympus have the freedom to role play as much or as little as they want. One cannot enforce roleplay on an individual as that would control how they play on the servers and no one wants to play a game that controls their actions and choices.  However if the chosen roleplay and actions do not follow the rules and guidelines that are set in place, then it would be handled accordingly. Muthinator's right we are not always there so we cannot catch every encounter or situation, however we do have a community that enjoys the servers and helps out by issuing tickets and reporting those that break rules. 


 I'm glad you are enjoying Olympus so far and welcome to the community. If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, hop in the Olympus team speak and visit our Support center.

  • Teamspeak3 IP: olympus.ts.nfoservers.com

This is true. Sorry to everyone who sees this as another complaint. Definitely opened my eyes!

3 minutes ago, cryingorca said:

This is true. Sorry to everyone who sees this as another complaint. Definitely opened my eyes!

I didn't see this as a complaint, I see this as a new member of our community offering an opinion introducing themselves. 

  • 2 weeks later...

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