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Peterguy last won the day on June 29

Peterguy had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Peterguy

APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/13/2004

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
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Criminal (2/7)



  1. who has the most bans i have 31
  2. reminder this is a grown "woman" who has put vast emotional resources into a fucking arma 3 roleplay server with an average of 80 players at peak hours
  3. dpi jerking it all over your fucking screen
  4. please link the correct forums account next time THANKS sometimes u wasted so much time u just gotta take what u can get
  5. they are using controlled radiowaves to send signals into my brain and scrambling my receptors giving me homosexual feelings and pulsating attack thoughts to commit violence
  6. why do you happen to have to be in the distinction of actively pursuing me and hating me
  7. I'm in a hospital for broken angelsBoys try to play with me, I say "Fuck you all"When I come, you better pray to GodI'm in my asylum until the end of the worldI'm in a hospital for broken angelsBoys try to play with me, I say "Fuck you all" Laughing at a burning world, here we areI hear angels in the sky, I want to leaveI'm at Grave House MemorialAll decay, boy, will be your funeralChorus of trees, sing of your fallNine laps, send it, you know how we playI'm at Grave House Memorial All decay, boy, will be your funeral (Haugh) They write on the walls, hands make a sign Broken Wings, Cemetery of Angels
  8. Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View...Red Queen... Chess... Parallax View... manifestation
  9. I am thankful for music and for Kingdom Hearts in my childhood and for the kindness of my parents and family. I am not thankful for school, for the psychiatric hospital, and for all the other suffering I endured. I am thankful for psilocybin and the disembodied, robotic, female presence I felt. I am thankful to my sister for giving me mushrooms. I sometimes forget I have a sister but I should not forget. I should love her. I should love everyone but it is difficult when I feel like they don’t care about suffering and when they feel simulated/alien to me. Capitalism seems like a lie. Instead this is a controlled simulation. Art is created by the Hand of God, not by real humans such as myself. I am incapable of the creation of technology and art and writing of value and grandiosity. Why would humans procreate? I still don’t understand. Why would humans do anything at all. I still don’t understand. It feels like they are not doing it but a simulating force is
  10. 1 Timothy 6:12 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
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